TOTO Technical Center Tokyo
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TOTO株式会社のビジネスユーザー向け提案施設「TOTOテクニカルセンター東京」のリニューアルに際し、WOWはエントランスにおけるデジタルコンテンツの企画・演出・実装を担当しました。本施設はリニューアルテーマ「Fine & Flow」をもとに、「自由かつ繊細な美しい水の振る舞いと途切れのないシームレスな遷移」を表現。WOWはこのテーマに沿い、ブランドウォールに表示される同社の活動やテクノロジーを体現したジェネラティブなコンセプト映像の制作と、システム全体のUIを設計・デザインしました。技術や歴史を伝えるだけでなく、ビジュアルコミュニケーションを通して来場者がより能動的にTOTOの世界観を体験し、共感が生まれる場を目指しました。
Based on the renewal theme of “Fine & Flow,” this facility expresses the “free, delicate, and beautiful characteristics of water as it flows seamlessly.” Together with this theme, WOW created the entire UI design for the contents of the brand wall at the entrance, featuring generative conceptual images that embody TOTO's activities and technologies. Rather than just conveying the technology and history, the goal was to build a space where empathy would be fostered, and visitors could experience the world of TOTO through visual communication.
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【Motion Graphics】English to follow.
国土交通省が推進するプロジェクト「PLATEAU」を活用した映像制作に関する技術チュートリアルの応用編として、WOWは京都をテーマにした映像作品の企画・演出・制作を担当しました。PLATEAUは、日本全国の3D都市モデルをオープンデータとして提供し、まちづくりのDX実現やオープン・イノベーションを創出しています。本プロジェクトでは、京都市の3D都市モデルを活用し、CGソフトでの物理シミュレーションやオブジェクト制御について、チュートリアル・ハンズオン動画を制作。基礎編の「NIIGATA WONDER」に続き、PLATEAUを用いたクリエイティブの可能性や表現の拡張を試みました。
About the Project
WOW was in charge of planning, directing, and producing a movie on the theme of Kyoto as the application version of a technical tutorial on video production utilizing the “PLATEAU” project promoted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
PLATEAU provides 3D models of cities across Japan as open data to realize DX in urban development and create open innovation. This project utilized a 3D city model of Kyoto City and produced tutorial and hands-on videos on physical simulation and object control using CG software. Following the basic
UNIQLO 40th Anniversary Exhibition in Paris
【Motion Graphics】English to follow.
2024年に創業40周年を迎えたユニクロは、服づくりの根幹にあるコンセプト「LifeWear」を紹介する特別展「The Art & Science of LifeWear」をパリで開催しました。WOWは、この特別展のキームービーと、会場地下1階の壁面に投影される映像を制作。映像は、パリの日常を象徴するアパルトマンをモチーフに、窓越しに見える人々の暮らしや、ユニクロの機能性衣料を支える東レの技術(HEATTECH / PUFFTECH / NANODESIGN™)が織り成すミクロの繊維の世界を描きました。
UNIQLO, which celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2024, held a special exhibition in Paris to introduce its “LifeWear” concept, which is at the core of its clothing manufacturing. WOW produced the key movie for this special exhibition, as well as the video projected on the wall of the venue's first basement floor. As its motif, the video uses an apartment, which symbolizes everyday life in Paris, to depict the lives of people seen through its windows and the microscopic world of fibers woven by Toray Industries' various technologies (HEATTECH / PUFFTECH / NANODESIGN™), which support UNIQLO's functional clothing.
Venue Design and Exhibition Direction : TAKT PROJECT
Technical Direction : LUFTZUG
Graphic Design : UMA/design farm
Visuals (key movie and B1 wall in the venue) : WOW
Production and Construction : IXI, XILOGRAFIA NUOVA
Creation of Installations : HAKUTEN, 1→10
Planning : Fast Retailing GLOBAL CREATIVE LAB TOKYO
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【Facility】English to follow.
セイコーエプソン株式会社は豊科事業所に「VISUAL INNOVATION EXPERIENCE」をオープン。WOWは、同施設内360° ROOMのコンテンツを演出・制作しました。映像は、信州の雄大な山々や湖が織りなす稜線、地平線、水平線や、歴史的建造物の輪郭を抽出し、映像と音がグラフィカルにシンクロします。
Seiko Epson Corporation has opened the “VISUAL INNOVATION EXPERIENCE” at its Toyoshina facility. WOW directed and produced the content for the 360° ROOM within this facility. The visuals synchronize graphically with the contours, horizons, and ridgelines of Shinshu’s majestic mountains and lakes, as well as the outlines of historic buildings.
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The Royal Park Hotel Iconic
【Video】English to follow.
The Chunichi Building, a long-standing symbol of Nagoya, made its grand debut as a commercial complex in 2024. ICONIC, the flagship brand of Royal Park, has opened on the upper floors. WOW was responsible for planning and producing the video that is shown in the hotel's guest rooms.
With the understanding that guests would view the video passively, we focused on ensuring it would blend into the guest room, like a painting on the wall, rather than overwhelming them with information. It was designed as a background video (BGV) to enhance the ambiance and value of the space.
Making the most of the breathtaking views from the upper floors, the film was created with the theme of "sky." During filming, we captured ethereal snowy landscapes that are rarely seen. By applying a variable speed of 30 to 40 times to the long-take footage, we
川中島の戦い 3D絵巻 / VR
【Motion Graphics】English to follow.
To promote tourism to the Kawanakajima Old Battlefield and the Matsushiro area, WOW has created a video utilizing the digital archives of Ukiyo-e prints from the Nagano City Museum. The figures of Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen are depicted from various angles, with each battle becoming more three-dimensional as the story unfolds, gradually unraveling their relationship.
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【Facility】English to follow.
Zuika, a brand that has been dedicated to delivering the deliciousness of rice crackers with a strong focus on quality and freshness since its establishment, is proud to announce a new store has opened at CoCoLo Niigata. WOW was responsible for the planning, direction, and production of large-scale LED vision content for the store's interior decoration.
This work is based on the 72 microseasons of the year, with patterns that change in response to the passing of seasons in real-time. It combines “Wako,” colors unique to Japanese culture, with “Wagara,” traditional Japanese patterns used in product packaging, and scale-based animation. A program was implemented to create approximately 23,760 different patterns over the course of a year. By meticulously controlling and delivering these patterns at specific times, the space was designed to greet customers with a dynamic atmosphere.
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