Japan's Visionaries

Japan's Visionaries Shining Light on Japan’s Hidden Treasures: its People.

Our mission is to reveal the stories of the talented individuals with a unique vision and unwavering passion, hidden in the most unknown corners of regional Japan.







MESSAGE midoriのgorillaを作った思い 多くの皆さまにご協力をいただき、量り売りショップ「midoriのgorilla」を、2022年5月に無事オープンすることができました。 感謝の気持ちを込めつつ、ここではなぜこのお店を

Hidenori Fujiwara is the founder and owner of Jidaiya, a traditional Japanese cultural experience one-stop shop in Asaku...

Hidenori Fujiwara is the founder and owner of Jidaiya, a traditional Japanese cultural experience one-stop shop in Asakusa.

Fujiwara san is always thinking ahead of his time. He launched Jidaiya's ""Barrier-free station"" (rickshaw rides for people with disabilities) over a decade ago when the Barrier-Free Law wasn't enforced yet, nor even recommended for shops to provide barrier-free services.

He thought ahead though, thinking it was necessary to adjust to Japan's aging society and the many different types of travelers coming to his store. So he built it by hand.

As a result, Jidaiya is now one of the few (maybe even the only?) companies that provide rickshaw rides for people in wheelchairs.

Please feel free to share if you know anyone who may be interested in visiting Jidaiya - thank you :)


東京 浅草で観光人力車・日本文化体験といえば時代屋、事前準備不要、コロナ対策しながら体験可能、地域共通クーポン利用可能、人力車でワンランク上の浅草観光、好きな着物をレンタルで浅草散策、記念に残る人力車...

岡山に持続可能な地域社会の種をまく 経済的に安定した自由な社会で裕福に暮らす多くの人々にとって、「快適さ」とは偽りの恵みとさえ言えるかも知れません。実際には、過度に豊かさを追求したがる危険な習性や、あまりに簡単に欲しいものに手が届くことが、...

岡山に持続可能な地域社会の種をまく 経済的に安定した自由な社会で裕福に暮らす多くの人々にとって、「快適さ」とは偽りの恵みとさえ言えるかも知れません。実際には、過度に豊かさを追求したがる危険な習性や、あまりに簡単に欲しいものに手が届くことが、そのように感じさせているだけであって、(正直に言うと)その多くはそもそも私たちが必要だとは思っていなかったものだからです。ほとんどのモノがクリックひとつで手に入ります。そこには美しいとも言えるほどの利便性がありますが、2019年以降、新型コロナウイルス感染症のパンデミックが繰り返し私たちに教えてくれた教訓があるとすれば、それは、私たちが慣れ親しんだ快適さというものは、実に儚いものだということです。。。


岡山に持続可能な地域社会の種をまく 経済的に安定した自由な社会で裕福に暮らす多くの人々にとって、「快適さ」とは偽りの恵みとさえ言えるかも知れません。実際には、過度に豊かさを追求したがる危険な習性や、あ.....

鳥取で未来を拓くパンづくりとビール醸造(写真:Kyoko Kataoka) 智頭町の人気の理由は探さなくても分かります。澄んだ空気、清らかな水、見渡す限りの緑…。鳥取県南東部にある智頭町は、「日本一美しい村」と言われる人口6千人余りの小さな...

鳥取で未来を拓くパンづくりとビール醸造(写真:Kyoko Kataoka) 智頭町の人気の理由は探さなくても分かります。澄んだ空気、清らかな水、見渡す限りの緑…。鳥取県南東部にある智頭町は、「日本一美しい村」と言われる人口6千人余りの小さな町ですが、海外の旅行ガイドブックでは滅多に紹介されることはありません。しかし、人里離れた場所にあり、町の面積の93%が豊かな森で覆われ、素晴らしい山々に囲まれたこの町は、そこで呼吸するたびに何か新しい始まりを感じさせてくれるのです。 2015年に。。。


鳥取で未来を拓くパンづくりとビール醸造(写真:Kyoko Kataoka) 智頭町の人気の理由は探さなくても分かります。澄んだ空気、清らかな水、見渡す限りの緑…。鳥取県南東部にある智頭町は、「日本一美しい村」と言われる....

