BY: Grace Akon Andrew Biar
I do believe that fair treatment should be two way-traffic for both parents of the couples. Still, there are times we as women feel like our parents should be treated better than our in-laws. And even when we heard our men planning to support their families, some women feel sad and start expressing some of the minor problems from their parents that need their husbands attention.
Some even don't want to stay with their husband's siblings who want to pursue their studies especially when their brother is the only bread winner who has the capacity of taking them to schools, they over control their men forgetting that these inlaws were there to support and raise her man and he need to appreciate them by taking children to schools and uplifting his family.
Sometimes it reaches to another level where some inlaws are living better lives while the man's parents are really struggling, their son can't do anything because he has been shoulder with a lots of responsibilities by his inlaws while the wife doesn't say anything, those old inlaws can curse or bless you.
You don't want him to help his family, you just want him to help your family, while he is the only one working, controlling somebody's son money and when your brother's wife behalf like that, you start insulting or gossip about her while it is the same thing you both are doing. It really doesn't make sense.
And that is why when you have issues with your man, non of your husband's relatives will take your side, simply because you have never befriend anybody from his family because of your ego, your priorities and your family first.
As his queen, consider where your man came from, those old parents and his siblings have struggled to make him a better man before you came in, be a mediator between the two families, in every little your man provide to your parents, let him do so with his family, don't ever turn him against his family.