On August 6th, 2024, following the relocation of the Wajir County Assembly to the new, unfinished building in Makoror on July 30th 2024, as per Gazette Vol. CXXVI-NO.115-GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9481 & how the FY 2024/2025 was unconstitutionally passed, Della MCA Yussuf Hussein, along with other MCAs, petitioned the Speaker of the Wajir County Assembly, the Clerk, and the CEC Finance. According to sources, MCA Yussuf Hussein contributed 2 million shillings towards this petition.
On the same day(6th August 2024) , County Security and Intelligence Committee (CSIC) wrote a letter referenced as No. C.57. VOL I (71) , this letter was tabled by Eldas Mp Hon. Adan Keynan in the National Assembly, the letter revealed that the CSIC requested to meet MCA Yussuf Hussein on August 8th, 2024, to discuss security issues within Della/Anole Ward.
On September 10th, 2024, the then-acting Inspector General, Masengeli, met with Ahmed Jir at the county headquarters, alongside other security agencies. The following day, September 11th, 2024, MCA Yussuf Hussein traveled to Nairobi by road to attend a scheduled meeting on Sunday, September 15th, 2024, between the nine anti-budget MCAs and the Governor of Wajir. The purpose of the meeting was to resolve ongoing disputes.The reason why Yussuf traveled was purposely to attend this meeting.
However, on September 13th, 2024, Yussuf Hussein was abducted along Enterprise Road in Nairobi.
NB: Petition for the FY 2024/2025 budget was done on 6th August 2024 see the screenshot of the document, CSIC wrote a letter on the same day(6th August 2024 - see when the letter was written ) & sent it to Della MCA…….connect the dots