SCTV is managed by Director, David R. He has dubbed the channel : "SCTV....Must see TV!"
It has 24 hour coverage and began operations under the current management on October 19th 2013. At present, the station has a programme slot called"Farrakhan Speaks." Efforts are underway to conceptualize other innovative programmes to air by the Production Team.However,finances have to be secured to produce t
he shows. Therefore, advertisement will be
necessary, and as such, the Sales/Marketing Agent(s) will be as integral part of the entity with a new, innovative and unique TV statiion.Its mandate is to produce quality Advertisement,Infomercials,Reality Series and a host of special events for Television and Radio broadcast (whether mainstream media entities or community media like SCTV). Cost for production is negoitated excluding the cost clients will have to pay to have their ads placed on TV or Radio based on their preference.Audio-Graphics (sounds and words) ads cost less, while ads requiring the use of talents/actors will cost more.However,ALL our rates are economical when compared to our competitors to accommodate our clients need for high quality production in economically challenging times.