自由港 iyouport
- ホーム
- 日本
- Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
- 自由港 iyouport
自由港是多语种信息自由空间,侧重传播民主自由的信息和评论、探讨互联网时代的社运路径,关注人权政治、普世价值、社会民生,将信息视为公益,通过互助共享的方式实现优质信息吞吐 Here is the real China.
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
自由港 iyouportがニュースとプロモを投稿した時に最初に知って当社にメールを送信する最初の人になりましょう。あなたのメールアドレスはその他の目的には使用されず、いつでもサブスクリプションを解除することができます。
Investigative journalism is the noble art of seizing reality back from the powerful
#Internet, #humanrights #Anarchism #Cypherpunk #FreedomofInformation
The job of the press is to disprove the falsehoods that power invariably disseminates to protect itself
It does not matter what your ideology is. It can not go anywhere good unless you know what is actually going on. If you are trying to sail to a destination and you do not have a map you can not get there. You will be adrift in the political landscape. The drifting hypocrite. The first thing for any political ideology is to understand what is actually going on. And then maybe you have a hope of getting there, of charting the course. But you got to have the map first. We want to draw the map.
Both in terms of our long term ideological view, that civilisation needs good information for good decisions to happen, and in our short term view that you can achieve quick fast cheap just reforms by going after that type particular type of information over other types.