Jamplified Records

Jamplified Records Music production team and record label in Kingston, Jamaica. http://www.jamplified.com


Last week we spoke about how being yourself, looking the part and investing in professional photos can help to improve y...

Last week we spoke about how being yourself, looking the part and investing in professional photos can help to improve your branding. Here are three more tips just for you. 👍

👩🏾‍🎤 Be consistent.

Have clear, consistent branding with your profile name, handles, and display photos across social media platforms.

👩🏾‍🎤 Ensure synchronisation across social media platforms.

You should be sending the same message across all marketing channels. Whether it be social media, your artist website, interviews, etc., use the same logos, colour palettes, and tone. This ensures that you aren’t confusing your target audience. Remember, these elements should be in line with you and your personality.

👩🏾‍🎤 Develop your visual identity.

Your visual elements can affect how people perceive you as well as their thoughts on what they expect to see when they visit your website or social media. So think of your visual elements as an extension of your music and you. If someone were to come across your cover art, for example, what would their first impression be?

There you have it, three more tips to help you improve your branding.

For more tips, follow us or visit the link in our bio to check out the resources we have for you. 😉

If you've been looking to improve your branding as an artist, here are three tips to help you out!👩🏾‍🎤 Be yourselfThis i...

If you've been looking to improve your branding as an artist, here are three tips to help you out!

👩🏾‍🎤 Be yourself

This is quite possibly the most important tip there is, as everything else is an extension of this one tip. Staying true to yourself helps create an authentic personal brand that clearly communicates who you are and what you stand for. This is a sure way to attract potential listeners and build trust between you and your audience.

👩🏾‍🎤 Look the part.

Your image is a great way to market yourself when you are not performing, so be intentional about how you put yourself together when going to events.

👩🏾‍🎤 Invest in professional artist photos.

Professional photos help to build your brand and convey professionalism that fans and other onlookers respond to.

For more tips on how to improve your personal branding as an artist, follow us and stay tuned for our next post where we share three more tips! 😉


Collaboration can prove to be a precious asset to the creative process for musicians. ⚡️

But for collaboration to be most effective, it takes a level of open-mindedness and trust in the people you are working with.

Many of the songs we know and love today result from multiple minds coming together to focus on a shared goal, which is, the best possible outcome for the music/song being created; in Rick Rubin’s words “the best thing for the whole thing.” ✨

When was the last time you collaborated on a song/project? 🤔

Let’s do a quick recap.A casual fan is someone who came across your song/music and liked it.They probably follow you and...

Let’s do a quick recap.

A casual fan is someone who came across your song/music and liked it.

They probably follow you and will engage with your content every once in a while, but despite taking a liking to your music, they aren't very passionate about you. 😀

Superfans, on the other hand, are your diehard audience. 🤩

They are keen to share your music with anyone who will listen, are active and engaged with your online content, and are always eager to hear from you. They support you in any way they can, whether it be streaming your songs, purchasing tickets to your shows, and so much more.

This is why it is no surprise that these fans account for a big (if not the biggest) portion of your revenue. 😌

So tell us, which would you rather have? Let us know in the comments 💭

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”, or in this case, preparing to not make the most out of your new release! If y...

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”, or in this case, preparing to not make the most out of your new release!

If you want to increase the chances of the success of your music while simultaneously attracting listeners, encouraging saves/downloads, and engaging with your fans, then doing these things before your next release is an absolute must!

🌟 Set a release date that allows you ample time to effectively plan exactly how you’d like to go about your release, as well as prepare all the supporting materials that will be required.

🌟 Update your artist profiles. And we don’t just mean only on social media; update streaming platforms like Spotify too! Spruce up your pages with new artist pictures, an updated bio, links to your socials, and any other relevant information.

🌟 Create your pre-save campaign. This encourages fans to pre-save your upcoming track(s) so that on release day, it is automatically added to their library. It can also boost those first-day streaming numbers!

