International Sake Federation

International Sake Federation Welcome to the official social media page of the INTERNATIONAL SAKE FEDERATION. We promote high quality traditional japanese sake (nihon-shu).








Main ingredients of Sake is rice that is said roots in northern district of south-east Asia. And now propagated to south...

Main ingredients of Sake is rice that is said roots in northern district of south-east Asia. And now propagated to south of Spain.

The project of Maijo University we support that producing Sake to the French market as active learning program for students, starts rice cultivation cooperate with and learn from rice farmer Mr. Kazunori Oshima produces rice in Aichi prefecture (mainly Anjo city).

In 17th May, Mr. Oshima and his partner Mr. Nomura came to University to educate how to manage for making Sakamai (better rice breed for making Sake), and what about philosophy & customs of rice farmer.
And in 20th May, students joined one rice planting event that making rice field like to be one picture when that will be growth (calls Tanbo-art event).

Very appreciate for Mr. Oshima and farmers in Anjo city gives students opportunity to learn about rice cultivation.

ISF also supporting and coordinate whole of this program.
And Hope that you are looking forward to get a chance to drink final products they will produce.

[ISF Japan]

Keeping field of co-learning.ISF making opportunities to co-learnig collaborate with Maijo University.In 14th April, hol...

Keeping field of co-learning.

ISF making opportunities to co-learnig collaborate with Maijo University.
In 14th April, hold a forum to learn about international circumstances of food safety presented and cooperated by TÜV SÜD Japan co.
We learned and discussed about food safety with Sake brewing, rice cultivation, and food production.
Thanks for all cooperates and visitors.

[ISF Japan]

Supporting whole value chain.We implement seminar for restaurant, retailer, wholesaler, brewery, and etc. which treat (a...

Supporting whole value chain.

We implement seminar for restaurant, retailer, wholesaler, brewery, and etc. which treat (and want to treat) Sake.
This time held three type of seminars for restaurant staff, medias, and customers with one of restaurant in Wroclaw, Poland during 21st-22nd Mar.
We will support for people, companies, and institutions who touching Sake to create common good environment for developing sustainable Sake culture with enjoyment and humans welfare by clients demand.

Thanks for giving nice opportunity owner and staff of UMAMI food distribution group.

[ISF Japan]

In Wroclaw, Poland.

In Wroclaw, Poland.

Zostały jeszcze 3 wolne miejsca! Zapraszamy do rezerwacji, ro już w najbliższy czwartek! :)

22 marca zapraszamy Was na jedyną w swoim rodzaju degustację sake, którą poprowadzi Hisashi Miyata - założyciel International Sake Federation. Mamy okazję spotkać się w niewielkim gronie i poznać człowieka, dla którego sake jest życiową pasją. Hisashi Miyata opowie o rzemieślniczym procesie produkcji sake, komponowaniu trunku z potrawami oraz o kulturze picia sake w Japonii i Europie. Podczas spotkania poprowadzi degustację wyselekcjonowanych butelek od niewielkich lokalnych producentów. Sake zostanie podane w towarzystwie specjalnego menu uzupełniającego doświadczenie sake.

P.S. Wszyscy uczestnicy otrzymują stałą zniżkę na całą ofertę warsztatów umami oraz na utensylia i możliwość zakupu wyseflekjnonowanych sake

Cooperative active learning project with Meijo University for and in Local that is plan, brew, marketing and sales Sakes...

Cooperative active learning project with Meijo University for and in Local that is plan, brew, marketing and sales Sakes for foreign market.
Today visited two Sake and one Minlin (sweet Japanese seasoning) brewery in Chita & Mikawa region (part of Aichi pref.)
Thanks for all breweries accepted our visiting.

[ISF Japan]



[ISF 日本]

Cooperative project with 大坪 與七郎 (Yoshichiro Otsubo) international dyeing artist hosted by Consulate of Japan in Lyon.'Me...

Cooperative project with 大坪 與七郎 (Yoshichiro Otsubo) international dyeing artist hosted by Consulate of Japan in Lyon.
'Merci' all of participants and cooperators.

Cooperative activities with local.ISF director Hisashi Miyata support local tourism developing with Sake.Almost Japanese...

Cooperative activities with local.

ISF director Hisashi Miyata support local tourism developing with Sake.
Almost Japanese local has native and unique culture based on physical, cultural, and human geography that makes charms of cuisine culture including unique Sakes.

Of course this region, 'Higashimino' tourist region between Nakatsugawa city and Ena city, has also traditional 6 breweries and fantastic local food ingredients and cultures.

In 6th Sep. 2017, cooperative project of this region served Miyata as chief director of promotion held one of conceptual event in Nakatsugawa city, that walk from Nakatsugawa station to Hazama brewing factory with visiting 8 Japanese confectionery (Wagashi) factory. (because autumn is the main season of confectionary made by chestnuts calls 'Kurikintong'), guided by Mr Naoki Ichikawa.

After arriving Hazama-shuzo (Sake factory), we saw on the factory of this brewery guided by Mr. Iwagaya, chief factory manager, and then enjoy Sakes from 6 breweries and awesome dishes by top Washoku (Japanese cuisine) chefs of this region.

Thank you for every cooperator and we suggest if you want to dive real Japan, you can come to visit this region.

