Hassan Xildoon

Hassan Xildoon Freelance Journalist Based In Mandera County, Kenya 🇰🇪

Gabadha heesta “ Xamar Xabashigaa naga xiga” qaybta ka ahayd ma habboon tahay in ay Xamar show ku qabsato?!Maya!Sabab-tu...

Gabadha heesta “ Xamar Xabashigaa naga xiga” qaybta ka ahayd ma habboon tahay in ay Xamar show ku qabsato?!


Sabab-tu maxay tahay?!

Waxay qayb ka noqotay “ isku dir dadweyne iyo neceyb abuurid” “ inciting violence and hate conspiracy”

Raalligalin ay bixisay ma ku filantahay?!



Danbiga dadweynaha ama dowladda laga galo raallingalin kuma filno maxaa yeelay waa danbi (crime) ay ciqaab ka waajibtu!

Ciyaal Xamar, ama dadweynaha miyay howshan u taallaa?!

Waa maya!

Yaa howshan iska leh?

Xeer ilaalinta, booliska iyo Maxkamadaha!

Maxaa tala ah?!

Gabadhan halla mariyo ciqaabta ay mudantahay ee ah ka qayb-noqshada isku dirka dadka sida ku cad xeer ciqaabta Soomaaliyeed si isku dirka dadweynuhu uusan caadi u noqon!

African Development Bank gives Kenya Sh27.5 billion for the upgrade of the Isiolo-Mandera road, a road section from Elwa...

African Development Bank gives Kenya Sh27.5 billion for the upgrade of the Isiolo-Mandera road, a road section from Elwak to Gari to Rhamu located in Mandera County.

After an 18-month delay due to security concerns, the government has received Sh27.5 billion from the African Development Bank (AfDB) for the construction of the 140-kilometer El Wak–Rhamu road.

The road is part of the 740-kilometer Isiolo–Mandera Corridor, which is expected to boost regional trade and reduce transport costs in the northern region.

The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) on Tuesday confirmed the receipt of the funds via a public notice.

"The Government of the Republic of Kenya has received financing from the African Development Bank (AfDB) to fund the Multinational Horn of Africa Isiolo–Mandera Corridor: El Wak–Rhamu (A13) Road Upgrading Project," says KeNHA in a notice.

Initially scheduled to begin in August 2023, the project faced delays due to insecurity, primarily linked to threats from the Al-Shabaab militant group.

The AfDB noted that the "security situation in the project area is fluid," prompting the government to implement a security management plan to protect the entire corridor, not just the AfDB-financed section between El Wak and Rhamu.

Once completed, the Isiolo-Mandera Corridor will connect Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia, with trade volumes among these nations projected to increase by 15 per cent from approximately Sh25.7 billion to Sh29.5 billion annually.

The road will also cut travel time from 4.7 to 3.2 hours and lower vehicle operating costs by Sh25 per kilometre, from Sh90 to Sh65.

In a related move, the government has announced a tender for the supply of vehicles for the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Rapid Response Unit (RRU) in El Wak, Mandera County, as part of broader efforts to enhance security along the corridor and ensure smooth project implementation.


A promise made is a promise kept. President Ruto is a hero for the people of Northeastern Kenya.


Garissa Women Representative Edo Udgoon urged central leaders to respect the northeastern community. It is unacceptable to label an entire community or fellow leaders as Al-Shabaab.


Members of Parliament from the North Eastern region have addressed the criticisms made by Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Transnzoia Governor George Natembeya regarding President William Ruto's decision to eliminate the ID vetting process in their area.

The leaders emphasized the importance of unity and constructive dialogue, urging for a focus on the long-standing issues the North Eastern region faces, which has experienced marginalization for decades.

Members of Parliament from the North Eastern region have today addressed the criticisms made by Wiper leader Kalonzo Mus...

Members of Parliament from the North Eastern region have today addressed the criticisms made by Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Transnzoia Governor George Natembeya regarding President William Ruto's decision to eliminate the ID vetting process in their area.

