Nyeri county news digital network

Nyeri county news digital network Sharing information and ideas for better representation in leadership.

Konyu ward representation in the county assembly will be on the scales like everywhere else in the country. A change of ...

Konyu ward representation in the county assembly will be on the scales like everywhere else in the country. A change of leadership is healthy and even better with a change in gender, since, the era of the councilors konyu ward have always been led by men, that's why the people have this time around decided to try the leadership of a woman, and not just any woman, a mature woman of integrity and experience. Its important to note here that the men and women aspiring for the MCA post in Konyu ward are respectable individuals of integrity and deserving but as Mrs Mwangi my std iv English teacher used to say in the teaching of the English grammer, the classification of quality tells the order of things, GOOD, BETTER AND BEST. In my personal opinion, the best bet for Konyu MCA post is the Hon Elizabeth Wanjiku/ Mwalimu, well its debatable and the public decides at the polls, so LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE.

Elsewhere on Facebook, the Hon Erick Mwangi Wamumbi have posted that the Gatina jumbo tank is now full of water, good ne...

Elsewhere on Facebook, the Hon Erick Mwangi Wamumbi have posted that the Gatina jumbo tank is now full of water, good news as it were or on the surface of it. Initially, we were told that the water source for the tank would be the borehole near Kwa mbiga mawasco tank, The Hon Wamumbi announced on several public platforms that the pipes were already available and the system will be in place to feed the tank.
Reliable information confirms that the tank was filled from mawasco piping system.
We are asking ourselves many questions including why in God's name have our incumbent MCA chosen to insult our intelligence, we know for a fact that Mawasco water is commercial based with a return on investment for the company, who will pay for this water? We also know for a fact that Mawasco water is chlorinated and can't be used for irrigation. This free water for drinking and irrigation is a sham and one big lie. Kwa Nini kiongozi ana ndanganya watu?
The Hon Wamumbi, what are these two steps you are taking with the people of gatina and Konyu in general? What's this wanton and misuse of taxpayers money? The gatina people are asking some hard questions and expect honest answers, the borehole at gatina was sank at a cost of three million six hundred and seventy eight one hundred a seventy six( Ksh 3.678176) which was factored in the 2018/2019 budget. is this bad money after good money or what is the position, is the building of the jumbo tank a substitution of the whole gatina water project including the borehole, we are asking questions and we need answers asap.
The late Governor Gakuru's dream was to have a borehole for the gatina people, free water for irrigation and domestic use, what we are witnessing is a Mockery of that dream.

How qualified is your choice of leader for Konyu ward?Mine is the Hon Elizabeth Wanjiku/Mwalimu and with good reasons, (...

How qualified is your choice of leader for Konyu ward?
Mine is the Hon Elizabeth Wanjiku/Mwalimu and with good reasons, (1)she has leadership experience both as a teacher and school principal for many years, (2) apart from being tested, she is mature and to the best of my knowledge an honest individual (3) the character testimonial and willingness to help the community is self explanatory and common knowledge. (4) a person who works without biased and favour is my choice of leader a person who has an ear for everybody's problems,

When a person decides to join politics, his or her status in society change.He or she is looked upon as a source of hope...

When a person decides to join politics, his or her status in society change.
He or she is looked upon as a source of hope to the people in the community especially the vulnerable and needy.
When the Hon Wanjiku wa Mugo or Mwalimu a nominated MCA from konyu visited a group of about 80 women at Nduuru in mukore of Konyu location where she donated 40 plastic chairs assisted by Mr Njagi wa githendu a local son and a teacher, the star and hero of the moment was Priscilla waititu karaya an elderly lady who had her right leg amputated at the ankle and consigned to a wheelchair.
Mwalimu who is known for her concern for the less previlleged in society promised to provide this lady with a wheelchair to replace her old and not too good wheelchair.
The women in their culture and nature never send back a contributor or benefactor empty handed, in an impromptu and hurriedly organised but efficient response to Hon wanjiku's donation of chairs and the promise to Priscilla, she was given a banana from a nearby shamba and other gifts.
The Hon Wanjiku is not only aspiring and campaigning for the Konyu ward member of county assembly position, she is getting personally attached to the people while going about it.
A woman have motherly concern and empathy, that's why the future is female in konyu ward.
Round hii ni mama

There is a score card and other factors that help voters make their decisions on the suitability of a candidate.The most...