🌟 Submit your music for playlist consideration on Spotify. Getting your track added to an editorial playlist can lead to a boost in streams and exposure, so don’t deny yourself this possibility.

Remember: in order to make the playlists, your song must be submitted to Spotify at least four weeks before the release date.

🌟 Prepare promotional material for the song's release. This could be images, videos, or anything else you deem appropriate to promote your song. Having your promotional material locked and loaded can help ease some of the pressure of trying to figure out what and when to post, making the music promo process a lot easier. 😁

Found these tips helpful? Be sure to save this post for later or share it with any of your friends who may need it. 🙌🏾

Knowing your audience is a major key to success as an independent artist. Having a good understanding of your target aud...

Knowing your audience is a major key to success as an independent artist.

Having a good understanding of your target audience:

👤 allows you to create better songs and general content that they are more likely to engage with.

This engagement presents an additional opportunity to gain even more insight into your audience and their likes and dislikes.

👤 allows you to tailor your music promotion efforts so that they are targeted toward people who are most likely to listen to your music.

This makes it possible to budget more effectively as you know what social media platforms to focus on, as well as the type of messaging that will resonate with current and potential listeners.

So, on a scale of 1-10, how well do you know your audience? 🤔 Let us know in the comments.

This one is for the vocalists!Nothing beats using your instrument to peak ability; in this case, the instrument is your ...

This one is for the vocalists!

Nothing beats using your instrument to peak ability; in this case, the instrument is your voice!

Here are two beverages that are good for your voice and can help you achieve just that.

Water 💧
Water does not touch your vocal folds, however, it is important for overall hydration. This hydration is what your vocal folds NEED to work properly.
Vocal folds are covered with a mucosal layer that when dried up, can result in irritation and swelling. This further causes cracking, the inability to hit high notes, or even produce sound at all. So stay hydrated!

Decaffeinated herbal tea 🫖
The best teas for your voice and vocal folds are those that do not have any caffeine. Teas such as chamomile, peppermint, and other herbal and green teas with some honey or lemon do a tremendous job of helping to soothe your throat.

So if you’re feeling for a warm beverage, skip the coffee, and try these teas instead! 😉

A key part of being an artist/creator is connecting with your supporters. ✨ Interacting with these very special individu...

A key part of being an artist/creator is connecting with your supporters. ✨

Interacting with these very special individuals keeps them interested in your content, helps to build fan loyalty by fostering strong relationships and community, and increases your overall human appeal as an artist.

While virtually connecting with fans enables instant communication with fans all over the world and is relatively cheaper, among other things, connecting with fans in person allows for a special type of interaction that just cannot be beaten.

If you ask us, well, we think that both are equally important 🤷, but what about you?

How do you prefer connecting with your fans/supporters?

This calls for some reflection. 🧘🏾What are some music promotion tips and tricks you’ve picked up along the way that you ...

This calls for some reflection. 🧘🏾

What are some music promotion tips and tricks you’ve picked up along the way that you wish you had known earlier?

Share with us in the comments below. 👇🏾

Visit the link in our bio and check out our free resources for tips to help you along your journey as an artist.

As an independent artist, sometimes it is easy to fall prey to comparison, especially in the age of social media. But yo...

As an independent artist, sometimes it is easy to fall prey to comparison, especially in the age of social media.

But you should always remember that just like your goals, your journey is specific to you, so quit comparing and stick to it!

If you need help achieving your music career goals, don’t hesitate to head to the link in our bio and check out our resources that can help you. 🫶🏾

Looking for ways to make money and develop your skills while you pursue the front end of the music industry? Well, here’...

Looking for ways to make money and develop your skills while you pursue the front end of the music industry?

Well, here’s something to consider.

Oftentimes when we think about a successful career in the music industry, our minds go directly towards a megastar with millions of fans.

