Nodes 24 — coming soon 🟠🔵
Nodes è un magazine semestrale a carattere scientifico-culturale, di indagine sulla contemporaneità.
Via Dei Volsci 165
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Nodes is a biannual publication founded in 2011 by Numero Cromatico, a research centre on the relationship between art and neuroscience. The journal focuses on neuroscience, neuroaesthetic, experimental psychology and science-based art research. Taking visual art as a starting point, Nodes links these disciplinary fields creating theoretical and pragmatical junctions (thus its name) and publishing cutting-edge theories, articles, historical texts, manifestoes, experimental researches and interviews.
The result is a unique magazine, not only in the Italian scenario but also worldwide. In fact, Nodes features contributions of renowned scientists, philosophers and artists, such as David Freedberg, Alberto Oliverio, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Eric Kandel, Sergio Lombardo, Fabio Mauri, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Vilayanur Ramachandran, Semir Zeki.
Printed on a run of 500 copies, Nodes is not just about content, but also about meticulous attention to details: paper stock, graphic design and binding are carefully taken care of. Moreover, since 2016, it has been produced using risograph printing techniques - all these elements help making it an object to be read and studied and, ultimately, a collector’s item.
Nodes è un periodico fondato nel 2011 da Numero Cromatico, associazione di ricercatori provenienti dal mondo umanistico e dal mondo scientifico. La rivista, pubblicata con cadenza semestrale, ha l’obiettivo di raccontare e divulgare il connubio tra arte e scienza, argomento divenuto molto celebre negli ultimi anni grazie alla nascita della neuroestetica.