Godwin updates

Godwin updates Freelancer/media personality


Heavenly Father, On this Sunday evening I ask for Your blessings and favor on my family, my friends and for anyone who may be struggling while going through hard times, and are in need of a miracle. Father, give them the assurance today that You will be right there with them through these difficult days we’re living in. Let them know that You are always listening to their prayers. The one who can and will turn things around for their good, if they will seek Your help. Remind them, that it is usually in the darkest hour that You show up and pour out Your blessings. Meet the needs and give those who are struggling, strength, hope, and peace today as the Holy Spirit leads their way. In Jesus name I pray, Amen…


Good morning and good day to you Mwana Ligi!

Let me encourage somebody who might be in a desert, there's a God in heaven who turns things around, who opens our eyes to see wells in the desert, opportunities in the desert, divine ideas in the desert and births powerful ministries out of that desert. Whatever kind of desert you may be in today, i decree and declare that you won't die there, you won't be hidden again, you will not go dry or hungry, God is making a way, soon you'll sing a new song. Receive this word and be encouraged!


A Doctor

A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call asap, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy's father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On seeing him, the dad yelled:
"Why did you take all this time to come? Don't you know that my son's life is in danger? Don't you have any sense of responsibility?"
The doctor smiled & said:
"I am sorry, I wasn't in the hospital & I came as fast as I could after receiving the call...... And now, I wish you'd calm down so that I can do my work"
"Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? If your own son dies now what will you do??" said the father angrily
The doctor smiled again & replied: "I will say what Job said in the Holy Book "From dust we came & to dust we return, blessed be the name of God". Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go & intercede for your son, we will do our best by God's grace"
"Giving advises when we're not concerned is so easy" Murmured the father.
The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy,
"Thank goodness!, your son is saved!" And without waiting for the father's reply he carried on his way running. "If you have any question, ask the nurse!!"
"Why is he so arrogant? He couldn't wait some minutes so that I ask about my son's state" Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.
The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: "His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son's surgery. And now that he saved your son's life, he left running to finish his son's burial."
Moral - Never judge anyone..... because you never know how their life is and what they're going through"
πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ God bless you


Friday on Sultana.

Kwanza nipee like before uanze kusoma πŸ‘Š
Sasa anza kusoma. Leo nayo ni heartbreak πŸ˜₯
Major atarudi na kusema hapendi wanakijiji juu ya umasikini wao. Sasa hawana chakula, badala watumie wakati wao kutafuta food wanakuja kumharibia siku. Sada ataambia Asya afunge mlango. Kule nje wanakijiji wanadai wamechoka.
Babu ataambia Major atoke nje haraka sana. Kwa mara ya pili wamekuja kumpa onyo kwa ukatili wake. Babu anadai hichi kiburi chake watakizima sasa. Babu atauliza Major nani alimwambia juu yeye ni tajiri aishi kunyanyasa wanyonge? Major akumbe aliyempa kiti ndiye aliwapa wanakijiji kumbi. Babu ataambia Major maisha anaishi ni tofauti na maisha aliyoishi Mzee Jabali senior, babake Major sasa. Babu atadai Jabali senior aliishi na wanakijiji vizuri sana. Wanakijiji wanadai wamechoka. Babu atasema hawatoki hapa mpaka Major mwenyewe atoke nje.
Kule ndani Jabali atatoka na bunduki na kuambia kina Asya wakae kando. Jabali ataambia Sada achukue bi Salama ampeleke nje, ampeane kwa wanakijiji na awaanbie watoke. Bi Salama ataamua kuondoka lakini Sada ataambia Salama angoje kidogo. Sada atauliza Major kati nani mwamume kati yao? Sada ataambia Major atoke mwenye. Salama atadai kuondoka lakini Asya na Sada watamwambia atulie.
Kule nje wanakijiji watadai wanataka mkunga wao. Sada atawambia watulie anamleta bi Salama. Wanakijiji watasema wanamtaka Major. Sada atawambia watulie wasirushe mawe. Sada atampeana bi Salama kisha kurudi ndani wanakijiji wataingia by force. Major ataanza kushoot. Wanakijiji watahepa. Kumbe risasi itampata Maneno πŸ˜₯ woooi masikini wa Mungu. Kisha Jabali atatoka nje na bunduki mkononi. Mwanzele, kaka na Babu wako pale. Jabali yeye hajutii mambo anafanya na wala hatishiki. Ako na pesa sasa anajua hakuna kitu atafanyiwa.
Mwanzele atadai haya ndiyo Mambo alikua anahofia, na Babu wakasisitiza maandamano haya. Mwanzele atauliza Babu mbona hakutumia ile Busara ya nyuma kukataza vijana kufanya fujo. Kaka at


Hata k**a itachukua muda najua Bwana atatenda. Jipe moyo, Mungu atatenda! Good morning



There is someone that only God can give, and that is JESUS CHRIST. and when you receive him, you are given access to all that you ever needed. Hallelujah! You even don't need to worry about which type of curses or trouble that were left by who in the soil, water, air or any where. Going back is like denying what Jesus himself did. Then it means you believe that Moses was greater Jesus! Selah!