The leaders emphasized the importance of unity and constructive dialogue, urging for a focus on the long-standing issues the North Eastern region faces, which has experienced marginalization for decades. They expressed hope that discussions can foster collaboration and understanding, rather than division.

Photos: Frontier

African leaders will convene in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the African Union Summit on February 15–16 where they will el...

African leaders will convene in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the African Union Summit on February 15–16 where they will elect the next AU Commission Chairperson.

The election’s outcome will influence Africa’s political and economic direction in the coming years, shaping the continent’s future priorities and policies.

The Chairperson of the Commission is elected for a four-year term, renewable once.


Mohamed Adow: I know how indignified the vetting process has been that your government is assuming as you stand there filling your forms that first of all you are not a national of that country. Getting that out of the way boosted the morale of the people of northeastern Kenya and we thank the President for doing that. For us, President William Ruto is a hero.


Adan Keynan: It is a fact that the Somalis are the second most populous community in Africa after the Oromos. The issue of IDs has a bit of colonial history.

I am not vouching for non-Kenyans to get IDs because that would be a security breach.


Adan Keynan: I want to go on record, what President Ruto has done for the people of Kenya, issues that have been avoided over the last 60 years.

We as the leadership are proud of the President’s actions, the President’s activities and all the things he has initiated over the last two years in Northern Kenya are more than what we have got over the last 60 years.


Kenyan Government Should Investigate Gachagua and Natembeya Over Their Demeaning Remarks Towards Northeastern Residents

By Hassan Xildoon and Adan

In recent weeks, troubling statements from prominent political figures have cast a shadow over the already precarious situation faced by Somali communities in Northern Kenya.

The governor of Transzoia County, Mr. Natembeya, made rounds on social media by implying that Kenya could be led by Al-Shabaab, a remark that has ignited discord among communities in the region.

Such comments are not only disheartening but also raise critical questions about the status and rights of Somali Kenyans.

Are they to be seen as second-class citizens incapable of leadership, or does Mr. Natembeya overlook the fact that many Somali Kenyans voted for him in his county?

Adding to this climate of division, former Deputy President Gachagua, who was impeached, publicly claimed that senior government positions are disproportionately held by Somalis in Northern Kenya.

This assertion is particularly shocking given that Gachagua campaigned in the region during the 2022 elections, recognizing the rights and contributions of Somali Kenyans.

His recent comments suggest a sudden shift in perspective that undermines the capabilities and rights of these communities.

The remarks from both leaders come against a backdrop of long-standing marginalization and insecurity that Somali communities have faced in Northern Kenya.

Bound by historical injustices, political neglect, and economic underdevelopment, these communities have often found themselves alienated from the national narrative.

The arbitrary borders drawn during the colonial era fragmented Somali territories, and the aftermath of the Shifta War further marginalized the population, leaving them feeling disenfranchised.

Political neglect remains a significant issue, with the central government historically overlooking the needs of Northern Kenya.

This neglect manifests in inadequate infrastructure, limited political representation, and a lack of investment in development, perpetuating poverty and underdevelopment.

Discrimination and suspicion from both the state and other ethnic groups further complicate the situation, hindering Somali Kenyans' access to resources and participation in national politics.

Economically, Northern Kenya is one of the country's most underdeveloped regions. Many residents rely on pastoralism for their livelihoods, a precarious existence increasingly threatened by climate change, land degradation, and resource conflicts.

The harsh realities of drought and desertification exacerbate poverty and fuel inter-communal tensions, creating a cycle of instability.

The region’s vulnerability to insecurity, particularly due to its proximity to Somalia, adds another layer of complexity.

The presence of armed groups like Al-Shabaab has led to frequent attacks, and counterterrorism measures often unfairly target Somali communities, resulting in accusations of profiling and human rights abuses.

This dynamic strains relations between the state and local populations.

Socially, the challenges of identity and belonging persist.

Many Somali Kenyans struggle to be recognized as integral members of the Kenyan nation due to their distinct cultural and linguistic heritage.

Additionally, the presence of Somali refugees in camps like Dadaab has strained resources and created tensions between refugees and host communities.

