Leonard Toma

Leonard Toma Dj / Producer / Musician work

Piero Cassano (Producer ) (Musician) www.matiabazar.com, www.ramazzotti.

Leonard Toma

/art director/audio engenering/composer/arranger/musician /drummer/singer

Dj Leonard Toma - Dj a 360° ogni genere musicale - Eventi Privati e Pubblici
Musica a 360° anche eventi o serate a tema. Strumentazione completa per ogni tipo di evento.Offro intrattenimento musicale di vario genere per ogni età;Commerciale/Pop/revival70/80/90 al Reggaeton fino all'Hip Hop/Rap e

all'House/Disco, Dance Music,Tecno e EDM. Esperienza nel settore dal 2000.Eventi privati e party .Aperitivi,Beach Party,Pool Party,Festa in Barca,Compleanni,Maturita,Laurea,Matrimoni,Cene Aziendali,Capodanno etc... Feste in piazza le notte bianche,notte blu , dj set in bar e pubs festival organizzati in ville e parchi. com - Italy -Milan
* Luigi Colarullo (Producer) (Musician) - New York
* Mauro Sabbione (Producer) (Musician) (www.sabbione.com) - Italy
* Ludovico Einaudi (Musician) (www.ludovicoeinaudi.com) - Italy - England-London
* Franco Fiume (Producer) (Musician) - Italy -Milan
* Pippo Landro (Producer) (Musician) - Italy -Milan
* Massimo Caso (Producer) (Musician) - Italy -Milan
* Bernard Ledoux Dj Radio Capital, Radio dj, (Radio Popolare, Circuito Marconi, Radio Gamma) - Italy -Milan-Roma
* Andi Tepelena (responsabile culturale?? Art Kontakt) www.eds-foundation.org, www.artkontakt.it) -Albania-Tirana
* Vista(Musician) ( England)
* Vladimir Denissenkov (compositore musicista?? Www.felmay.it / denissen.html) - Russia
* Bledi Shishmani (Musician) - Albania - Italy- Pavia
* Claudio Elazar Lazzaro (Musician) Italy- Pavia
* Bledar Seiko (musicista) Albania - Italy
* Paolo Petrini (musicista) (Musician) - Italy -Milan
* Francesco Sparacello (Produttore e remixer) (Musician) - Italy -Milan
* Esaù Remor (Pro Sound Tech) Italy -Milan
* Roberta Grana (Musician) - Italy -Milan www.lagrana.it
* Elisa Ljli Cellario (Musician) - Italy- Pavia
* Antonio Celenza (Musician) - Italy -Milan (musicista)
* Rossano Eleutri (Musician) - Italy -Milan http://www.rossanoeleuteri.com/
* Shams (ballerina ecoreografa) www.shamsbellydance.it)
* Art Director to Eds-Foundation Albania
"Promoter& Dj - Circo Nero (Firenze)

Hi everyone 😘 Ciao Here's my new song, "Fashion time"   🆄ut  🅽ow . Available on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and everyw...

Hi everyone 😘 Ciao
Here's my new song, "Fashion time"
🆄ut 🅽ow . Available on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and everywhere you listen to music.
℗ Leonard Toma
Released on: 2025-02-13
Music &Producer: Leonard Toma


Connect with me:
👉🏻 https://network.landr.com/users/leonardtoma
👉🏻 https://www.facebook.com/DJ.LEONARDTOMA.la.mia.passione/
👉🏻 https://www.youtube.com/
👉🏻 https://soundcloud.com/leonardtoma69
👉🏻 https://www.instagram.com/leonard.toma.dj/
👉🏻 https://www.tiktok.com/
👉🏻 https://open.spotify.com/.../artist/5YUC5eu8iZf9bZy9Nv5R9f
👉🏻 https://music.apple.com/it/artist/leonard-toma/975687935
👉🏻 https://twitter.com/leonardtoma
👉🏻 https://www.beatport.com/artist/leonard-toma/602937

Fashion time℗ Leonard TomaReleased on: 2025-02-13Producer: LEONARD TOMAMusic Publisher: Leonard TomaLyricist, Composer: LEONARD TOMAConnect with me:👉🏻 htt...


relax, relaxtime, chill, massage, relaxmusic,lounge beach loungemusic calmingvideos, calm,


Dua te kendoj℗ Leonard TomaReleased on: 2025-02-04Producer: LEONARD TOMAMusic Publisher: Leonard TomaLyricist, Composer: LEONARD TOMAConnect with me:👉🏻htt...

Hi everyone 😘 Ciao Here's my new song, "Dua te kendoj"  🆄ut  🅽ow . Available on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and everyw...

Hi everyone 😘 Ciao
Here's my new song, "Dua te kendoj"

🆄ut 🅽ow . Available on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and everywhere you listen to music.
Dua te kendoj

℗ Leonard Toma

Released on: 2025-02-04

Music Publisher: Leonard Toma
Lyricist, Composer: LEONARD TOMA

Connect with me:
👉🏻 https://network.landr.com/users/leonardtoma
👉🏻 https://www.facebook.com/DJ.LEONARDTOMA.la.mia.passione/
👉🏻 https://www.youtube.com/
👉🏻 https://soundcloud.com/leonardtoma69
👉🏻 https://www.instagram.com/leonard.toma.dj/
👉🏻 https://www.tiktok.com/
👉🏻 https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/artist/5YUC5eu8iZf9bZy9Nv5R9f
👉🏻 https://music.apple.com/it/artist/leonard-toma/975687935
👉🏻 https://twitter.com/leonardtoma
👉🏻 https://www.beatport.com/artist/leonard-toma/602937

Dua te kendoj℗ Leonard TomaReleased on: 2025-02-04Producer: LEONARD TOMAMusic Publisher: Leonard TomaLyricist, Composer: LEONARD TOMAConnect with me:👉🏻htt...


Rosignano Solvay

Sito Web

https://network.landr.com/users/leonard-daa6, https://open.spotify.com/artist/5YU


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