There is a score card and other factors that help voters make their decisions on the suitability of a candidate.
The most important is concern for the welfare of the community especially the vulnerable and elderly members. The problem has always been there with the national government chipping in mostly for the elderly and the physically challenged, but the situation has been worsened by the covid19 pandemic.
It is in this spirit of concern that the Hon Wanjiku wa Mugo or Mwalimu as she is popularly known has been visiting the elderly and vulnerable in the villages giving what she has in terms of food stuffs and other items like sanitary towels for girls. In the photos below, the Hon Wanjiku a nominated MCA from konyu ward is seen distributing packages of food stuffs to a group of elderly people at Ihiga village in Mukore. Give us our daily bread as the bible says means something for that day in the spirit of living one day at a time.
(O muthenya ni muigane ni maundu ma guo)

As a business man Jimmy Wanjigi is in the top drawer, as a gentleman, he is way up in the top notch, good business men m...

As a business man Jimmy Wanjigi is in the top drawer, as a gentleman, he is way up in the top notch, good business men make good managers, being a gentleman is an added advantage, a country is a corporate of sorts, where a company is as good as its run by its managers, a country carries the character of its President or chief executive.
Jimmy Wanjigi has played important roles for this county's choice of leadership, it takes a patriot to use their resources and time to broker peace for his country and everybody's good.
Jimmy Wanjigi is not in the tautology and pleonasm of politics and not for lack of funds or voice, a self made millionaire, he is a man who believes in hard work not in political pleonasms and tautologies.
The world today in the rat race spells that only those who will work hard and long will finally make it.
Without a doubt Mr Jimmy Wanjigi is hardworking, like in the case of former President kibaki whose economic policies rubbed off in his administration, Jimmy wanjigis hard work character will rub off to the rest of the country.
Mr Jimmy Wanjigi though I don't know him personally as the chief executive or president would be the best thing to happen to this country after kibakis perfect thingamajigs.
Jimmy Wanjigi is not only the best person suited to succeeded Uhuru Kenyatta, he is the perfect choice.
The dirt and the murk in the kieleweke and tangatanga needs a person to clean it, the most suited man for this is Mr Jimmy wanjigi pictured below.

A good leader will listen to advice and accept constructive criticism, politics is about the people, policies and servic...

A good leader will listen to advice and accept constructive criticism, politics is about the people, policies and services, not about personality, personal differences or an individuals private life, what political mileage is there in telling a gathering that even if so and so owns a chopper, we the poor will never ask for a lift, this is in the least downright petty and childish in its intended appeal for sympathy, especially for a person who have constructed a multimillion shillings resident using taxpayers money.
Going overdrive when someone tells you or talks about a bottleneck in the public service where one is responsible is not politics, it is idiocy.
You may look heroic or think its impressive when being abusive or being confrontational to persons senior to you in age or political position, but in reality it doesn't add any mileage, you could do better to consult and revisit your priorities.
Here, I'm talking about Governor Mutahi Kahiga and his drama with Senator Ephraim Mwangi Maina. Has the rhetoric put drugs in our health facilities? Well no, go to Kiamabara health center, Ndimaini and Gatina dispensaries to mention the facilities in my area, what is the use of impressive buildings without drugs? What is the use of good or marramed rural roads if a patient will die after arriving quickly and in comfort to a hospital?
It is true that the senator flies sometime but does this disqualify him from pointing out anomalies in the making of roads? An aircraft is a means of transport to get from point A to B, the impression that the senator lives in the skies is backward and in bad taste, it actually displays a measure of envy and simple mindedness.
Was the senator out off topic when he talked about the shoddy work and substandard materials used in the construction of our roads?
If the Governor continues with this trend of intolerance, he will get very far in the wrong direction, arguing on facts is political sense, but living in the dreamland, trying to defend lies and getting excited about it is political nonsense.
Equip the health facilities and supply them with drugs, that should be your priority Mr KAHIGA, you are not in office to bang a fist or assert authority, in any case you are still in the experimental stage since you are not elected in the first place, be very very careful with your image and character, they may come to haunt you later, politics is delicate and should be handled with kid gloves

Kingpin, defucto, spokesperson are all synecdoches  for a person with a  huge following or popularity. Raila Amolo Oding...