God has been telling you to be patient and wait, it's not easy waiting, it's hard😭😭. The good news is that you are about to know why He has been telling you to be patient. Endure to the end! So help me God πŸ™

Good evening! Ni mpaka Galilaya πŸ’ͺ😊



Tunaanzia kwa MJ,k**a kawaida,JJ amekuja kuongea na Fatima anamuuliza hali ya Dida iko aje,kwa sababu naona mimi ndio wa makosa? Fatima akamwambia hata usijali kijana wangu,wa makosa ni mimi kwa sababu mimi ndio nilimpa habari za babake ndio akafaint wakati anafenduka akajipata k**a amepoteza ujauzito wake na kwa sasa,kaa karibu na yeye,anakuhitaji sana.

Kumbe huku kwa MJ,wakati alipata habari kuwa Sada amemkol,aliamka akaoga,kisha akaenda kupanga manguo,si boxer,si mshipi,si trouser akaweka kwa bag,wakati Ua anaamka akashindwa haya,kwani mume wangu anaenda wapi na sijui,"Major,mbona hujaniambia uko na safari ama unaenda na huyo Fatima wako?" Ua alimuuliza Major,lakini Major hakujibu na sijui anaenda wapi,anyway turudi sebuleni kwa JJ na Fatima.

Fatima wakiendelea na mazungumzo,alisahau ako na kidonda kwa mkono,akajikwaruza akahisi uchungu. JJ akaona Fatima ako na kidonda,akamuuliza kulifanyika nini tena? Fatima akadanganya ati alijikwaa but asiwe na shida itapoa,lakini JJ akaona kidonda si cha muda mrefu sana na k**a venye niliwaambia juzi,hiki kidonda ndio Fatima alijikata ili damu aitumie kwa nguo ya Dida ionekane kuwa ni ujauzito ametoa. JJ alimsihi sana hiki kidonda yafaa washughulikie kwa sababu inaeza sababisha bacteria Haya,ebu turudi kwa MJ na Ua chumbani.

Ua anamuuliza Major,mbona hunijubu? Ama unanichukulia k**a kijakazi sifai kujua kweye unaenda? Major akamwambia sikiza Ua,kuondoka kwangu si kugeni kwako,nimeishi kuondoka tangu chadi,lakini Ua akamwambia mimi nataka tu kujua kwenye unaenda,sina haja chenye unaenda kufanya hata. Major akamwambia si wee umesema naondoka na Fatima kuenda kujifinjari? So please usinikalie kichwa,kwenye naenda ni kwa manufaa yetu zote na ju wewe ni mke wangu bila shaka utakuja kujua but for now,Iam out. Sisi tunajua kwenye Major anaenda,kulee kwa wakili wake. Kiasi turudi kwa JJ


Ukitaka kujua nguvu ya mtu sukuma mlango ya Choo😹😹😹



Cyrus was not Jewish, but recognized the power of God and let all those who had been captive and brought into exile in Babylon go back to Judah. Not only did he let them return but he returned to them all the gold and silver that Nebuchadnezzar had removed from the temple in Jerusalem and brought to Babylon and had placed in the house of his gods. This way they could rebuild the temple and fill it with their sacred vessels. Cyrus was open to the action of God within him. We forget that God can use any one of us to be his instrument of grace. Think about Gandhi and all the good he did in India and by extension to the world. While it is true that many of the people who work and have worked for justice, to advance the work of Jesus in the world have been Christian, many have not. Also, you don't have to be famous or have an important position to be an instrument for God. We tend to know the names of some of these men and women such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mother Teresa of Calcutta, but we don't know the names of the Chinese students who were gathered and/or killed in Tiananmen Square, or the civil rights activists in the South in the sixties, but we do know that God was present in their midst and not all of them were Christian. God is also working through us when we give witness in our neighborhoods and our workplaces with our words and our actions. Never think that God can't work through you.


