You can contact our Eagle 810 DJs at 225-2379 (DSN) or
042-552-2510 ext. 5-2379 (Mobile). This page is maintained by AFN Tokyo. The primary purpose of this page is to engage with our audience throughout the Kanto Plain and around the world. This page will be used to disseminate important information as well as to have some fun. While we strive to maintain an open forum, certain behaviors will not
be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, words and images we deem to be offensive, derogatory, graphic, obscene, explicit, abusive, hateful, demoralizing or personally attacking. Such comments and images will be removed and the user responsible may be banned from access to the page. Due to the nature of our profession, certain information may not be appropriate for public social media. Please remember to check official channels of communication in an emergency.