Q. I am a shareholder of a company with provisions of its articles of incorporation which provide that annual shareholder meetings shall be called within 3 months from the last day of each business year, and that the company shall fix March 31st of each business year as a record date and determine the shareholders of the record date as the shareholders entitled to vote at annual shareholder meetings and to receive payment of end-of-the-term dividends.
If I sell my shares to someone on or after April 1st and after that the company changes the record date to, for example, June 30, I am not likely to receive the dividend.
Is my understanding correct?
A. Correct
It appears that many companies are planning to hold an annual shareholder meeting within a period of time provided in the articles of incorporation of each company by booking a smaller place of meeting than usual and allowing smaller number of shareholders to enter the meeting place than usual in order to prevent infection spread of the new coronavirus. It is anticipated, however, that inspite of these efforts they might not be able to complete the account settlement work and auditing work by the time when the company send the notice of the shareholder meeting to shareholders due to the call for refraining from going to the office and for teleworking.
If the company decided to postpone the annual shareholder meeting and, for that purpose, changed the record date for voting rights at annual shareholder meetings and rights to receive dividends, those who do not have shares on the new record date cannot exercise the voting rights at the annual shareholder meeting rescheduled nor receive the payment of dividends on the effective date rescheduled.
Q. 私が株式を持っている会社では、定時株主総会は事業年度の終了後3か月以内に招集すること、定時株主総会の議決権と配当については3月31日を株主名簿を基準日とすることが、定款で定められています。もし私が4月1日以降に株式を売却し、その後、会社が基準日をたとえば6月30日に変更したら、私は配当を受け取ることができないのでしょうか。
A. そのとおりです。
Q. Isn’t it possible that the annual shareholder meeting be postponed sometime more than 3 months after the record date without changing the record date?
A. We think that in the case of a company with a record date for voting rights at annual shareholder meetings provided in its articles of incorporation, if the company decided, after the record date, to postpone the date of annual shareholder meeting due to an event beyond the company’s reasonable control, the company may postpone the date of annual shareholder meeting to sometime more than 3 months after the record date without changing the record date to a date not more than 3 months prior to the date of annual shareholder meeting postponed.
(This is not, however, a commonly accepted interpretation of law on this issue at themoment. Please seek professional adviser’s opinion on a particular case.)
A record date is required to be, if fixed, a date not more than 3 months prior to the date on which shareholders may exercise certain shareholders’ rights for which the record date is fixed (Japanese Companies Act, Article 124, paragraph2). This is because it is preferable that shareholders as of the date to exercise shareholders’ rights exercise the shareholders’ rights.
On the other hand, it is commonly accepted that a provision of a company’s articles of incorporation to the effect that annual shareholder meetings should be held in certain time of year does not intend to require an annual shareholder meeting be held in such time of year even when it is difficult to hold a shareholder meeting due to an act of God or other events beyond the company’s reasonable control. Additionally, it is commonly accepted that, in the event a company needs to change the record date provided in its articles of incorporation due to an event beyond its reasonable control, the company may change the record date by publishing a public notice of the new record date without amending the provision of the articles of incorporation.
However, changing the record date provided in a company’s articles of incorporation without notifying shareholders of the change before the original record date might cause shareholders suffer unforeseeable damage.
We think that Article 124, paragraph 2, of the Companies Act mentioned above intends to apply to the case where a company fixes a record date for certain shareholders’ rights but does not intend to apply to the case where a company decides, after the record date once fixed, to postpone the date to exercise certain shareholders’ rights for which the record date is fixed to sometime more than 3 months after the record date due to an event beyond the company’s reasonable control. In other words, we think that in the case of a company with a record date provided in its articles of incorporation for certain shareholders’ rights, in order for the company to decide, after the record date, to postpone the date to exercise such shareholders’ rights to sometime more than 3 months after the record date due to an event beyond the company’s reasonable control, the company is not required to change the record date to a date not more than 3 months prior to the new date to exercise such shareholders’ rights. Therefore, in the case of a company with a record date for voting rights at annual shareholder meetings and dividends fixed in its articles of incorporation, the company may, in the event of an act of God or other events beyond the company’s reasonable control such as infection spread of the new coronavirus, postpone the date of an annual shareholder meeting and the effective date of an year-end-dividend to sometime more than 3 months after the record date, without changing the record date to a date not more than 3 months prior to the new date of annual shareholder meeting postponed and the new effective date of the dividends.
