A creative and professional business space for startups and project activities, LCI includes several workshops, programs, events and initiatives that attract creative minds, startups and entrepreneurs who seek to reflect their innovative and original thoughts and projects into reality. The incubator is expected to be located on the Luminus Media premises. The LCI encourages individual creativity,
skill and talent and presents various and pleasing job opportunities. It’s a place for developing the creative artistic skills, shaping and creating fresh ideas and innovative brainstorming of cultural sector. Luminus Creative Incubator is focused and aimed to serve talents and individuals to get inspired and create a learning network of on hand projects in order to facilitate and accelerate the exchange of experiences, knowledge and proficiency. TARGET GROUPS
• Students and individuals in the field of creative industries and art culture.
• People running or preparing creative projects, artists, cultural operators, managers and researchers.
• Professionals, working in project partner's institutions and other collaborating institutions.
• Cultural workers, private companies, public institutions, decision makers who are interested in creative incubators. OUR SERVICES
The following services are offered at Luminus Creative Incubator:
Creative and inspiring work and meeting space. Mentoring (internal and external). Professional mailing address. High- speed internet access. Step-by- step guidance on how to create a successful creative business. Help with developing a practical business plan. Links to strategic partners. Networking opportunities among participants. Assistance with presentation for investors and partners. Participating in competitions and workshops. VALUE AND BENEFITS
• Increased awareness on the issues of creative incubators, creative industries.
• Mapping of existing creative incubators initiatives, creating foundation for networking and learning amongst them.
• Facilitating long-term networking and knowledge exchange.
• Increased chances for business success.
• Increased credibility with prospective customers and partners.
• Professional business image.