Thank you for coming to the first day of our NIGHTRAGE show at Koenji HIGH last night! We hope you enjoyed the sound that is the essence of Melodic death metal.
Today's show will start later at the same venue at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets will be available on the day of the show, so please come to the show if you can.
The setlist will change again from yesterday!
Nightrage Chrosh Bookings
Exarsis Chrosh Bookings
GAMA BOMB's first show in Japan in five years was a great success.
They will be back here in Japan again!
GAMA BOMB Tokyo 2nd day.
Thanks for the great performance!
And thank you to all the Japanese fans who came to the venue!
Keep support!
GAMA BOMB Chrosh Bookings
GAMA BOMB のJAF19以来の5年ぶりの゙来日公演の1日目、ゲストでプレイをしてくれた9歳のドラマーKOTA君、初日SNOWYのドナーであった我らがUNITEDのジョージ、そして会場で沢山楽しんでくれた皆さん本当にありがとうございました!今日2日目、前売チケットはソールドですが当日券出ます!楽しみましょう!
Chrosh Bookings
Thank you so much for coming to IN FOR THE KILL's one-man show last night to celebrate the release of their new album, Branded to Kill!
It was 90 min great show.
Please keep support to the band!
昨夜は、IN FOR THE KILLのニューアルバム、Branded to Kill のレコ発ワンマンにとても多くの皆さんにお越し頂きまして誠にありがとうございました!大盛況でした!2枚のアルバムから全曲を聴ける機会はなかなかないとは思いますが、またいつかこのようなワンマンを是非やってもらいたいと思います!
Thank you so much for coming to IN FOR THE KILL's one-man show last night to celebrate the release of their new album, Branded to Kill!
It was 90 min great show.
Please keep support to the band!
ニュー・アルバム"Branded to Kill"のリリースまで後一週間となったIN FOR THE KILLの新しいリリック・ビデオ"SHUTDOWN"が遂に公開!
#thrashmetal #hardcore #JapaneseMetal