Leki Nagahara the owner of In Between Blues, an aizome indigo dyeing shop, atelier and cafe in Tokushima Prefecture.A fo...

Leki Nagahara the owner of In Between Blues, an aizome indigo dyeing shop, atelier and cafe in Tokushima Prefecture.

A former surfer (and 4-time champion), he opened the store to revitalize the town. Through his tiny atelier he is building a new, modern culture for sustainable indigo dyeing, while also attracting tourism to Tokushima.

He is a strong advocate for local tourism and the preservation of local traditions under the motto of "Think Global, Act Local."

Please share if you know anyone who may be interested in visiting In Between Blues - thank you :)


Our message   Natural indigo blue is the color of ...

一杯のコーヒーと飛び交う「おはよう」の挨拶が、鹿児島でコミュニティを作り出す 数年前まで、加治屋紗代さんは何不自由ない生活を送っていました。安定した正社員としての仕事があり、帰宅すれば家族がいて、数十人のよき友人に恵まれ、趣味のDJもようや...

一杯のコーヒーと飛び交う「おはよう」の挨拶が、鹿児島でコミュニティを作り出す 数年前まで、加治屋紗代さんは何不自由ない生活を送っていました。安定した正社員としての仕事があり、帰宅すれば家族がいて、数十人のよき友人に恵まれ、趣味のDJもようやく軌道に乗りつつあり、十分幸せでした。毎日があっという間に過ぎていき、週末はいつも充実していました。しかし、ある日、地元でモーニングコーヒーを飲みながら集う人々がいることをニュースで知った時、自分の人生に何か大きく欠けているもの(もっと広いコミュニティの中に入る喜び)があるとにすぐに気づいたのです。。。


一杯のコーヒーと飛び交う「おはよう」の挨拶が、鹿児島でコミュニティを作り出す 数年前まで、加治屋紗代さんは何不自由ない生活を送っていました。安定した正社員としての仕事があり、帰宅すれば家族がいて、数十.....

Tomoko Kurashina is the owner of Japan's first ""Earthship"" - a structure built with recycled materials that supplies i...

Tomoko Kurashina is the owner of Japan's first ""Earthship"" - a structure built with recycled materials that supplies its own water and electricity. She lives there and also operates it as an accommodation.

The building was constructed in Mima, Tokushima in 2020, from materials including 800 old tires, 4,000 bottles and 13,000 empty cans.

Kurashina began rethinking our use of electricity after the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami and the ensuing meltdowns at the Fukushima Power Plant. She tried to live without electricity for a while but realized it wasn't possible, so she began searching for alternative ways.

It was then when she read about the earthships pioneered by American architect Michael Reynolds. In 2015, she applied to join a team the city of Mima was forming to boost the development of the area, and moved from her native Kanagawa to Tokushima to build her own earthship.

She partially raised the 40 million to build it through crowd-funding and called Reynolds to Japan to help with the design and construction.

Construction began in 2018, and the 100-square-meter home was completed in the summer of 2019.

Earthship Mima is now one of Tokushima's key destinations.

Please share if you know anyone who may be interested in supporting this cause - thank you :) https://www.earthshipmima.com/


Ken Ishihara is the owner of Chimoto, an old wagashi confectionery shop in Meguro. His grandfather opened the store when...

Ken Ishihara is the owner of Chimoto, an old wagashi confectionery shop in Meguro.

His grandfather opened the store when Ishihara was still a child.
He vividly remembers the day when his grandfather took him to a tiny oyakodon place in Ginza.

They walked for a long time, finally ending in a tiny shop that had no sign whatsoever. When they got in, the grandfather just said ""two"" and waited for his order.

There was nothing but oyakodon on the menu.

That was Ken Ishihara's first lesson in taking over the family business: if you use the best ingredients and make a good product, it's enough to succeed.

The menu hasn't changed since he started. And yet, the shop is always full of people of all generations.

