AWS(Amazon Web Services)に特化したインテグレーション事業とサービスの提供を行っている、クラウドインテグレーターであるサーバーワークスのAWS展示会用映像を川島真美 が監督しました。プランナーは中谷公祐 、プロデューサーは上野崇 が担当しました。
Director :川島真美
Nikon主催のアワードVertical Movie Award2025の審査員を、去年に引き続き小原穣が担当することになりました!
テーマは「Create New Timeline」。テーマから想起された映像作品で、ジャンルは不問です。
Founded in 1997 by some graphic designers and filmmakers, we became one of the Japan’s pioneers in the motion graphics industry by organizing innovative exhibition “moving graphic design = Motion Graphics”. Along with the digital industry’s rapid growth, the term “motion graphics” gained broad recognition as one of the media categories only among those in the business, but not to the public. Our work is for the public. We make something everyone can enjoy without such knowledge. Through our movies, TV programs, commercials, posters, photographs, exhibitions and live events, hopefully people have fun and learn at the same time. That is our goal. We will keep thinking, making and sending messages to entertain you regardless of age, s*x and language. DRAWING AND MANUAL makes something “Innovative” and “entertaining”.