Sonor Village was born in 2014 as a work team inside the Music Village Institute of Rome.
Composed by Antonio Affrunti (director), Daniele Siscaro and Gianluca Siscaro, the Sonor Village deals with audio production and musical creativity and especially with the creation of soundtracks for every type of project: films, short films, spots, documentaries, dramas, audiobooks, multimedial projects, videogames, bo- oks, websites, etc.
Sonor Village’s areas of interest are:
Creation of soundtracks, stems, soundtracks for films, short films, spots, documentaries, dramas, audiobooks.
Soundtracks, sound design, FX / Foley / ME track, mixing 2.0.
Live-recorded audio / film recording, live recording, studio recording
For its activity of sound production, it relies on two professional recording studios with the best digital and analogic technology.
Some samples of the tracks offered can be listened to at the soundcloud address sonor-village or on the YouTube channel, along with complete tracks.
During these years, the Sonor Village has worked for these publishing houses: Upper Comics, Verbavolant, Fallvision, Hyper Comix, FucinaComics, I.D.E.A, Acchiappasogni, Minos Game and others.
Sonor Village
Via Aurelio Cotta 36 00175 Rome italy
Director Antonio Affrunti tel. 3383366374
Daniele Siscaro tel.3925502514
Lawyer Pamela Giannuzzi
e-mail [email protected]
Chi siamo
La Sonor Village nasce come gruppo di lavoro nel 2014 all’interno del Music Village Institute di Roma.
Formata da Antonio Affrunti (direttore) , Daniele Siscaro e Gianluca Siscaro, la Sonor Village si occupa di pro- duzione audio e creatività musicale ed in particolare di sonorizzare qualsiasi tipologia di progetto : film, corti, spot, documentari, spettacoli teatrali, audiolibri, prodotti multimediali, videogiochi, libri, web. ecc.....
Le aree di attività della Sonor Village sono quindi:
Creazione colonne sonore, stems, soundtrack per film, corti, spot, documentari, spettacoli, audiolibri, libri, games, GdR, videogame.
Sonorizzazione, sound design, FX / Foley / ME track, mixing 2.0.
Presa diretta / film recording, live recording, studio recording
Per la propria attività di produzione si avvale di due studi di registrazione professionali dotati della migliore tecnologia digitale ed analogica.
In questi anni la SonorVillage ha lavorato per le seguenti case editrici: Upper Comics, Verbavolant, Fallvision, Hyper Comix, FucinaComics, I.D.E.A, Acchiappasogni, Minos Game ed altre ancora.