Please share if you know anyone who may be interested in visiting Chimoto - thank you :) https://chimoto-yagumomochi.com/

Welcome to our homepage 御菓子所 ちもと 御菓子所 ちもと

Miyuki Sakamoto is the co-founder of Isumi Horseland, a kids-friendly horse riding park in Isumi, Chiba Prefecture. Isum...

Miyuki Sakamoto is the co-founder of Isumi Horseland, a kids-friendly horse riding park in Isumi, Chiba Prefecture.

Isumi Horseland only uses rescued horses.

By founding this place, Sakamoto has contributed to the creation of a new tourist destination in Isumi, is helping horses that would otherwise be slaughtered, and is bringing tons of happiness to kids (and parents) through various events, classes, and gatherings.

Please share if you know anyone who may be interested in visiting Isumi Horseland or supporting this cause - thank you :)



Mike Harris is the founder of the adventure tour company Canyons in Minakami, Gunma, and the person who brought canyonin...

Mike Harris is the founder of the adventure tour company Canyons in Minakami, Gunma, and the person who brought canyoning to Japan.

For over 20 years, he has run and created the best outdoor and extreme adventure experiences in Japan and he is constantly creating new tours and ideas to upgrade the business and provide more fun to customers.

Please share if you know anyone who may be interested in visiting Canyons in Minakami - thank you :)


Canyons is the leading outdoor experience provider in Japan, pioneering the industry for over 20 years. Join our international crew for a refreshing adventure at one of our many locations.

"Twins" Takaya and Fumito Matsuda are the founders of HERALBONY, a Japanese social creative agency that works with artis...

"Twins" Takaya and Fumito Matsuda are the founders of HERALBONY, a Japanese social creative agency that works with artists with intellectual disabilities. They are providing a stable income (over 30% of all sales go to the artists, whereas typically it is less than 10% at welfare facilities and organizations) and pride to those artists.

Since the launch of the company in 2018, the Matsuda's have run a social business built around the unique artistic talents of individuals with learning disabilities.

In partnership with facilities across Japan, besides organizing award-winning exhibitions, they license artists' work for use in stylish products including garments and accessories, as well as design tie-ups with craft beer brands and on hotel décor, with profits providing vital income for the artists themselves.

Please feel free to share if you know anyone who may be interested and anyone who would like to support this cause - thank you :)



Yuki Yamamoto is the manager of Jiyucho. Jiyucho is a tiny cafe/shop near Asakusa built on a simple concept: write a let...

Yuki Yamamoto is the manager of Jiyucho.

Jiyucho is a tiny cafe/shop near Asakusa built on a simple concept: write a letter to yourself that will be delivered to you a year later.

The store is built on the idea that busy people hardly have time to reflect on their feelings and thoughts and provides them with the chance to change that.

Before writing your letter, you are given five options to choose from based on your current feeling and state of mind. Then comes a hot drink that is supposed to help calm these emotions and then you are given up to two hours to write.

It's such an amazing concept and a great experience. There are no language or cultural barriers, and no filters to the experience. Sitting down to reflect on your thoughts at a place that encourages you to... don't we all feel this is something special in our times?!

The store is also equipped with a large bookshelf filled with books from customers. Every time you visit Jiyucho you can take a book from the shelf and exchange it with the one you brought. Jiyucho also supports young artists by assigning them to do the art in the store and to design the paperwork one writes their letters on.

Please feel free to share if you know anyone who may be interested in visiting Jiyucho - thank you :)


未来の自分へ、大切な誰かへ手紙が送れるお店、自由丁。忙しない日々の中で、 私が、あなたが感じたこと、考えたこと、思っていること、悩んでいること。 日々生まれては消えていく、そんな様々な気持ちたちについて ...

Daigo Obayashi is a former tour guide and now the founder of Tavizo "Petit Tabi" in Kinosaki, Hyogo Prefecture.  Tavizo ...

Daigo Obayashi is a former tour guide and now the founder of Tavizo "Petit Tabi" in Kinosaki, Hyogo Prefecture.

Tavizo is an EV mobility rental company that is now causing a massive travel boost in the area.

Tavizo Petit Tabi is the first self-guided tour in Tajima.

