International Piano Competition Ettore Pozzoli

International Piano Competition Ettore Pozzoli VI International Piano Competition for Young Pianists "Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli"
26th - 27th October 2024

The piano competition “Ettore Pozzoli” is a worldwide famous event, with a deep-rooted tradition. Founded in 1959 by Gina Gambini, Ettore’s widow, the competition takes place once every two years to pay a tribute to the great teacher and composer (Seregno, 1873 – 1957) and is open to candidates of both genders and any nationality. The prestigious Teatro San Rocco in Seregno hosts the demanding can

didates screening and the prize-giving ceremony. Important names of the music sceneare included both in the historical jurors record and in the winners record. Outstanding among these is the name of Maestro Maurizio Pollini, who won the much coveted first prize of the competition’s first edition. The competition is one of the initiatives envisaged by the "Call for Districts of Commerce for urban territorial economic reconstruction" - Lombardia Region.

The 6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli” was held last weekend: young talents perf...

The 6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli” was held last weekend: young talents performed on the stage of the Risorgimento Square Auditorium, Seregno.

Now we look forward to seeing you at the ###IV Ettore Pozzoli International Piano Competition, September 20-28, 2025.


La Sesta edizione del Concorso internazionale per giovani pianisti “Tributo a Elsa Pozzoli” si è tenuta lo scorso weekend: giovani pianisti si sono esibiti sul palco dell’Auditorium di Piazza Risorgimento, Seregno.

Ora vi diamo appuntamento alla 34^ Edizione del Concorso Pianistico Ettore Pozzoli, 20-28 settembre 2025.

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”Third Prize Category D: Emma Guercio          ...

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”
Third Prize Category D: Emma Guercio

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”Second prize Category D: Mattias Antonio Glavi...

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”
Second prize Category D: Mattias Antonio Glavinic

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”First prize Category D: Martina Meola*SPECIAL ...

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”
First prize Category D: Martina Meola
SPECIAL PRIZE Category D to the best performance of one of the pieces from “Riflessi del mare” by Ettore Pozzoli: Martina Meola

PREMIO SPECIALE Categoria D alla miglior esecuzione di uno dei brani da “Riflessi del mare” di Ettore Pozzoli: Martina Meola
SPECIAL PRIZE to the best performer of the pieces by Ettore Pozzoli: Martina Meola

PREMIO SPECIALE al migliore esecutore in assoluto dei brani di Ettore Pozzoli: Martina Meola

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”Third Prize Category C: Antonio Giacomo Zambon...

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”
Third Prize Category C: Antonio Giacomo Zamboni

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”First prize Category C: Denis Oppido*SPECIAL P...

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”
First prize Category C: Denis Oppido
SPECIAL PRIZE Category C to the best performance of one of the pieces from “Impressioni” by Ettore Pozzoli: Denis Oppido

PREMIO SPECIALE Categoria C alla miglior esecuzione di uno dei brani da “Impressioni” di Ettore Pozzoli: Denis Oppido

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”Second prize Category B: Damian Posteuca      ...

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”
Second prize Category B: Damian Posteuca

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”First prize Category B: Dai Lucas Okase***SPEC...

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”
First prize Category B: Dai Lucas Okase


SPECIAL PRIZE Category B to the best performance of one of the pieces from “Pinocchio” by Ettore Pozzoli: Dai Lucas Okase

PREMIO SPECIALE Categoria B alla miglior esecuzione di uno dei brani da “Pinocchio” di Ettore Pozzoli: Dai Lucas Okase

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”First prize Category A: Michelle Mazzarello An...

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”
First prize Category A: Michelle Mazzarello Antyshchenko


SPECIAL PRIZE Category A to the best performance of one of the pieces from “Piccole scintille” by Ettore Pozzoli: Michelle Mazzarello Antyshchenko

PREMIO SPECIALE Categoria A alla miglior esecuzione di uno dei brani da “Piccole scintille” di Ettore Pozzoli: Michelle Mazzarello Antyshchenko

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”TODAY, Sunday, Oct. 27, Risorgimento Square Au...

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”

TODAY, Sunday, Oct. 27, Risorgimento Square Auditorium, Seregno 3 p.m. concert and awards ceremony: free admission with reservation at this link


Sesta edizione del Concorso internazionale per giovani pianisti “Tributo a Elsa Pozzoli”

OGGI, domenica 27 ottobre, Auditorium di Piazza Risorgimento, Seregno ore 15.00 concerto e premiazioni: ingresso gratuito con prenotazione a questo link

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”This afternoon Mattias Antonio Glavinic, Emma ...

