A Taste of Venice

A Taste of Venice Let's discover Venice through its food, its wine and its artisans. A blog magazine dedicated to sust

A Taste of Venice is a blog magazine for Venice, dedicated to bring to the attention of the world the food, the wine and the artisans of Venice. We organise blog events relevant to the above topics and promote local activities in the Venice area.


Zaeti are among the most popular cookies in Venice. This authentic recipe makes a thoughtful treat or gift, especially for yourself or loved ones who are dreaming of Italy! And when you're ready...


Per curare l'arte, bisogna prima conoscere l'arte. Ecco perché alla Prova di selezione Uia 2020-21 del Corso triennale professionale di tecnico del Restauro di Beni Culturali dell'Uia di Venezia, in programma venerdì 18 settembre a Villa Hériot (ore 10.00), verranno (anche) valutate le conoscenze della storia dell'arte con particolare riferimento ai grandissimi pittori/scultori dell'Antichità e ai siti storico-artistici di maggior interesse della città di Venezia, come l'isola di San Giorgio dove si trovano l'imponente Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore e la Fondazione Giorgio Cini.

Per ulteriori informazioni, non esitate a contattarci: tel. 041-5287989, [email protected] e/o direttamente sui nostri canali social.

Comune di Venezia - Anima Veneziana - Amici dei Musei e Monumenti Veneziani - Comitati Privati Internazionali per la Salvaguardia di Venezia


This is the story of Anima Veneziana ❤️ a film project
Based on an idea by Monica Cesarato, a Venetian team is capturing the real , the city speaking a clear language of hope and change:


Melancholy were the sounds on a winter’s night. (Virginia Woolf)

Good morning with a night photo 😂 - was too nice not to share!


Partenza in pullman Gran Turismo alle ore 08.00 da Venezia Piazzale Roma e arrivo a Rovigo. Visita guidata del piccolo ma grazioso centro storico. Si possono ammirare molti capolavori dell’edilizia privata di epoca veneziana come il Palazzo Roncal


In this post we analyze the different materials for a cameo ... maybe you don't know that the materials for the cameos are various and so the "cameo family" can be very very large ...


Yesterday was our cooking lesson day with Monica and Arianna. Their company is Cook in Venice and we had a great time with them. The day started off with us not hearing the alarm and having only a…


Turquoise is a hard stone that has been used since ancient times to build precious jewelry and ornamental objects: earrings, necklaces and bracelets but you need to know that ....

Best dessert from Italy!

Best dessert from Italy!

Best Original Tiramisu Recipe: the real authentic recipe from Veneto, in Treviso, where the Tiramisu was born, brough to you by Cook In venice

Have you ever wondered where artists and artisans get their inspiration from? :)

Have you ever wondered where artists and artisans get their inspiration from? :)

Have you ever wondered where makers take their inspiration from? Well, we take our inspiration from our lovely city of , of course!

Vi siete mai chiesti dove gli intagliatori di prendano la loro ispirazione? Bene, noi prendiamo ispirazione dalla nostra bellissima citta', , ovviamente!


An interesting insight into the world of Cameos from one of our partners, Gioielleria Eredi Jovon

An interesting insight into the world of Cameos from one of our partners, Gioielleria Eredi Jovon

In this post we analyze the different materials for a cameo ... maybe you don't know that the materials for the cameos are various and so the "cameo family" can be very very large ...


Eredi di Jovon Bruno -
Gioiellieri a Venezia dal 1934




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