Participants can enjoy a trip and visit local resources by themselves in an electric mobility vehicle. The mobility vehicle can be a motorcycle (for one person), a tuk-tuk (for three people), or a small jeep (for one person).

Using these vehicles, travelers can explore off-the-beaten-track regions around Kinosaki and go to scenic spots and landscapes scattered around the area, which are usually difficult to reach without cars.

Tavizo was launched in 2019, but despite the significant impact of the pandemic, they were able to get over 2,000 users in the first year of the launch. This is mostly because it was able to adapt to the new style of traveling: small groups in the outdoors, eco-friendly, and adventurous without traveling too far.

Please share if you know anyone who may be interested in visiting Tavizo - thank you :)



Kaori Sawada is the 6th generation owner and main sake brewer at Sawada Shuzo Brewery in Tokoname, Aichi Prefecture. She...

Kaori Sawada is the 6th generation owner and main sake brewer at Sawada Shuzo Brewery in Tokoname, Aichi Prefecture. She is also the first woman owner in the history of the brewery. Women owning sake breweries in Japan is a very rare occurrence.

Since Sawada took over the management of the brewery, she has partnered with multiple local businesses to expand the sake business and reach a non-prime clientele.

For example, they have partnered with a local sweets brand to use the left-over sake residue to make a delicious gateau chocolat that is now becoming very popular in the area.

She also partnered with a group of plum farmers to make Sawada's plum wine, which saved them from abandoning their business.


2022年1月13日(木)発売開始しました!今年の新酒 第三弾です!新しい麹室で造った麹を使った、新生 白老 第三弾の新酒です!

Planting the seeds of a sustainable community in Okayama For many who have the luxury of living in economically stable a...

Planting the seeds of a sustainable community in Okayama For many who have the luxury of living in economically stable and free societies, comfort is a blessing in disguise. It often stems from the dangerous habit of pursuing abundance and over-simplified access to commodities, many of which (let’s be honest) we didn’t even know we needed in the first place. Most things are a click away, and while there’s an undeniable beauty in this, if there’s one lesson the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us repeatedly since 2019, it is that comfort, as we’ve gotten used to it, is nothing but ephemerality....


Planting the seeds of a sustainable community in Okayama For many who have the luxury of living in economically stable and free societies, comfort is a blessing in disguise. It often stems from the…

Daiki Abe is the third-generation bonsai farmer at Bonsai Abe, one of Japan's leading family-owned bonsai gardens and ma...

Daiki Abe is the third-generation bonsai farmer at Bonsai Abe, one of Japan's leading family-owned bonsai gardens and makers.

While there are tons of bonsai artists all over the world, Abe is different because he grows the bonsai from seeds he collects from Mt. Azuma in Fukushima with special permission from the local authorities.

He also provides workshops and tours in his bonsai garden and teaches everyone who wants to know bonsai and the culture and nature behind it.


This is the Bonsai Abe page for Fukushima Guide (Fukushima City Tourism and Convention Association). It contains English information for visitors in Fukushima City including Hanamiyama and Bandai-Azuma Skyline. Enjoy a range of model courses, workshops, tours,local cuisine, products and events. You....

Toru Hashimoto is the founder of 84 -hashi - a mysterious cafe in Tokyo with no address.A former member of Nintendo, Has...

Toru Hashimoto is the founder of 84 -hashi - a mysterious cafe in Tokyo with no address.

A former member of Nintendo, Hashimoto opened the cafe as a member-only place but is now opening it up to the general public - while still not publicly revealing the address.

The reason is that this is part of the game.

Inside 84, visitors can find all sorts of Nintendo games and character memorabilia - private collections with signs and gadgets given to Hashimoto from the creators of Pikachu, Zelda, Super Mario, and many other Nintendo characters and games.

These items are nowhere else to be found, so 84 is essentially a living museum.

But it's also a place people go to meet Hashimoto himself, who happens to be one of the best talkers and advisors ever born on this land! It's a fantastic, exclusive, odd, and mysterious place that makes you want to just sit down, listen and get creative.


