Nuova puntata al ritmo di esplorazioni spaziali profonde e sogni termonucleari con: e un'ennesimo capolavoro uscito con la fucina di robe spaziali (e non!) Heimat der Katastrophe .
Chiaramente sempre grazie a Radio Onde Furlane che ci ospita da anni con i nostri deliri spazio-musicali❤️
New episode with the rhythm of deep space exploration and thermonuclear dreams with: and another masterpiece released with the forge of space stuff (and not!) Heimat der Katastrophe .
Thanks to Radio Onde Furlane that always hosting us for years with our space-musical delirium ❤️
Stazion Spaziaal 777 is a cosmic radio show, on air every monday on Radio Onde Furlane (http://www.ondefurlane.eu). One hour about space rock, psychedelic trips, some electronic beats, cosmic journeys around drone, electronic music and more more more...ladies and gentlemans we are floating in space!