However, roles such as songwriter, musician, engineer, and music educator, to name a few, can be just as fulfilling, and the key to choosing a role lies in the skills you already have! 😌

These roles are all vital to the success of the music industry ecosystem that makes it possible for music to thrive and hold opportunities to build connections, create another source of income, and learn more about the industry. ✨

We want to hear from you! What career path are you interested in possibly pursuing? Let us know in the comments down below 👇

We literally cannot stress this enough, a major key to success as an independent artist, especially in this day and age,...

We literally cannot stress this enough, a major key to success as an independent artist, especially in this day and age, is to promote your music.

You most likely put a lot of time, effort and perhaps money into creating music that you are proud of, so why would you leave the success of your music entirely to chance? 🤔

Think of it this way, you’ve made the first step and shared your music. It is only fitting that you see the process through by promoting it so it may land on the right ears and connect with who it is meant to connect with. ⚡

If you are unsure about what your next music marketing step should be, visit the link in our bio to try our quiz and find out!

Going to the recording studio to work on a project can be one of the most exciting things about being an artist. Whether...

Going to the recording studio to work on a project can be one of the most exciting things about being an artist.

Whether it’s your first time going or you just haven’t been there in a while, when it comes to studio etiquette, here are some tips to ensure you have a good and productive session.

🎧 Be on time
On the day of your session, try as best as possible to show up on time.

🎧 Show up ready to work
Showing up with an idea of what it is you want to work on will help make the session a productive one.

🎧 Don’t bring food/drinks into the control room
Avoid bringing food or drink into the recording studio to prevent any accidents.

🎧 Treat the equipment with respect
Avoid touching or messing around with equipment that’s not yours without permission.

🎧 Try to remain positive
Sessions won’t always go precisely according to plan, but keeping an open mind and remaining positive helps with overall morale and productivity. 🤍

What other tips do you have to ensure a good and productive session? 🤔 Let us know in the comments.

If you or anyone you know is interested in booking a studio session, we’ve got you covered. Visit the link in our bio to get started! ✨

Creating music is often a very exciting experience. From writing the lyrics and laying the tracks to hearing the final p...

Creating music is often a very exciting experience.

From writing the lyrics and laying the tracks to hearing the final product for the very first time, the process is nothing short of euphoric.

Some people prefer to create entirely on their own, while others enjoy creating and collaborating with others. ✨

What about you? When it comes to creating magic in the form of music, how do you prefer to create it?

Let us know in the comments below! 👇

Let’s talk about it!Audience insights provided by the various social media platforms aren’t just there for decoration. T...

Let’s talk about it!

Audience insights provided by the various social media platforms aren’t just there for decoration. They contain a lot of information about the people that follow you, interact with your content, and listen to your music.

Information such as their countries, cities, age range, most active times, and so much more can be accessed via these insights.

This information can be a powerful tool to help you with decisions regarding your music promotion efforts. They allow you to better understand your audience and therefore think of more efficient ways to target current and potential fans/listeners. 💃🏽

They can also show you what form of content resonates with your audience most, which can be helpful when trying to generate content that your fans will find to be more engaging.

So the next time you come up with a music promotion strategy, consider checking out your audience insights. ✨

How do you use this feature? Leave a comment and let us know. 😄

There’s just no going around it. The saying that practice makes progress cannot be truer, especially when it comes to th...

There’s just no going around it. The saying that practice makes progress cannot be truer, especially when it comes to the art of music. 💗

Practice allows you to identify areas you need to further improve, increase your proficiency, maintain skills, and make you a better musician/artist.

There is quite literally no better way to hone your craft. 💫

What practice exercises do you just love doing? 😊 Share with us in the comments below! 👇🏾


There are few things spookier than releasing music with no plan! ☝🏾

Let’s face it, you spent a lot of time and effort creating your project, be it an EP, a single, or an album. Then it’s only right that effort is put into creating a strategy for its release.

Having a music release plan is an effective way to increase your odds of attracting listeners, encouraging saves/downloads, enhancing & improving your relationship with your fans, and ensuring the overall success of your music.