This is the English version of the "84" homepage. You can also make a reservation for your visit here. We look forward to your visit! Dear all game lovers...

Toshiyo Kusakabe is the co-owner and manager of the KAGANHOTEL in Kyoto.KAGAN HOTEL is an art-inspired hostel and an art...

Toshiyo Kusakabe is the co-owner and manager of the KAGANHOTEL in Kyoto.

KAGAN HOTEL is an art-inspired hostel and an artist-in-residence built on the concept of connecting young contemporary artists with the world.

It opened in 2019 and has since welcomed over a dozen young artists.

While there are many support programs for young artists in Japan, KAGAN HOTEL stands out for the fact that it offers a complete cycle to meet their needs: a place to live (residence), a place to work (atelier), a place to display and sell their works (gallery, exhibition spaces) and a place to earn extra income - all residents can either work at the cafe, do design work for the website or brochures, manage the hostel, etc.

KAGAN HOTEL also expands its services to foreign artists (the application form is also in English on the website) and provides visas for foreign artists who want to work in Japan.

Therefore, the hostel creates a fully sustainable program to enrich the lives and livelihood of young artists.


Please share if you know anyone who may be interested in visiting KAGAN HOTEL or joining its community - thank you 😍


Takae Moriyama is the founder of 3keys, a certified NPO which helps children whose "children's rights" are not guarantee...

Takae Moriyama is the founder of 3keys, a certified NPO which helps children whose "children's rights" are not guaranteed by the environment in which they were born and raised.

They support underprivileged children in Japan. Takae is also the founder of MEX https://me-x.jp/ , a community website for children and teens to turn to for difficult topics they can't discuss with others, such as sexuality, depression, abuse, etc.

Takae is also the founder of Youth Center 3, a private place where children can go for 200 yen per day and spend time in a safe environment reading, studying, and doing what they like.

Please share if you think this is a cause worth supporting, thank you very much. https://3keys.jp/

How a cup of coffee and a few hellos are helping to build a community in Kagoshima, Japan at 名山町バカンス. A few years ago, K...

How a cup of coffee and a few hellos are helping to build a community in Kagoshima, Japan at 名山町バカンス. A few years ago, Kajiya Sayo was leading a comfortable life. She was fortunate enough to have a stable full-time job, a family to go back to every day, a few dozens of good friends, and even her hobby as a DJ was finally taking off....


How a cup of coffee and a few hellos are helping to build a community in Kagoshima, Japan  A few years ago, Sayo Kajiya was leading a comfortable life. She was fortunate enough to have a stabl…

Kana Lauren Chan and Linda Ding are co-founders of INOW Kamikatsu, in the famous "zero-waste village" in Tokushima. The ...

Kana Lauren Chan and Linda Ding are co-founders of INOW Kamikatsu, in the famous "zero-waste village" in Tokushima. The INOW program - taken from the phrase "let's go home" in the local dialect - aims to immerse visitors in the sustainable rural village lifestyle.

Nestled amongst the cedar forested mountains of Shikoku Island, known for being the first village in Japan to make a declaration for Zero Waste, and listed as one of Japan's 100 Most Beautiful Villages, there is something undeniably special about this place. https://inowkamikatsu.com/

Nobuyuki Kishi & Hitomi Kishi's boutique ryokan in Kamakura fuses traditional concepts of Zen chisoku (the feeling of be...

Nobuyuki Kishi & Hitomi Kishi's boutique ryokan in Kamakura fuses traditional concepts of Zen chisoku (the feeling of being fulfilled) and tea ceremony with chic minimalist aesthetics.

The accommodation is a little enclave of calm near the beach in Kamakura and manages a fine balancing act between its modern art sensibilities and rich Japanese heritage.


Short introduction movie of Modern Ryokan kishi-ke https://kishi-ke.co.jp made by Untold Japan Media https://www.instagram.com/untoldjapanmedia/ Modern Ryoka...

Takashi Kawamura is an artist and documentary filmmaker in Yakushima, who successfully raised funds via crowdfunding to ...

