The reason we read and revisit history is to learn where we went wrong, accept our great grandparents' mistakes as our own such that we can be punished for those very mistakes but as humans, we need to explain why they did what and what we are doing so that we don't do the same thus we get killed or swiped out.
Understanding this means already we have been Punished.
Ajang Duot
The great Paramount chief of Bor was none other than my grandfather Ajang Duot. Ajang died owning 12 wives and NOTE my grandfather wasn't Educated or wealthy.
My grandpa got his education amidst Dinka men who were also accessing it, but he came out one because he explained knowledge in Jiëëng dialect.
During his times, mony Bor used to be punished as Mony Twi same strokes same style. He understood authority, judgment and punishment that people liked him as someone to tell them what's good from what's bad so people pick and choose. People loved this and Bor Ku TWI were united.
I will not dig deep because his demise has our own TWI's hand in it but my main point from his era was disintegration of BOR to Bor and TWI. Twi killed Ajang through collaboraters from within.
Twi and Bor Ku Jiëëng in general wasn't ever the same again. That time the Arabs were taking over and real suppression enhanced. We suffered and felt into divide and rule era becauese we saw we were not good people when we get so used to knowing what each other knows. Ajang went!
Garang De Mabior
Garang had accessed Education and Kerubino Kunayin who was in charge of the then militia appointed Garang to lead the rebellion beacuse of one thing, 'EDUCATION'. of cause everyone was wise now but Garang had the upper hand of Education which could earn Junubin foreign support. The new era began.
The rebellion was well planned but poorly organized as it lead to immediate destruction of our own culture and aliention of our land. People started joining army at tender ages and the know how of roots, rules and tribal pride kicked in.
The Movement had a genuine course of liberating Junubin but the knowledge of punishing wrong doers and separating evil desended from community leaders to rebellion leader's hands.
Military came with knowledge and as it was comprising of men with guns they took over community leadership and Garang imposed his rules from and between his officials to the common man where the communities understood why their people were arranged for firing in their presence.
It became a mess. If you offend the public which the movement represented, you receive even death penalty so that you serve as an example and also to ease up the heat between the people you offend and your people.
People were killed to prevent evils done from within. A lot of soldiers from different clans and tribes died under movement. My point is that his era had enemies from within and with technology they swiped him out with a neighbors plane. Fill the missing part.
Kiir Mayardit
Kiir was appointed by DINKA council of elders same day Garang died. Of course some people celebrated while majority mourned and lost hope. Kiir appeared harsh as his movement want to know who killed their father.
They tried up and down until securing their country South Sudan from Sudan. Finally we felt free and felt happy but the same guys who were with Garang cooperated and the leadership was given out on Kinship when Riek was already superior than Kiir.
So chill and wait for the worse era. We got all the minerals white people die for only we don't know how to extract them. Knowledge is coming in and people are beiginning to make their own guns and hiding places like asylum seeking are becoming so common.
It is the era in transition and the removal of communal punishment is weakening the nation as the government is losing their power of killing killers! Hanging was awesome but now the people hanged and people awaiting hanging receive support from within and outside.
We will lose our country to some people we don't know and before that, we will enjoy and go crazy doing all city evils in the most rural parts of the country and when the root gets burnt, Junub will explode like Canada.
Beautiful country, well built and loveable because the resources will be exhausted. When the land is fed up, it passes it to people on it like if it become scarce, you fight and if it doesn't produce much food we fight over the little it produces. Our land will curse us when we finally bury her own children and I mean Junubin for reasons you can solve.
Finally, If we are not keen, we will lose our currency for good and we will lose severeignity and Americans will colonize for the first time.
Have a nice day.