Kind reminder anything you share on this page is completely visible to thousands of HITZ92FM fans. Please remember anything you share on this page is completely visible to thousands of HITZ92FM fans. HITZ 92 FM is the perfect blend of two of Jamaica's favourite past times, REGGAE & SPORTS as the tagline suggests, 'It's Reggae... It's Sports'. Our mandate is simple -provide Jamaicans with a radio s
tation that is designed with THEM in mind. Black green and gold pulses through the veins of HITZ92FM, whether in the 'hardcore dancehall beat' or in the 'soothing one drop rhythms' or the exclusive and exciting coverage of sporting events... The station Is Jamaican through and through. Add to this the best coverage of sports on radio. Up to the minute sportscasts, exclusive coverage of the West Indies tours home and away, Athletics, Netball, the National Premier Football League, and naturally the Reggae Boyz. HITZ 92 FM.... It's Reggae... It's Sports, it's totally Jamaican.