[ISF Japan]

with in &



これに関連し、各イベント会場にて行われるヴェルニサージュ(オープニングセレモニー)にて ISFもサポートしているフランスの醸造家「ブラッスリー・シェヴァリエ」が大分県の小松酒造場と連携した日仏合作の記念日本酒のほか、日本のクオリティの高い醤油や味噌などとフランスのチーズのペアリングが楽しめる軽食を準備しております。



Le noren est un rideau en tissu qu’on accroche à l’entrée des restaurants et de certains magasins. Apparu il y a 1000 ans environ, il est devenu un symbole de l’art de

'Importance of the vision.'ISF and Meijo University (Nagoya, Japan) started new project of implementing active learning ...

'Importance of the vision.'

ISF and Meijo University (Nagoya, Japan) started new project of implementing active learning education program that plan and execute to produce SAKE overseas by students.
This program is combining to make plan & concrete whole value chain like production, marketing, distribution, and sales at a actual field, and is organized cross-functional project joined facility of Agriculture, faculty of Management, and Nihonshu Researching club of Meijo Univ.

This time we are sharing understandings of fundamental knowledge through lecturing by some specialists, and then, making up first prototyping production plan by 8 of new working groups as a first step of this program.

In this event, we felt again it is important to make up and image the vision of scene people satisfied, that drives project progressively with highly motivations, nice ideas, cooperative works, and power of actualizations.

We were great thanks for cooperative lecturer Akihiro Harada (president of Sake brewery), Shinichiro Souda (Instructor study of Nihonshu), Shinji Sawada (professor of Marketing in Meijo Univ.), Isao Nagata (advisor of JETRO), Ayako Yoshida (International Sake Sommelier), and Masashi Kato (professor of Microbes), staff of Meijo Univ., and participants.
And we are looking forward to born newer impressive activities, creative friendship, and great ideas through this project to make environment for sharing and preserving intangible assets of cultural diversity.

[ISF Japan]







[ISF 日本]

'France Japon Éco',the seasonal journal published by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCIFJ: Chambe...

'France Japon Éco',the seasonal journal published by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCIFJ: Chamber de Commerce et d'Industrie Francaise du Japon) treat our supporting project of Sake brewing in France.
This journal can read in flight of AirFrance (Narita-Paris), buy some bookstore, and distribute for member of CCIFJ.
Please check it.

Outline of article.

[ISF Japan]




[ISF 日本]




Set up the context.ISF held an event 'SAKE & CULINARY FORUM vol.2' co-organised with Meijo University (Lab. of Microbiol...

Set up the context.

ISF held an event 'SAKE & CULINARY FORUM vol.2' co-organised with Meijo University (Lab. of Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture) in 3rd June, 2017 at Meijo Univ. Tenpaku campus (Nagoya city, Japan).

This time titled 'Journey for exploring to find origin of the Chita Peninsula' lectured by professor Hirokazu Magarida (Nihon Fukushi Univ.), treated study of history about brewing industry & culinary culture at the Chita Peninsula for concreting the context of values, roots, and source of identities of this region.

And after this lecture, Professor Atsumi Miyatani (Aichi prefectural Univ.) and her student Hikari Toya presented their field works of making bilingual contents collaboration with Sawada-shuzo located in Tokoname city, Chita peninsula (Aichi pref.).

ISF will try to support for making up the valuable contents for promotion (to overseas) and brash up regional charms cooperate with regional & educational activities through making 'social field' to actualize & connect talents, resources, activities and context for making synergy like as incubation function.

Of course we enjoyed exchanging with nice Sakes produced in Chita and food used ingredients gained at the Chita directed Mr. Shinichiro Souda (Chef & Sake master) & Mr. Ryotetsu Takagi (Vegetable Sommelier) at the second half of the forum.

We ISF will continue to hold like this opportunities titles 'SAKE & CULINARY FORUM' and we hope to join every people who interested in about food, Sake, or cultural preservation & development.
Thanks for all visitors and cooperators.

[ISF Japan]









[ISF 日本]




ISF director Hisashi Miyata read a study that Sake industry contains the essence of sustainability with economical & eco...

ISF director Hisashi Miyata read a study that Sake industry contains the essence of sustainability with economical & ecological cycles for the human wealthiness at last International forum held in Meijo University at 9th October, 2016 by Meijo University, Faculty of Foreign Studies.
This forum titled 'Discussions for Sustainable Development and Culture -Lessons for and from Emerging Asia.', And Miyata presented titled 'Learning from Heritage -SAKE industry has essence of sustainability.' as a one part of speaker.

Here is update of proceedings and you can check whole document at following URL.

[ISF Japan]




[ISF 日本]







ISF made a start to hold regular forum from 18th March, 2017.This regular event, collaborate with Meijo Univ., will hold...

ISF made a start to hold regular forum from 18th March, 2017.
This regular event, collaborate with Meijo Univ., will hold every two months aim to share knowledges and informations for every people who interested in SAKE & culinary culture, industry, and environment within local, for both University students and general.
This forum will treat to share and explore 'knowledges' on Part 1 (as a lecture) & 'experiences' on Part 2 (as a banquet).
The time held the first forum, mainly collaboration with Nagano prefecture to share the branding strategy of this prefecture including policy of 'origin appellation control' was lectured by Mr. Hiroshi SAKASH*TA (Officer of Nagano pref. Nagoya branch), many of participant was come and share the fruitful exchanges and acknowledgement.
We ISF will keep opening good opportunities to cultivate social environment and appreciate all cooperators and visitors.

[ISF Japan]





3-18 Yanagimachi
Nakatsugawa-shi, Gifu



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