Kingpin, defucto, spokesperson are all synecdoches for a person with a huge following or popularity. Raila Amolo Odinga is the luo community's BaBa, Jakom, Tinga and many other names of praise. The luo community has shown that sticking to your guns pays divides in the long run. While the people from the mountain have been engaged in childish political tantrums and chasing the wind, these guys and one can't help but to envy them followed their leader to the handshake and the BBI.
You only to look at the turn of events to know that they have been right and we are wrong.
One would be forgiven to mistake the crowd in kisumu for a scene in central Kenya where the president comes from, this is actually the building bridges initiative in action, history is already being made.
Do we have something to learn from our brothers in Nyanza? Alot if I may say, National cohesion must start with us as a community and the relation with our leaders, While wondering in the political wilderness, the people of the mount found an oasis that instead of quenching their thirst and resting their bodies, they are now trapped in a maze of political propaganda, no one knows where they will end up after the many blind routes and cul de sucs.
The Swahili in their wisdom say, asiesikia la mkuu huvujika guu.
Well, HE the president have done his part and his level best to the community and Kenyans out of this maze but keep going back to the hall of mirrors.
The president willm maybe one day while talking about legacy remind Kenyans especially those from the mountain about the warnings, the hankering and the cajoling he had to do to make people see the real situation.
As for me and the like minded, we'll listen and follow the president, the political equation may be solved differently, but if there are thorns on the dance floor, our conscience will be clean

Kenya as a country have been divided into a two tier axis, the pro BBI or the axis of patriotic individuals, poised and ...

Kenya as a country have been divided into a two tier axis, the pro BBI or the axis of patriotic individuals, poised and shrewd to make Kenya a better country than it currently is lead by the President. The second with the word second bold and emphatically strong in every sense of the word is the axis of arrogance, impertinence and profligate individuals lead by the deputy president. Ambition is a good thing, but like everything else its harmful and degenerates when taken too far.
Ambition is a driving force to achievement and efficiency. The extra mile beyond a certain notch turns the good in ambition to greed and greed is a dangerous quality in a leader, greed can turn an otherwise good leader into an animal or even worse, Dictators, juntas and the like are made out of greed and designs.
Once they start rolling they never stop or don't know when to stop until its too late to stop the chaos and anarchy.
Fortunately, the signs of greed are all there for any one to see, there is always ample time to make sound decisions.
The BBI is a good document, why should anyone rejoice when it seems to falter in its journey?
Who are we, and where are we going? The answer is only God knows. The brigands think they know all the answers but God in heaven will keep this country in the hands of true patriots with the love of this country at heart and some greedy punks out for what they can make or get once in leadership.

I would like to believe in the slogan "Hapa Nyeri ni kazi tu", I would like to add a rejoinder to this slogan, " lakini ...

I would like to believe in the slogan "Hapa Nyeri ni kazi tu", I would like to add a rejoinder to this slogan, " lakini sio bora kazi" we want quality standard work and services, would you say that the road shown in this photo have been marramed? It looks like somebody threw a few stones about to satisfy the public curiosity. If this is the kind of service that the county government is rendering, its no wonder that the jokers at the county governments helm have become overnight millionaires.
Nyeri county government subjects have a monkey on their backs, fortunately, not for long

What makes our current leaders tick? In politics, its self interest, a general term in collective application but differ...

What makes our current leaders tick? In politics, its self interest, a general term in collective application but differs on individuals in the level of personal ambition.
Ambition and self interest are in the human nature, they are healthy attributes when well versed, its when pride, presumptuousness and haughty characteristics are displayed along. How else can voters interpret statements like, "to vie for the mathura member of parliament, one must be prepared to spend Ksh a billion" This is not only a matter of pecuniary pride but also an intimidation to would be contesters an abuse of democracy, its process and the Mathira constituency voters.
Do the people here worship money?
While still on personal ambition and self interest, some our leaders have gone overboard in matters corruption and misuse of public funds, just the other day, the governor who incidentally was not elected by the people but got the post through an act of God has had built a private residence worth millions, before he was given the governors post, he could not even afford the carriage lantern lights at each side of the maingate at the entrance of this residence.
There is a lot that we know of the lucrative corruption ring and benefits in kick backs through county government tenders on projects, from murraming rural roads and other projects where our leader is involved and is active left and right.
There are however a brand of leaders whose mien is untainted, they are as somebody said once, " white as wool.
All said and done, the days of feudal and exploitive politics are long gone, democracy is the keyword. we know the rotten apples in the barrel and we'll sort them out when the time comes.