In light of these issues, it is crucial that the Kenyan government takes a stand against the inflammatory remarks made by Gachagua and Natembeya.

Their comments not only sow discord but also threaten to undermine the progress that has been made towards inclusivity and understanding. Investigating these leaders is essential to address the discrimination and marginalization faced by Somali communities.

Amid these challenges, we commend President William Ruto for his compassionate approach in rolling out a vigorous vetting process for vital documents such as passports and national IDs.

This initiative is a step towards inclusivity and fairness, acknowledging the rights of all Kenyans, including those in Northeastern regions. We assure you that we shall rally behind you come the 2027 elections.

Addressing the broader challenges faced by Somali communities in Northern Kenya requires a multifaceted approach. Inclusive governance and political representation are vital for ensuring that the voices of Somali Kenyans are heard.


“The Somali community that live in Northern Kenya are not criminals; they deserve to be respected.” ~ MP Kimilili Didmus Barasa.

Does Beauty Matter in PoliticsBy Hassan Adan And Hassan Xildoon In the bustling political landscape of Lafey Constituenc...

Does Beauty Matter in Politics

By Hassan Adan And Hassan Xildoon

In the bustling political landscape of Lafey Constituency, Amran Wardhere is making headlines as she embarks on her campaign for the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2027

Wardhere is actively making overnight calls to Elders to persuade them of her suitability for the role of Member of Parliament.

She emphasizes both her competence and her beauty, promising to travel to remote villages to connect with voters.

However, Wardhere’s journey is not without its challenges.

Many in her community have expressed their disapproval, citing her past behavior and her recent affiliation with the United Democratic Movement (UDM)—a party that lacks popularity in the constituency.

Adding to the skepticism is her previous attempt to secure a political seat, which ended in disappointment.

Critics often allege that she has altered her appearance, claiming she has “made herself the most beautiful lady in Lafey,” a sentiment that raises questions about the intersection of beauty and political viability.

As the election approaches, the pressing question on many lips is whether Wardhere can succeed in a male-dominated race.

Can her beauty, which some believe may have been enhanced, actually propel her to victory in the 2027 elections?

Scientific theories suggest that attractiveness may indeed play a significant role in political success.

Research from Northwestern University has explored the “halo effect,” a phenomenon where individuals attribute positive traits to physically attractive people.

This tendency can lead to increased votes for candidates who possess conventional good looks.

The study, titled "The Political Gender Gap: Gender Bias in Facial Inference that Predict Voting Behavior," involved participants rating the faces of Congressional candidates.

The results revealed that male candidates were often perceived as more competent, while female candidates were judged primarily on their attractiveness and approachability.

Notably, the study concluded that for women, beauty is often an expectation alongside competence.

Further supporting this notion, a study led by Professor Rosenberg demonstrated that candidates can influence perceptions of their ability through their appearance.

Participants rated head-and-shoulder shots of women to assess how "able-looking" they appeared, identifying specific traits—such as facial symmetry and a warm smile—that contributed positively to their evaluations.

Sources close to Wardhere suggest that her "regal wide smile" and “disarming beauty” are central to her campaign strategy.

Yet, the lingering question remains: will her looks be enough to overcome the political landscape's biases and previous setbacks?

The dynamics of beauty in politics are not just theoretical.

A recent study by the Arabia Media Network highlighted the success of a candidate for Garissa County's women representative, who garnered widespread support due in large part to her attractive campaign imagery.

This phenomenon underscores the potential impact of appearance on electoral success.

As Amran Wardhere navigates the complexities of her campaign, she embodies the intricate relationship between beauty and political ambition. While competence and community engagement are critical, the influence of physical attractiveness cannot be dismissed.

With the 2027 elections on the horizon, her journey may reveal whether beauty truly can sway the political tide in Lafey Constituency.


Mothers in Mandera who are struggling to survive for their children in the markets of Mandera are crying out against the harsh UDM regime.

The village party UDM must be dusted in 2027.

