"A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service or organization." – Marty Neumeier, author of The Brand Gap.
So are you thinking about Rebranding lately, but not sure if you should? Here are 5 top reasons to Rebrand recommended by salesfactory.com. If you can identify at least one reason that defines your business, you may want to give it some more consideration. Give us a call and set up a consultation with our Digital Marketing expert today!
Side note: What do you think of all the drama surrounding the Twitter Rebrand? Does this video help you understand why the new owner is going ahead with a rebranding exercise?
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Brand Mission
Are you struggling to create your Brand Mission? Our experts can walk you through the steps needed to create a customized Brand Mission that will be uniquely yours and help you stand out from the crowd! Check out today's video for more on Brand Mission!
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The holiday season is in full swing. Is your business participating? Here are some tips to get you tapping into the festivities🎄🎄
How do you separate your business from the rest? One way for us is through creativity beginning with our name.
How do you do it?
@alphakreativ #kreativityforgood #kreativityforchange #buildingbetterbrands
Some say YouTube. Some say T.V. What do you say?
#contentmarketingideas #websitedesign #digitalmarketingtips #marketingtips #eventmarketing #jamaicanbusinesses #thingsjamaican #smm#businessconsultant #marketingconsultant #digitalmarketingservices #alphakreativ
Happy New Year
Best wishes for the New Year🥂
#happynewyear #alphakreativ
Business owners are finding out the secret to broad online advertising reach, Google Display and Youtube advertising. Call us at 876-321-4329 or email [email protected] to increase your business reach today.
A glimpse of us out doing a photoshoot for a website we will be creating.
#personalbrand #photoshoot
62% less is the cost to acquire a customer using digital marketing vs traditional marketing (Hubspot.com)
Businesses are taking advantage of the affordability and reach of digital marketing to find their brand community, as they emerge from this tough season.
Your busuness can do the same too. Alpha Kreativ Builds Your Brand Better with:
✔Comprehensive digital marketing campaign strategy tailored to your business goals.
✔Savy social media plans to grow your business.
✔Strategy and content development for digital advertising.
✔Higher ranking on search engines.
✔Website Design
✔Optimizing your existing websites.
✔Content planning
✔Strategic email marketing
✔Captivating images to convey your brand story.
✔ Making your brand memorable with graphic designs.
Build your business better online with these tips #buildbetterbrands