Rurio Inc.

Rurio Inc. Established in 2023, Rurio is a regional branding start-up founded by students of Tohoku University which specialises in community-based media.

A start-up focusing on regional branding and consulting founded by Tohoku University students.
都会への過度な人口集中を止め、豊かで多様な文化が生き続ける世の中を作るべく、デザイン、教育、言語サービス等を手がける東北大学発Startupです。 Its flagship media ‘iro’ is a bilingual magazine available in over 38 locations across Japan and India and reaches over 10,000 people. It also conducts PaletteCamp, a tour focussing on sustainable tourism and engages with regional

immigration among its other activities.








”双葉町移住定住相談センター” (can be translated as: The Futaba Town Relocation and Settlement Consultation Centre) officially opened on November 29th!

I hope many people will visit this centre and that it will contribute to the development of the town.

In line with the opening, the town’s information website has undergone a major update. It now features interviews with people bringing color to the town, articles introducing local businesses, cultural highlights, and historical sites—perfect for getting to know Futaba better!

*English follows Japanese【SENDAI Global Startup Campus(SGSC)2期生の募集が開始されました!(5/31締切)】※弊社はSGSCのパートナー企業です仙台市では、イノベーションや新たな雇...

*English follows Japanese

【SENDAI Global Startup Campus(SGSC)2期生の募集が開始されました!(5/31締切)】



その鍵となるのは、次世代のイノベーションを担うグローバル人材の育成です。昨年度に引き続き「SENDAI Global Startup Campus」では、100名の東北の若い方々に世界最先端のアントレプレナーシップ教育を受講していただき、そこから選抜された20名の方には、ハーバード・ビジネススクールのプログラムやシリコンバレー及びボストンでの実地研修を通して、自らの事業アイディアを磨き上げていただきます。


「SENDAI Global Startup Campus」を通じて、仙台・東北から世界を変える若手起業家が誕生することを願っています。

[SENDAI Global Startup Campus (SGSC) is now open!]

SENDAI Global Startup Campus (SGSC) is launching its 2024 program, inviting applicants from Sendai and the Tohoku region who aspire to challenge themselves globally.

The program aims to support young individuals in their endeavors by providing world-class online courses, refining business plans in top global environments, and tackling both local and global challenges.

The initiative is part of Sendai's vision to position startups as engines of economic growth, addressing societal issues, and fostering continuous innovation.

Mentors, including prominent figures such as Harvard Business School alumni and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, provide guidance to participants, aiming to cultivate the next generation of global talent and entrepreneurs.

Through SGSC, Sendai aims to nurture young entrepreneurs with a global perspective, encouraging them to embrace challenges and contribute to changing the world.

P.S. We are excited to be part of SGSC 2024 and to support the next generation of global entrepreneurs from Sendai and Tohoku!


*日本語の説明文は英文の下にございますHailing from Vancouver, Canada, and an alumnus of the University of British Columbia, William McMicha...

Hailing from Vancouver, Canada, and an alumnus of the University of British Columbia, William McMichael has become a key figure in changing perceptions about Fukushima post the 2011 nuclear disaster. He is the founder of the Hope Tourism program, initiated in 2011. Since its inception, it has welcomed more than 200 students from 8 countries, effectively creating as a bridge between Fukushima and the global community. He is currently working at Fukushima University.

Discover the past and future of Fukushima with Prof. McMichael in an exclusive fireside chat event with iro. We request you to RSVP using this form. We cannot wait to see you there!

Date: February 04, 2024 (Sunday)
Time: 16:00 - 18:00
Place: ZOOM ONLINE (Public viewing is available at here)
Participation Fee: Free


日時 :2024年2月4日(日) 16:00-18:00
会場 :ZOOM オンライン(Public Viewing希望の方向けに東京会場もご用意しております)
言語 :英語 (日本語をご希望の方はzoomチャットにて翻訳を行いますのでご参考ください)



Sendai, Miyagi



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