I read somewhere that the Ihiga ECDE pit latrine project at the Ihiga primary school have been revisited, the project wa...

I read somewhere that the Ihiga ECDE pit latrine project at the Ihiga primary school have been revisited, the project was in the 2019/2020 annual development plan, the contractor is allegedly on ground, on the face of it, this is very good news, but when we dig deeper into matters, there some questions that needs answering and situations that need explaining by the incumbent MCA the Hon Wamumbi.
What happened to the original tender on the project? In the 2019/2020 ADP, the project was funded at a around Ksh 763000, this was the BQ that the contractor was to work on, In the 2021/2022 ADP, the same project is funded at around Ksh 500000, what has changed in the projects BQ that the cost has been reduced by Ksh 263000?.
These are questions we want answered with documentary evidence as to what happened to first figure, is it or part of it factored in the current project and why it was necessary to revisit and fund this project. It will be hard to convince any right thinking person that the pit that was dug only three feet deep accounted for Ksh 763,000 fund by the county government.
As I have mentioned elsewhere, there are too many underlying problems in most development projects in Konyu ward.
The situation is not helped by the q***r character and the lying nature of our leaders, they will lie or cheat without batting an eye lid, one wonders if they have a conscience with this degree of callousness.
Just the other day the MCA lied to a mourning family at Njororoma in Ndimaini that he will contribute a funeral expense by giving Ksh 3000, the message was announced by the MCAs personal assistant, the short and long of it is that this contribution was never given or did not reach mourners.
The lying is that bad, it has reached this level, amorous, shameless and downright disgusting. It will probably get dirtier as we approach 2022.
My prayer is God help Konyu

On the 20th of march 2021, the Hon Elizabeth Wanjiku(Mwalimu) and her team were at Mutitu area of lower Konyu near Ndima...

On the 20th of march 2021, the Hon Elizabeth Wanjiku(Mwalimu) and her team were at Mutitu area of lower Konyu near Ndimaini shopping center, photos below.
The team visited the elderly and give them a few things for the days meal. Though we all know the difficulties that we are going through in these times of the covid19 second wave, especially the vulnerable in society and the elderly, I know that cynics will be firing several rounds a minute in criticism, well its their God given right, but while at it, the logic is paying in kind, The Hon Wanjiku may have given a few packets of maize and wheat flour, cooking fat and other items, why do you fight this generosity with empty rhetoric, the need for help to our community is not limited to anything, why do the critics not give something to those in need in society? say a packet of sugar bar of soap etc.
However, as the saying goes, the prying eyes of the flogs in the river do not prevent the cows from drinking water( a Kikuyu saying that busy bodies only encourage determination).
So far Team Wanjiku have visited several elderly and vulnerable people at different times and in different areas in Konyu with her goodies and words of encouragement.
A slogan is slowly being made and Mwalimu is reffered to as Mama Konyu in several of the area she has visited and left her mark of generosity, is the trending hashtag.
Mutitu area is not the first and its not going to be the last to see Mwalimus footsteps of sympathy and generosity to the less privileged in the community.
Mutumia ari tha ( A woman especially a mother has sympathy)


On the 15th of march 2021, the Hon Elizabeth Wanjiku Mugo or Mwalimu as we all know her used her resources to send a message of good will, encouragement and motivation to our five day secondary and twelve primary schools.
Accompanied by her team, she visited each school and personally presented a success card and a transparent geometrical set to each candidate. This was followed by a short speech of encouragement from the former teacher.
Once a teacher always a teacher, the teacher in her veins came back several times pushing the politician in the background, at one time, she almost lectured in the revision of a history lesson at Gaturiri primary school.
Politics like everything else requires a positive approach, calculated passion, maturity, a character free from hate, mischief and jealousies.
The Hon Wanjiku has only set the pace in this direction, a direction that has the consideration and concern of the community factored in the plans and strategies of a politician.
The community is everyone's base including the politician, aspiring and incumbent, negative criticism, retrogressive tactics, dirty and outdated approach to competition will only sink this community deeper into the quagmire.
A word of encouragement to this lady of good will, Go, go Mwalimu.

The Covid19 pandemic have been with us now for quite sometime, It has been treating us abnormally, we have been living a...

