there are no chicks with dicks only guys with tits... hahaha
I can't wait for this movie to come out... I am always ready for a good laugh!
Here is the Ted 2 Global Trailer #2
Another great video from the awesome folks over at Buzzfeed... guys wearing high heels for the first time!
For all my Japanese followers, if you are tired of the same old ekaiwa type of 'conversation' lessons that are kind of pointless... here is a very useful set of quick lessons that you might find interesting and very useful somewhere in life!
It's just around the corner... RED BULL Air Race in Chiba, Japan
Don't want to miss this show!
So everyone is going out there watching the movie 'Fifty Shades of Grey' because they want to compare the movie with the novel... we all know that the book's story is more captivating than the movie -> but here is a nice twist! (Courtesy of the folks over at College Humor)
Looking for a great way to burn some extra calories while on the treadmill to get yourself into shape for this spring/summer?
For anyone/everyone that is into FMX(Freestyle Motocross) here is a movie that will be coming out soon... a documentary about the Japanese FMX legend Eigo Sato
Perhaps this is one of the cool things about living in Japan... many have said that once you experience this, you will never want to give it up... the toilet spray bidet (thanks to the folks at BUZZ FEED)
Kind of felt this video/song was fitting for the weather we are having at the moment.
I don't own the rights to this video.
Ken Block's Nagoya Experience 2014
This is a PV where Ken Block takes a couple of 'bikini' girls for a ride... watch and enjoy the show!
Ken Block's Nagoya Experience 2014
Here is the official video from Ken Block's Nagoya Experience... in case you were not able to be there!
Here is something to watch... check it out -> car driving up/down a wall.