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”

This afternoon Mattias Antonio Glavinic, Emma Guercio, Martina Meola, Alessandro Merisio, Chiara Paulon, Ivan Petrenko performed.

Here is the link to review the performances:

Meet tomorrow, Sunday, Oct. 27, Risorgimento Square Auditorium, Seregno 3 p.m. with the concert and awards ceremony: Free admission with reservation at this link


6º Concorso Internazionale per giovani pianisti “Tributo a Elsa Pozzoli”

Questo pomeriggio si sono esibiti Mattias Antonio Glavinic, Emma Guercio, Martina Meola, Alessandro Merisio, Chiara Paulon, Ivan Petrenko.

Ecco il link per rivedere le esibizioni:

Appuntamento a domani, domenica 27 ottobre, Auditorium di Piazza Risorgimento, Seregno ore 15.00 con il concerto e le premiazioni: ingresso gratuito con prenotazione a questo link

In diretta da L Auditorium, le prove selettive della sesta edizione del Concorso Pianistico Internazionale Giovanile "Tr...

In diretta da L Auditorium, le prove selettive della sesta edizione del Concorso Pianistico Internazionale Giovanile "Tributo a Elsa Pozzoli"


6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”This morning Michelle Mazzarello Antyshchenko,...

6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”

This morning Michelle Mazzarello Antyshchenko, Dai-Lucas Okase, Damian Posteuca, Denis Oppido, Antonio Giacomo Zamboni performed.

Here is the link to review the performances:

Meet at 3 p.m. at the auditorium in Risorgimento Square, Seregno, with more young talent!


6º Concorso Internazionale per giovani pianisti “Tributo a Elsa Pozzoli”
Questa mattina si sono esibiti Michelle Mazzarello Antyshchenko, Dai-Lucas Okase, Damian Posteuca, Denis Oppido, Antonio Giacomo Zamboni.

Ecco il link per rivedere le esibizioni:

Appuntamento alle 15.00 presso l’auditorium di Piazza risorgimento, Seregno, con altri giovani talenti!

On October 26 and 27, the 6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”, a competition dedi...

On October 26 and 27, the 6th International Competition for Young Pianists “Tribute to Elsa Pozzoli”, a competition dedicated to pianists born between 2008 and 2018, will be held in Seregno.

Oct. 26 the final: free admission

October 27 concert and awards ceremony: free admission with reservation at this link
Il 26 e il 27 ottobre si svolgerà a Seregno la Sesta edizione del Concorso internazionale per giovani pianisti “Tributo a Elsa Pozzoli”, concorso dedicato ai pianisti nati tra il 2008 e il 2018.

26 ottobre prova finale: ingresso libero

27 ottobre concerto e premiazioni: ingresso gratuito con prenotazione a questo link


Sono undici i giovani pianisti in gara per la sesta edizione del concorso pianistico internazionale giovanile "Tributo a Elsa Pozzoli", concorso che sarà celebrato sabato 26 e domenica 27 ottobre ne L'Auditorium di piazza Risorgimento.

Si tratta di
Mattias Antonio Glavinic (Italia)
Emma Guercio (Italia)
Martina Meola (Italia)
Alessandro Merisio (Italia)
Chiara Paulon (Italia)
Ivan Petrenko (Ucraina)
Denis Oppido (Italia)
Antonio Giacomo Zamboni (Italia)
Dai Lucas Okase (Germania/Giappone)
Damian Posteuca (Italia)
Michelle Mazzarello Antyshchenko (Italia)

Le prove si terranno nella giornata di sabato, la mattina a partire dalle ore 10 ed il pomeriggio a partire dalle ore 15. L'ingresso è libero.

Il concerto dei vincitori, invece, è programmato per domenica 27 ottobre alle ore 15. Ingresso libero, gradita la prenotazione al seguente link

International Piano Competition Ettore Pozzoli


Piazza Libertà, 1


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International Piano Competition

The piano competition “Ettore Pozzoli” is a worldwide famous event, with a deep-rooted tradition. Founded in 1959 by Gina Gambini, Ettore’s widow, the competition takes place once every two years to pay a tribute to the great teacher and composer (Seregno, 1873 – 1957) and is open to candidates of both genders and any nationality. The prestigious Teatro San Rocco in Seregno hosts the demanding candidates screening and the prize-giving ceremony. Important names of the music sceneare included both in the historical jurors record and in the winners record. Outstanding among these is the name of Maestro Maurizio Pollini, who won the much coveted first prize of the competition’s first edition.