The Covid19 pandemic have been with us now for quite sometime, It has been treating us abnormally, we have been living abnormally, spending abnormally and even breathing abnormally.
Take the difficulties in our stride have not bean easy with the economy on the red, lost jobs, lost opportunities maintaining our lives and those of our dependants an everyday challenge.
The leaders too have to rise to the occasion and move with the tide, its not a matter of behaving abnormally but being responsible and mindful of the community welfare that make leaders go the extra mile to help.
as the Swahili say, " Kwa hali na Mali".
The Hon Wanjiku wa Mugo( Mwalimu) team a nominated MCA from Konyu ward went that extra mile in the hali na Mali spirit. Using her own money donations from friends and other sources, Wanjiku has contributed immensely in alleviating the suffering of the vulnerable and the needy in society. the photos below are a self explanatory take in stock of the activities by the team in the community over a period of time.
As the Bible says, " give us this day our daily bread" its not about politics, its about helping the community overcome the challenges in these difficult times. As for the cynics who eat dream and sleep politics, ITS POLITICS OF CARE AND CONCERN FOR THE DISADVANTAGED IN THE COMMUNITY.

THE AYES HAVE IT!I nearly broke into a jig from the public gallery after this anouncement, like most Kenyans of good wil...

I nearly broke into a jig from the public gallery after this anouncement, like most Kenyans of good will this was good news and a new dawn in Nyeri county especially in Mathira, a sign of the things to come, " the ground is shifting"
This however was not a bed of roses for the Hon Eric Mwangi Wamumbi the current member of the county assembly for Konyu ward,with all the definition of the words, his sands are running out, there is a saying in my language that "a person who is being lied to has time while the liar has no time" Mheshimiwa Wamumbi with all his blatant and shameless lying has never been exposed as he was today, he had the effrontery to shamelessly and without batting an eye lid to tell the house that there was no public participation for the B.B.I document in Mathira east subcounty, a participation that he attended and even contributed. Wamambati the honourable member for Magutu ward who had also attended the public participation at Karatina was so incensed that she told the Hon Wamumbi to his face not to shamelessly tell lies.
One wonders, if he had the audacity to tell such lies to fellow members, how far can he go in lying to the ordinary Mwanchi? Sure, he has a democratic right to his views and opinions but truth is an important factor both in a democratic process and a leaders integrity.
Mheshimiwa is getting dirtier and tasteless by the day, we are almost inclined to think that he is not entirely sober and is probably under the influence of something, what has happened to this young man?.
One may ask what interest we have on his personal character, but once you elect a leader, his character becomes your interest and you want to know and follow things about him or her.
Anyway with the Hon Wamumbis clouded character not withstanding, Nyeri county government assembly is counted among the proponents and supporters of the building bridges document, The members have done us proud, they have reclaimed our glory in the national limelight


In the history of this country, 2022 will be an election year with a few or no parallels.
For the first time, there will be a contest and probably bad blood between a sitting president and the second in command.
The Nyumba ya Mumbi will for the first time if the present trend continues be divided in their support for a candidate.
I want to believe and infact believe that his Excellency the president Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta has the welfare of all Kenyans and not only those from the mountain on his building bridges initiative wrapped legacy.
Nyumba ya Mumbi is only one tribe among many in this country, they should not give conditions to pass the BBI document with outlandish demands that coffee and tea must be factored with a guranteed minimum return, though a good idea, it's not feasible, in a country of almost fourty five tribes, it's a ridiculous condition which sounds better as a delay tactic, eye catcher, political rhetoric and propaganda.
What are the authors of this document supposed do? factor coffee and tea with this GMR and risk an avalanche of demands from every tribe in Kenya? a GMR in pyrethrum, cattle and other lifestock sales or incomes from cottage industries. The safe bet is a general approach on agriculture just as we have in the 2010 constitution.
Hii maneno ya sijui kahawa a chai ni siasa tu ya kuendeleza propaganda.
The president has a vision for this country and a good will for it's people.

After Sen Irungu Kang'atas letter to  President Uhuru Kenyatta,l have been asking myself if the contents were just rheto...

