silkboss said he was 16 years old when shabria Entertainment Record Label sign him kindly look at the year the contract was signed 2020 and look at his date of birth 2001 MAKE IT MAKE SENSE? him nuh want mi release all the voice notes with him a cuss him mother like dog ,I have avoided your lieing ,broke ass DO YOU THINK I CANT SUE YOU ? BUT MI KNOW YU BROKE AND HUNGRY LIKE DOG PURE LIE YU WALK AMD TELL MEMBA I FED YOU AND FIND SHELTER FI YU WHEN YU MUMA THROW YU OUT MULTIPLE times remember a me produce yu first song 🎵 give yu your vevo channel and bmi ect don't let me start I have hold it in for years all when mi get recording with yu a bring mi down mi still ignore yu but this lie is too fu***ng much