Takashi Kawamura is an artist and documentary filmmaker in Yakushima, who successfully raised funds via crowdfunding to make a documentary in protest to the proposed US base on Mageshima and supplementary airstrip on Yakushima.

He does artworks as well, mostly in pen and inspired by his natural environs, which are beautiful. We hope you are inspired by his work as much as we are.


Protect the Island is a series of documentary productions concerning the proposed US military base upon the island of Mageshima, Japan.  The proceeds of the crowdfund will be used to produce further...

Baking and brewing the future in Tottori  You don’t have to look far in Chizu to see the reason for its popularity: clea...

Baking and brewing the future in Tottori You don’t have to look far in Chizu to see the reason for its popularity: clean air, pure waters, green everywhere the eye can see. Dubbed “the most beautiful village” in Japan, Chizu, in southeastern Tottori, is a small town of some 6,000-plus residents that rarely appears in any overseas travel guidebooks. But this off-the-beaten-track gem, boasting lush forests covering 93 percent of the town’s area, is surrounded by stunning mountains, giving every breath you take there a sense of a new beginning....


Baking and brewing the future in Tottori You don’t have to look far in Chizu to see the reason for its popularity: clean air, pure waters, green everywhere the eye can see. Dubbed “the most beauti…











Minus 60 degrees maguro, sustainability, and global standards from a local fishery firm in Kanagawa  Growing up in the p...

Minus 60 degrees maguro, sustainability, and global standards from a local fishery firm in Kanagawa Growing up in the port of Misaki, one of Japan’s best regions for fresh maguro, in a family that lived off catching grade A fish, it wasn’t a secret that Masamitsu “Masa” Ishibashi’s fate to succeed the family business was long pre-determined. But it wasn’t until his late 30s that he would fully dedicate himself to the company, choosing to lead it to higher grounds, fast-track the ambition course....


Minus 60 degrees maguro, sustainability, and global standards from a local fishery firm in Kanagawa Growing up in the port of Misaki, one of Japan’s best regions for fresh maguro, in a family that…

Seeking Visionaries!We are seeking talented individuals with a unique vision and unwavering passion, in the most hidden,...

Seeking Visionaries!

We are seeking talented individuals with a unique vision and unwavering passion, in the most hidden, unknown corners of regional Japan.

Are you (or do you know anyone around you) striving to create an entirely new or different product, service, or way of life, and who will stop at nothing to make their vision succeed?

We would love to share your story with the world!

Why share with us? Because we believe in nurturing & encouraging creativity. The world’s most incredible crafts, products, & services, are created by those with passion & vision. We want to share the stories of Japan's visionaries with the world, to garner more attention & support for them.

Please fill out this form if you would like to be featured on our "Japan's Visionaries" website: https://forms.gle/Ag2pFQDibrroH6kH7

「Japan's Visionaries」サイトにご興味をお持ちいただき、ありがとうございます。 我々は、日本の地方の知られざる場所で、独自のビジョンと揺るぎない情熱を持った才能ある人々を探し出し、光を当てることを目指していま....

Premium-quality artisanal Japanese food from Japan’s farms to your door - anywhere in the world. It comes as a surprise ...

Premium-quality artisanal Japanese food from Japan’s farms to your door - anywhere in the world.

It comes as a surprise to many that Lillian Hanako Rowlatt and Aki Sugiyama, founders of artisanal Japanese food curation delivery Kokoro Care Packages, have only met in person three times and yet still manage to successfully run a company together - in two continents. …...


Premium-quality artisanal Japanese food from Japan’s farms to your door — anywhere in the world  It comes as a surprise to many that Lillian Hanako Rowlatt and Aki Sugiyama, founders of a…

https://www.fixgaps.biz/visionaries/nhd-farm/ 😉

https://www.fixgaps.biz/visionaries/nhd-farm/ 😉

Hiroki who is the owner of NHD farm in Nakashibetsu which owns 300 or more milk cows. He is a bit unique as a farmer. A graduate of Sophia Univ in Tokyo, one of the best private schools in Japan. With his friend, an another unique guy in the fishing industry in Rausu, he is trying to create a link b...


Osaka, Osaka


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