Hello My Reader's
Is this Real or is this Real we are still in the COVID Era and look at Down Town Kingston Food & Clothes market Dodo water they call it raw sewage water which is Sh*t water flooding the Food & Clothes market and the Health Minister is saying on the other side of Jamaica on a platform that we should not panic so then he must not know About this Sh*t water that is Flooding the Food & Clothes market in the Down Town Kingston Area for if he knows about this Dodo water flooding and Freely saying that there is no need to Panic what is he Really talking About. This Is Your Daily Report By Wwwhisnamecom1 .
Hello My Reader's
First to comment if teacher's are not In a Solid frame of mind how can they work Effectively and to say school's are the home away from home for All Children that are Attending Schools in the Country that is what I know, So how can the Minister use the term saying that the Teacher's are disrupting the meditation by protesting about there Unsettled wage agreement for by saying disrupting it is like you are saying they should Not be doing what they are doing and they should satisfy with the wage that they are getting, But look as the Camera goes on the Minister her head is held down as if she knows quite well that the Teacher's are Right what the prime minister have to say About this is left to be said...This Your Daily By Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
Even though they as taken his money he still being the Confident and Bold person that he is, Speaking to Reporter's etc about issues that surrounds the case and how he feels and the limitations of what he can say or not say...This Is Your Daily Report By Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
This is not what anyone or any Country/City would want for there Christmas violent and hostile protesting in such a time as this, a time when there should be peace love and joy, Should be all over the city of Paris but it was not to be for this Christmas at all because a gunman Killed and Destroy the Christmas for the Kurdish people three died leaving the people in unrest what a sad Christmas in Paris. This Is Your Daily Report By Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
These Soldiers did okay in handling the situation they did not acted in Force to get the violence of the people in control they kept there Kool....This Is Your Daily Report By Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
Man seen in viral video now in custody because he as Used badmanism/Brute Force against the public on a public passenger vehicle, he is now to face the Court. This Is Your Daily Report By Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
This is the Reality of the life of Night Lifestyle when you go to have fun or saying you are going to have fun going to get your party on this is what you may be getting your self in to because this is where the Devil Lives this is His World do you see what is Happening here it is Not two person Fighting it is the Entire Club of people are Fighting so check it out what if this was a Street Dance party and this Happen, Like seriously people need to know and stop fool them selfs that when ever they are going to a Club or Street Dance Party they are going into the Devil's Environment for this is the REALITY. This Is Your Daily Report By Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
Hurricane Ian Arrive in Florida. We Hope for the best in this such a time for All that are Affected by Ian, And Hoping for a Spending Recovery for the Country and all the People that a Affected by this Hurricane. This is your daily report by Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
Portmore Parent Shoot and Killed 15 Year Old Son.
You mean to tell me that none of the boy parent did not knew there son was not inside the house they should have known he was not inside the house because he is not a walk about child he was a well behaved child they say so they should have recognized that he was not in the house before they went to bed that is if they was in bed when she heard the Noise so then how did none of them did not knew there son was not in the house that is the question....For if they had known that he was not inside the house she would have called out his name before she Alerted her Husband that there is an intruder inside the house or trying to get inside the house. So the Question is did they or did they not know the were about of there Son before the Shooting. And to say dose an Intruder makes Noise or Noises when going to Thief and how can you mistake someone Identity when you can't see the person
. This Is Your Daily Report by Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
Looking at the Jamaica Team they could have played much better, just look at how the First goal was Scored the Defense was Ball Watching there are 3 Jamaicans in the box and none of them did not see the Argentina player that was coming for the Ball for the 3 Jamaicans was watching the Ball when they should be watching the Argentina Player that was coming for the pass. This is your daily report by Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
This is the Happenings in may pen Clarendon so people we need to be Alert and Aware. This is your daily report by Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
Now look at this here is this the Future that we want for our Country look at the Amount of People Trying to get there Particulars in so that they will have an Opportunity to get a Job But get this how Many Job position are there, So you see all the Government is Talking he Needs to Redial and come Again because if this is Only Ochi what About the rest of Jamaica. And they say we are not having a Job Problem/Crisis. This Is Your Daily Report by Wwwhisnamecom1.
Victim Of Social Media/Ramping Speak Out..
Hello My Reader's
This Little Child find out that she is a Victim of Ramping and Social Media YouTube and it is Causing her to not Focus on her book Learning it is Affecting her because when she as the book in Front of her all that is in her Head is Ramping and YouTube and that's a problem cause her friends can Focus on there book learning so she needs to find a way to get back what Ramping and YouTube as Taking Away. This is your daily report by Wwwhisnamecom1.
Back To School and Lock of Teachers
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They are alot of talking about the Fact that they are Not Enough Teachers to Fit the Back To School Meditation But this Video Clip here is One of the main Reasons for the Lock of Teachers I should think because teachers have bin talking for years about there weak Salary but yet still they keep Working so it can't be because of there Salary why they are walking away from the Class rooms...so the Issue of this video clip is in Question this is the question the Government need to Answer why are the Teachers Scared and running Away from the Class Rooms. This is your daily report by Wwwhisnamecom1.
Jamaica's 60 Celebration
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Yes I am with the Activities of our 60 years of Independence...but this is what I don't understand why use a old festival song to promote our 60 years of Independence when we just celebrate a new national festival song of 2022 in our 60 years of Independence...So why then it is Not our New national festival song is playing in the background of this video clip of our 60 years of Independence...why it is a Old song they put to be played in the background to promote our 60 years of Independence. This is your daily report by Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
This is a Stingray/Tuneback at the Length of near to 13 Feet Long imagine in the water in witch part of beach or river or were ever you go to catch a swim not expecting a size Stinger like this to be there and to be STUNG by such a Size Stinger would it be Severe I should think so. This is your daily report by Wwwhisnamecom1.
Wanting To Get Rid Of The Holy Word The Bible.
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Now this is unbelievable to know that people would sign a paper to say they agree with the new world order people who so ever those people are and most times they are people you know and trust, And to say if they want to get rid of the Holy Word the Bible that means they are Working for Satan and the Bible will get in there way and of there new world order plans and it will not come to pass so they are Seeking people to agree with them to get Amazon to Stop the selling of the Holy Word which is the Bible but I don't know if Amazon will want to stop there Business of the sale of Bibles just because the new world order wants it to be so how Stupid is that for them to want to get rid of such History that is still Relevant to this Day. This Is Your Daily Report By Wwwhisnamecom1.
Government Vs the JCF.
Hello My Reader's
This was said in the past before they say and this is what is said in the present future by the JCF. This is Your Daily Report by Wwwhisnamecom1.
Hello My Reader's
Why are we like this we know no one is perfect But we get in to a fight for what ever the reason one person as to win and one as to lose that's how it is, But you have some person's cant take Losing so his friend see that his friend is being Defeated by this man and go for Gun to win fight But he and is friend the Two of them the man Defeated them Both from my point of view now you cant tell them that they are not badman but for me they are just Loser's what the man should have done is hold the man hand because it is the mans hand the Gun is in and not his cloths. This Is Your Daily Report By Wwwhisnamecom1 .
Brinks Crash
on Thursday of this week a Brinks Truck over turned in the vicinity of high house no one was seriously injured the police and security was present this is your Daily Report by Wwwhisnamecom1.