After Sen Irungu Kang'atas letter to President Uhuru Kenyatta,l have been asking myself if the contents were just rhetoric or substance, the truth, lies or just politics. On reflection, I concluded that the good Senator was being honest both to himself and the people of mount Kenya, if anyone of us were to write a letter to the head of State about the BBIs situation on the ground that's what we would say, why? because it's the truth. As any good salesman will tell you, telling is not selling, you need to go that extra mile to convince people. Narratives like oh, the BBI is such a good document and will benefit the people from central in a big way is not selling, that's telling. The BBI is not popular in mount Kenya, not because it's a bad document but because of negative politics of the moment, a lack of sufficient information about the nature and intention of the document, poor lobbying and too much government force and interest behind it, for it to make headway, the common man must own it, the people up there must touch base and connect with the ground.
So you see Mr President, people do not oppose the BBI, it's just a communication breakdown, don't just tell us about the document, sell it to us. People will always ask you this question when the talk about it "How can I believe in a document I have not read or even seen?
What will turn the tide here is not the ridiculous jukwaa dancing that nobody can stop reggae, this only sounds like the document is being pushed down our throats, the best axis in this is to roll your sleeves and sweat it up and down the ranges .
I'm sure the president is sanguine and means well for this country but good will alone cannot convince people especially with the political prejudice and dilitante know alls in this country.
Many of us can see Uhuru Kenyatta's judicious advice and warning of not a light at the end of the tunnel but a consuming fire, he is holding the horns of a dangerous animal that threatens mortal combat.IKITAFUTA UONGOZI KWANZA, THEN... GOD HELP US!
THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, it's neither foolish nor out of fashion, a stitch in time saves nine.

There is no international consensus on measuring the level or standard of basic needs for an individual or family unit, ...

There is no international consensus on measuring the level or standard of basic needs for an individual or family unit, generally, the absolute basic needs thresholds are determined by measuring survival needs like food and shelter for different sized House holds, a basic need or requirements cannot be measured by income alone.
Low income seniors people with disabilities and geriatrics are some of the vulnerable groups that require attention and a little help now and then, people living in poor circumstances are not necessarily who (or where) you think.
Basic needs or standard of want is multidimensional, it accounts for health, education and standards of living including access to clean water, sanitation, electricity and quality housing because of the fundamental role each plays in allowing the family unit reach a decent life.
Much has been done in terms of development by both the national and county goverments, this has however been only universal and in general terms, reaching to the family unit is also important, helping in the family expense and practical support goes along way. It is in this spirit that the nominated MCA the Hon Wanjiku wa Mugo or Mwalimu as she is populary known visited a group of women in Matiraini area and provided them with some food provisions, there is a saying that a days meal can save a man, as the bible says in the lords prayer, give us our daily bread.
Women are important people in family units, they are the prime movers and central in the family economy, as the saying goes, "if you assist a man, you help only one man, but if you help a woman, you help the whole family. The photos below attest to the joy and appreciation by the women beneficiaries.
This is one of several such occasions and I think more to follow from the Hon Wanjikus generosity

Senator Ephraim Maina is not only a respected elder and leader, he is a man of integrity and deserves respect.A man of h...

Senator Ephraim Maina is not only a respected elder and leader, he is a man of integrity and deserves respect.
A man of his status should not be a subject of half baked concoctions, blatant lies and crazy conspiracy theories, During a fundraiser in Gatina village sometimes back, The Hon Eric Mwangi Wamumbi told that gathering that the senator has lost touch with the ground( those present will bare me witness), that what will he tell the people when the time comes if he does not help them now, these kind of politics are misguided and petty in nature, every politician worth their salt has a social network that connects him to the ground even in the absence of their physical presence.
The matter could have taken an ordinary political dimension if the Hon Wamumbi had not shifted goal posts in another venue where he said that Senator Ephraim Maina is very popular on the ground but for a certain individual who is the one spoiling things for him at the grassroots.
I'm surprised that the Hon Wamumbi have the effrontery to speak a single bad word about this person who was his bridge or go between to senator Ephraim who was the main sponsor of his campaigns, he is infact lately in his appreciation to the generosity extended to him by the senator.
Those of us who know a thing or two about the truth of the matter are not only dismayed but are really taken a back by the ridicule and chest thumping shown and directed to the man's benefactors in his hour of need.
Why all these blatant lies? Even the bible says that the truth shall set you free.
Someone tell me what this is, this blowing hot and cold is certainly not politics. The ground is shifting and singing a different tune, anyone not ignoring the message and the mood on the ground will be in for a rude shock






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