Our Story
Ahero Resource Center serves as a One-Stop-Shop offering a variety of services to improve nutrition and household incomes in the community. The center comprises of a modern training facility to provide capacity building opportunities in Drought Resilient Agriculture, Entrepreneurship and Adult Education. The in-class training is complemented by practical learning on the adjacent Farmer Field School (Model Farm) which encompasses a Greenhouse, Tree Nursery and Poultry Farm that provide practical examples of modern farming practices to training participants as well as a source of nutrition and income for the Orphan Feeding Program. More than 100 school going Orphans and Vulnerable Children that have been selected by the community get a free lunch at the center to improve their health and school performance. The Ahero Resource Centre is also equipped with comprehensive rainwater harvesting infrastructure to fully utilize the short and heavy rains in the region. In addition, a solar-powered borehole provides a reliable and affordable source of safe water for the community. The water is sold in a kiosk at the center and will in the future be connected with additional water kiosks in the wider area improving the accessibility to clean and safe water for the community significantly.
The center also hosts a Community Bank offering financial services tailored to the needs of the local community, including saving money or issuing out loans to members. This boosts the economic activities of the over 300 bank members and provides start-up capital for entrepreneurship training and agriculture participants when needed. Community members, especially youth use the center's library for individual learning. Pupils of all ages can do their homework at the center. A projector in the training hall is connected to a Pay TV installation which is used for showing football matches on the big screen. The income generated from this and other activities cover the running costs of the center. At regular intervals, representatives from the Ministry of Health and Education, as well as local administration holds open forums for information sharing and discussion with the community at the center.