Our political leaders claiming that those who heckled WSR in Embu were incited is a misplaced assertion.
Embu people were simply expressing their feelings and emotions, just like a majority of Kenyans.
You can't cast aspersions on the Church leadership and expect to go Scot free without facing the wrath of faithfuls. By the way, can the names of the inciters be forwarded to the relevant authorities for necessary action.
Truth be told, were it not for the fact that people were in church, I guess things would even have gotten out of control.
The love of the people shown to HE Uhuru Kenyatta and HE Rig G must have sent shivers down the spines of KK leaders in Embu, more so as the two were escorted by the multitude at different times chanting, "Ruto Must Go!, Ruto Must Go"!
Let's address the real issues facing the electorate and stop unnecessary blame games. The truth is,"The Donkey is on its knees". Truth will set us free. How do you tell church leaders that they aren't aware of what is on the ground and yet they interact with the people daily kule mashinani?
I know for sure, they are the society's conscience!!!!!!!!!