On January 31, 2025, the village party UDM governor of Mandera County, Mohamed Adan Khalif, made appointments that raise...

On January 31, 2025, the village party UDM governor of Mandera County, Mohamed Adan Khalif, made appointments that raised significant concerns among members of our community. He selected his younger brother, Liban Adan Khalif, to chair the board of El Wak Sub-County Referral Hospital, and appointed his niece, Shamhad Mohamud, as a member of the Mandera County Referral Hospital board, (see the picture below)

It appears that efforts were made to secure loyalty among officials through financial considerations. Notably, every Member of the County Assembly (MCAs), chief officer, and County Executive Committee Members (CECMs) seems to have family members included in various hospital management boards.

As engaged citizens, we face a choice: to remain passive while these developments unfold or to take constructive action to ensure that Mandera County remains a space governed for and by its people, rather than perceived as a family-run entity. I believe it is vital to advocate for the interests of our community.

The village party UDM nepotism must be dusted in 2027.

Xamaas, ayaa maanta masraxeeda Qasa ku soo bandhigtay intii la wareejinay saddex maxbuus oo Israa’iili ah , qori uu laha...

Xamaas, ayaa maanta masraxeeda Qasa ku soo bandhigtay intii la wareejinay saddex maxbuus oo Israa’iili ah , qori uu lahaa sarkaal ka tirsan guutada ugu sarreysa ciidanka Israa’iil ee Golani, iyadoo khasnadda qoriga lagu qoray magaca sarkaalka ciidanka Israa’iil , Tomer Nager, kaasoo lagu dilay weerarkii 7 Oktoobar,2023 , lagana soo qaatay qorigiisa gaarka ahaa..!

Waa maxay ujeedka laga leeyahay ?

Xamaas, wax uma sameyso ujeeddo la’aan, hadda ficilka wuxuu la xiriira xasuusin naxaris darran iyo farriin la xiriirta cawaaqibka uu ku dambeynayo sarkaal kasta oo ka hor yimaada Qasaam; “ Waa inaad dib u fakarta , ka hor inta aadan naga hor-imaan, haddii kale hal mar, labo mar iyo marar badan ayaan ka oohin doonaa qoyskaaga..”!


The decline of the UDM party in Mandera County began when the Corner Tribe announced their switch to the UDA party.


Sheikh Mohamed maalim Ali waa wadaad kamid ah shacabka magaalada Mandera, wadaadka ayaa wuxuu bulshada reer Mandera iyo umada soomaaliyeed ka codsanaaya in la caawiyo.

Sheikh Mohamed oo kaso muuqaday muuqal lagu baahiyey barta Facebook ayaa wuxuu sheegay in baabur taxi ah uu ilmahiisa iyo reerkisa uga xamaalanaayey u shil ka galay muddo 50 maamlmod ahna garaash iska yaalo.

Sida uu muuqaalka ku sheegay shiiqa baaburka marka horeba deyn ayuu uga so qaatay shirkad baabur oo ay gaalo leedahay asago lacagta baaburka kis hor mariyey wixi kalena bil iskaaga bixinayey deynta.

Madaama u hadda baaburka shil galay uusana shaqeynin shirkiddi baaburta ayaa ka rabto qarashka deynta aha mise baaburka.

Sheikh Mohamed ayaa wuxuu bulshada Muslimka ah u sheegay in baaburka deyntiisa ay ku har saneyd lacag 300,000 shilling ah, sameynta baaburka shilka galeyna gaareysa lacag 200,000 shilling ah, wadarta lacagta ayaa isku noqoneysa 500,000 shilling ah.

Shiiqa ayuu wuxuu madaxda ismaamulka Mandera iyo bulshada soomaaliyeed baaq u diray in lacagtaas laga bixiyo mise baaburka loo sameeya, si u dib shaqdiisa uga laabta ilmahiisana uga xamaasho lacagta deynta ahna oo baaburka iskaaga bixiyo.

Waxaad kala xiriri kartaan lambarka shaashaa muuqalka ku dul qoran.


Bulla Mpya


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