Adequately planning your releases will give you ample time to:
✅ Properly register your work with the relevant organisations
✅ Develop a music promotion plan
✅ Choose your method of distribution
✅ Pitch your unreleased song for playlist consideration, and
✅ Update your EPK

Don’t let this horror story be about you, 😳 plan your releases!

As an artist, it is not uncommon that you may feel the natural emotion that is fear. 😳Whether it’s the fear of looking s...

As an artist, it is not uncommon that you may feel the natural emotion that is fear. 😳

Whether it’s the fear of looking silly, the fear of messing up, or the fear of failure, such emotions may make their way into your mind (sometimes without you even realising it).

This can manifest as turning down opportunities, delaying sharing your art with the world, and so much more.

However, these fears are often based on assumptions we cannot quite prove wrong until we give them a go. 🤷🏾‍♀️

This year, don’t let fear make you deny yourself the opportunity to achieve your goals and dreams!

Instead, let it guide you.

It can be used as an indicator of what areas you need to work on, where you need to ask for help, or even as a tool to challenge yourself with.

There is so much possibility for growth and development as an artist on the other side of fear.

So remember, if you can’t find it within yourself just yet to beat fear, then lean into that fear and do it scared. 🫶🏾

Quick question for the artists and producers. 🎶🎸When it comes to your instrumentals, do you prefer to use live instrumen...

Quick question for the artists and producers. 🎶🎸

When it comes to your instrumentals, do you prefer to use live instrumentation or digital instruments?

Let us know your preference in the comment section below. 👇🏾

Remember, we create custom beats that match your preference, and you can always check out our beats store for some amazing beats at affordable prices. 😉

Head to the link in our bio for more information. ✨

One of the most important elements that contribute to your music’s success and your success as an artist is your communi...

One of the most important elements that contribute to your music’s success and your success as an artist is your community. By community, we mean the people who listen to your music, buy your merch, follow you on social media, and so much more. In other words, your community is made up of your fans and superfans. 💫

Believe it or not, these individuals help a lot when it comes to your music promotion efforts. Not only are they dedicated fans who eagerly wait on your releases, they are just as eager to share your music with others.

As a result, it is important that you put effort into building, and nurturing your community.

Three ways you can achieve this include:
✔️Creating content that sparks conversation,
✔️Engaging with your community, and finally,
✔️Making your members feel valued; after all, these are the people who will show up to your shows, tell other people about you and your music, and just provide all-around support in any way they can.✨

So we have to ask, what are you doing to nurture your fans?

What are you doing to foster community?
Let us know in the comments below! 👇🏾

An electronic press kit (EPK) is a digital promotional package that artists use to provide music executives, labels, age...

An electronic press kit (EPK) is a digital promotional package that artists use to provide music executives, labels, agents, venues, and media with information that will help them understand who they are.

In other words, an EPK is like a resume for artists; every independent artist should have one.

Here are 5 key things that should be in your EPK:

🎤 Your musician bio - a downloadable biography is a good way to introduce yourself. This should be a couple of sentences that sum you up as an artist.
🎤 Promotional photos - a variety of downloadable, high-quality photos that can be used for promotional use.
🎤 Your music - it’s best to include your most popular tracks/the tracks you feel best represent you as an artist. You can include the links to your streaming services, but also ensure to have a music player that plays your tracks in full in your EPK for easy listening.
🎤 Videos - videos can be used by media sites to make an article more engaging or by venues to help promote artists they’ve booked, so be sure to embed a few of your best videos in your EPK.
🎤 Social media links & contact info - having social media links and detailed contact information in your EPK make it easy for visitors to connect/get in touch with you.

What else is in your EPK? Let us know down in the comments 👇

The borders between the music worlds have officially fallen (thanks to the internet), changing how artists make music, c...

The borders between the music worlds have officially fallen (thanks to the internet), changing how artists make music, changing how we listen to music, and allowing us to access genres that we previously would not be able to access with such ease.

As a result, artists everywhere are taking inspiration and elements from various genres they enjoy and using them to create their works. 🎶

The proof is in the music we love and enjoy today!