(The above is not a commonly accepted interpretation of law on this issue at the moment. Please seek profession aladviser’s opinion on a particular case.)
Q. 基準日を変更しないで、定時株主総会の開催を、基準日から3か月より後に延期することできないのですか。
A. 定款で定時株主総会の議決権について基準日が定められている場合に、基準日より後に、やむを得ない事由により定時株主総会の延期を決定する場合には、当該定時株主総会にかかる基準日を変更しないで、定時株主総会の時期を、基準日から3か月を経過した時期に延期することができると考えられます。
Q. Is it possible to hold an annual shareholder meeting in 2 separate days, for example, in June for agenda regarding election of directors and in September for agenda regarding approval of financial statements and payment of dividend for the purpose of prevention of infection spread of the new coronavirus?
A. It is possible by sending notice of each shareholder meeting to shareholders, provided that the notice of the adjourned meeting is sent to the same shareholders as those of the 1st meeting without changing the record date if a record date is fixed in the company’s articles of incorporation for voting rights at annual shareholder meetings and dividends. This is because these 2 meeting days constitute an annual shareholder meeting and, therefore, the 2meetings are required to consist of the same shareholders.
(This is not, however, a commonly accepted interpretation of law on this issue at the moment. Please seek professional adviser’s opinion on a particular case.)
To continue an adjourned shareholder meeting after the 1st meeting is adjourned to another time and place (adjourned meeting), the company is not required to take procedure for convening the adjourned meeting (Companies Act, Article 317). However, it is considered that the company is not required to do so only where there is no time for the company to take such procedure between the 1st meeting and the adjourned meeting. In the case where the company has time to take procedure for convening the adjourned meeting after the 1st meeting is adjourned, the company is required to take the procedure for convening the adjourned meeting.
Moreover, the notice of adjourned meeting is required to be sent to the same shareholders as those of the 1st meeting, because both meetings constitute an annual shareholder meeting.
We think that, if a record date is fixed in the company’s articles of incorporation for voting rights at annual shareholder meetings and rights to receive payment of year-end-dividends, the company is required to hold the 1st meeting of the annual shareholder meeting within 3 months from the record date and to hold the adjourned meeting without changing the record date. Although the record date is required to be not more than 3 months prior to the date on which shareholders may exercise certain shareholders’ rights for which the record date is fixed (Companies Act, Article 124, paragraph2) as mentioned above, it is considered that the company may hold the adjourned meeting more than 3 months after the record date as long as the 1st meeting is held within 3 months from the record date.
With regard to dividends, as mentioned above, we think that, in the case of a company with a record date for rights to receive payment of dividends fixed in its articles of incorporation, the company may, in the eventof an act of God or other events beyond the company’s reasonable control, postpone the effective date of dividends to sometime more than 3 months after the record date without changing the record date to a date not more than 3 months prior to the new effective date of the dividends rescheduled.
(The above is not a commonly accepted interpretation of law on this issue at the moment. Please seek professional adviser’s opinion on a particular case.)
Q. 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防止するため、定時株主総会をたとえば6月と9月の2回に分けて、6月に取締役の選任を行い、9月に計算書類の承認と配当の決議を行うことは可能ですか。
A. 可能です。ただし、それぞれの開催期日について、招集手続をとる必要があります。また、定款で定時株主総会の議決権と配当の基準日が定められている場合には、基準日を変更しないで開催する必要があると考えられます。いずれも同一の定時株主総会であるため、同一の株主に対して招集手続をとる必要があるからです。