[release] Mildred - "Pt.2 Deluxe Edition" (CD)を 2024/1/5にリリースします
自身のwebサイトには、更に膨大なテキストを綴り、身に降りかかる病、臨死体験、仲間を救うための出会い系詐欺、それらの体験を反映させた哲学的・政治的物語、その集大成こそがこの『Pt.2』である。2022年に制作されたアルバム本編に加え、同セッションのアウトテイク的『Pt.Neither』も収録した形で、『Pt.2 Deluxe Edition』として初CD化されたものが本作、US地下シーンで人知れず紡がれる巨大激情叙事詩『ミルドレッド』。
On his website, he has written a vast amount of text, and his philosophical and political narrative reflects his experiences of illness, near-death experiences, and a dating scam to save his friends,
Pt. 2" is the culmination of these experiences, and is now available for the first time on CD as "Pt. 2 Deluxe Edition," which includes the full-length album produced in 2022 and "Pt. Neither," an outtake from the same session,
Mildred" is a huge epic of passion spun in the US underground scene.