A lot of the music we hear on a regular basis tends to sound like hybrids of various genres, making it increasingly difficult to classify a lot of popular music as any one genre.

This begs the question, do you think genres as we traditionally know them are disappearing? And if so, what comes next? 🤔

Imagine this…You are building the perfect artist, but you can only use three ingredients to make this star shine. 🌟 Whic...

Imagine this…
You are building the perfect artist, but you can only use three ingredients to make this star shine. 🌟
Which three ingredients/qualities do you think are most important to building a successful music career?
Let us know in the comments below. 👇🏾

As an independent artist, it is extremely important to maintain a delicate balance between your music and your music bus...

As an independent artist, it is extremely important to maintain a delicate balance between your music and your music business. 🎯

Many upcoming artists think that they need to get a manager right away to blow up and grow in their careers.
But… that’s not necessarily the case.

Managers are there to help your career move forward by overseeing contracts, branding and promotion, tours, etc.

Notice we said “oversee” and not “do”.

Before you go out scouting for managers, we suggest laying the groundwork for your career. Once you’re seeing growth and some of these areas of your career become overwhelming, then you can consider hiring a manager to help out. ✨

We want to hear from you!
Do you have a manager? When did you decide you needed one?
Let us know in the comments below 👇

Do you really need to learn music theory as an artist? 👀Music theory refers to concepts and methods used to help us crea...

Do you really need to learn music theory as an artist? 👀

Music theory refers to concepts and methods used to help us create and understand music. While some believe that you need to know music theory to be successful, others think that’s just not the case.

Some pros of knowing music theory include:
🎼 Being able to better understand music,
🎼 Being better able to communicate with other musicians, &
🎼 Having a more holistic view of music

These pros, as simple as they may seem, provide musicians with an advantage when it comes to the creation of music, as the principles of music theory when applied, can bring forth some wonderful, interesting, and ear-catching arrangements.

So, do artists need to learn music theory? Well, in this day and age, it doesn’t hurt to learn music theory. Who knows? Your understanding of it might just be the thing that sets your music apart from others.
On a scale of 1 - 10 how versed are you in music theory? Do you think artists need to learn music theory? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. 👇

Artists, there’s absolutely no denying it!Nothing gives a good first impression quite like cover art. 🎨If your song is t...

Artists, there’s absolutely no denying it!

Nothing gives a good first impression quite like cover art. 🎨

If your song is the gift, the cover art is the wrapping paper, and this is just one of the many reasons why cover artwork is crucial.

This element, as simple as it seems, can be used to tell a visual story, add another layer to your music, and most importantly, attract potential listeners. ✨

Don’t know where to start? No worries, you can always employ the likes of a graphic designer and if you prefer to D.I.Y., there are a number of resources you can use to make your own.

How important is cover art to you? 🤔 Let us know in the comments down below. 👇🏽

This might be a tricky one, but artists tell us which one you would prefer! 🤔Would you prefer one of your songs blowing ...

This might be a tricky one, but artists tell us which one you would prefer! 🤔
Would you prefer one of your songs blowing up that was written by someone else 📝 or would you prefer to write a song for another artist that takes off? 📈

Tell us which one you’d choose and why in the comments below!

Control heavy breathing sounds when recording vocals. 😮‍💨This may seem like an obvious tip but poor breath control is a ...

Control heavy breathing sounds when recording vocals. 😮‍💨

This may seem like an obvious tip but poor breath control is a habit that is common among many artists, amateur or pro.

Not only does it hamper your performance in the studio and on stage, but it is also very distracting while recording.

For best results, practice proper breath control with a few breathing exercises before recording. You can find plenty of these on YouTube.

Don't get us wrong; a certain amount of breathing is necessary to give a natural feel to the recording. With practice, you can find that sweet spot.

Lessening excessive breathing sounds will improve the quality of your music and make the editing process easier.

Do you practice proper breathing exercises before recording? Tell us your tricks comments.

Follow for more music tips! 💯


58 Dumbarton Avenue


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