This story of Jesus' raising the son of the widow of Naim gives us some information that lets us know just how important it was for this widow. At that time, women had no way to earn a living. They were property of their parents until they became property of their husbands, and actually moved into the home of the husband. Now that this widow's son had died, she had no one to take care of her. The compassion that Jesus showed meant life to that widow. I'm sure the leaders weren't too happy that the power of God to raise someone from the dead rested in Jesus. There must also have been those who were saying, "Why her and not me?" We all will die and we will all lose someone we love including those of us who have and will lose children. We can easily read this passage and question. It can be difficult to understand God's plan for us, even though we keep trying. It is better to concentrate on the positive than the negative. A priest I once knew lost both of his parents when he was in his teens. He decided to thank God for the years he had and the love they gave him instead of the years that he would not share with them. We, too, can have this perspective even though it is a difficult one. We have two choices, we can accept what life gives us and thank God for helping us to deal with it; or we can blame God for our misfortunes and lose the opportunity to grow closer to him and to his son by carrying our crosses with faith in his love.


"Sometimes you're born in the wrong place, and the right set of circumstances allow you to grow into your abilities; that's your blessing."


Beaten For You, Beaten By You.

For your sake I fought the Nyayo regime. A dragon not many dared to face.
I was beaten into submission but I never let go.
I was restrained and sent away from my family so that you would be free and have time with your family today.

My whole body aches.
My spirit is still shaken from the trauma I underwent at the Nyayo torture chambers.
I sacrificed my youth so that you would enjoy yours today.
Precisely, I paid the ultimate price.

After all I have done for you, I consistently kept asking for one favor.
To represent you as your Head of State.
To fix the things that are ailing you today.
To promote social justice and human liberties.
To orchestrate an economic liberation.
To uphold the rule of law.
To set up systems for posterity.

However, each time, you wished otherwise.
More recently, you started claiming that you are not interested in history.
A history without which you would not be as free as you are today.

You consistently allowed me to be rigged out.
You on several occasions voted me out.
Still, like a good father, I never gave up on you.
I still offered myself for election.
But I only ended up subjecting myself to more humiliation.

I have been celebrated elsewhere,
I have been feted all over the world,
Accolades, titles, roles and responsibilities.
I only lacked the right recognition here in my home country.

As I take a bow,
I have no regrets. Only fond memories.
No bad feelings. Only glad tidings.
No bad blood with anyone. Only love for all
I now accept that I was never destined to captain this ship.

As I retreat to my rural home, I wish someone else would take up my place.
A selfless Kenyan.
A fearless one.
A just one.

May God bless you,
And may God bless Kenya.

Rt. Hon. Raila Amollo Odinga.


1 Samuel 3:19
God appointed Samuel as His prophet during the period of selecting two kings: first Saul and then David. This verse follows the moment when the Lord called Samuel. From then on, Samuel continued to grow, the Lord was with him, and all of his prophecies came true. God did great things through Samuel, and it began when God spoke to Samuel and he listened calling himself the Lord's servant. Are you willing to do whatever it is God has for you? God works mightily through His servants.


When you are young, it is wise to remember God and live for Him. Do not wait until you are old to come to God. He can bring You more joy than any earthly thing. His rewards are greater than any prize on earth. Come to God and serve Him now. He deserves your praise when you are young and when you are old.


Mwezi huu wa tisa ni mwezi wa Baraka kwa kila mmoja aliyempokea bwana Yesu na kumfanya Bwana na mwokozi wa maisha yao. Watu watafunguliwa wote na kubarikiwa wote kwa jina la YESU Kristo. Amen!


Plumbers Association of Kenya have denied Willis Otieno's claim that they stay longer after they do repairs; citing that they only do so if requested by MadamπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

SO, KAMANGΓ› the Venezuelan's footprints/ names were on all envelopes and packages carrying voter registers and forms.He ...

SO, KAMANGΓ› the Venezuelan's footprints/ names were on all envelopes and packages carrying voter registers and forms.
He was not an IT maintainer. He was not just a plumber. He was actually a set offender. FACT




My appeal to all Kisumu leaders/ business men/ women and stakeholders you MUST come out and strongly condemn this. USA is really stereotyping and or profiling my home county Kisumu for violence.
It’s wrong by all means.
Nimekasirika sana.


We entrusted our electoral process to Chebukati and the commission. But what did they do? They handed over full control to foreigners. These unauthorized foreigners, led by a guy named GUDINO OMOR had access to the servers, and the data of 22 million Kenyans. Godino was active on the server from 1st June 2022 and remained extremely active till after elections.

Chebukati contravened the very foundation of Kenya’s sovereignty by handing over the control of our elections, critical data and information to foreigners. Now he will do everything to cover up and it is for this reason that him and his accomplices at Smartmatic are defying the order by Supreme Court to open the servers because the entire truth of who accessed those servers and the actions they took will be revealed for all to see.


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09:00 - 17:00




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