Each day pain knocks on my small
Heart's door
Never will I ever reverse the situation
Darkness paints my future
Am always on the floor daily
I am just a street child
I have no one I can share with
christmas gift and open boxes with
I have no family,,siblings,,, parent,,,
No one checks on me in the morning
or night
No kisses before I go to bed
No good morning kisses
I am just a street child
My only hope is on the
That gives me a 50bob or 10 bob
That helps me feed my small stomach
chasing you back to back to get something from you
With my best friend"glue"
please don't chase me away
I am just a street child
All alone in the heavy rains at night
The bright sin in the morning
With nothing in my stomach
I don't even know when am happy of sad
Nothing good cames my way
why don't you treat me like a son,brother,Sister,, cousin,,age mates
or even like a Kenyan citizen like you
I am just a street child
poetess Mercie Twirih Karithi🤭🤭