The first song “Dreaming about you” is release ready and will be out on July 24th. Now this is the second one for Alisa. Let me know if you like it!
#newmusicalert #producers #igmusic #hotnewmusic #originalmusic #upcomingmusic #newsongs #originalsongs #musicproduction #musicmatters #ilovemusic #originalsong #producingmusic #popmusic #popsinger #popsong
This is the story and "Making of" of the Song "Dreaming about you" by ALISA. Check her out and stay tuned, cause this song will be released the 24th of July. Alisa Novozhylova
#recordingartists #originalsongs #upcomingmusic #originalmusic #popmusician #musicproduction #originalsong #popsinger #musicislife #popmusic #musicproductionlife #hitrecord #newmusicalert #producingmusic #igmusic #popartist #hotnewmusic #musicmatters
Mixing a new Song! Release in about 1 month!
#recording #originalsong #musicproducerslife #popartist #popsinger #mixandmastering #musicbusiness #newsongs #upcomingmusic #hotnewmusic #igmusic #recordingartists #producing #popsong #musicproduction
March 7th is the release date of this wonderful song sang by the talented artist @jarrad_pearce . Lyrics: @jarrad_pearce Production, Mixing and Mastering by @dal_sci_music #mixingmastering #hitrecord #checkmeout #upcomingmusic #igmusic #musicwriter #musicoftheday #pop #newmusicalert #mixing #fyp #viral
Thank you Jarrad 🙏Jarrad Pearce - Vocalist Performer -#masteringaudio #studioflow #musicmatters #hotnewmusic #instasong #producing #mastering #pop #originalmusic #newmusicalert
Thank you Jarrad 🙏 Jarrad Pearce - Vocalist Performer -#masteringaudio #studioflow #musicmatters #hotnewmusic #instasong #producing #mastering #pop #originalmusic #newmusicalert
A new Beat for you! 🔥 #mixingmastering #hitrecord #checkmeout #upcomingmusic #igmusic #musicwriter #musicoftheday #pop #newmusicalert #mixing
Im happy to work with this talented guy! @followers
#emergentiitaliani #registrazioneaudio #emergentitrap #registrazionevoce #produttoremusicale #musicmaking #produzionemusicale #artistiemergenti #mixingandmastering #artistipop #Artistirap #musicproducerlife #musicarap #musicapop #emergentirap #mixingengineer