FASI.eu - Funding Aid Strategies Investments

FASI.eu - Funding Aid Strategies Investments Online media and search engine on financial strategies for economic growth

📅 A partire da oggi è possibile partecipare a  , il bando da 35 milioni di euro volto a incentivare l’occupazione nella ...

📅 A partire da oggi è possibile partecipare a , il bando da 35 milioni di euro volto a incentivare l’occupazione nella Regione Calabria .

🔎 L’avviso eroga per le assunzioni a tempo indeterminato di lavoratori , inclusi i fino a 35 anni e le persone con disabilità.

🕥 Le possono fare domanda tramite il portale di FINCALABRA fino ad esaurimento delle risorse.

Scopri il bando 👇

Da oggi, 31 luglio, è possibile presentare la domanda di accesso ai contributi per le nuove assunzioni di lavoratori disoccupati svantaggiati, inclusi giovani e persone con disabilità, nella Regione Calabria. Il budget è di 35 milioni di euro a valere sul PR FESR FSE+ 2021-2027 per promuovere l.....


On FASI.eu you will find only information that matters for the growth of your organization: EU Funds, Incentives, Grants, Funding, Tenders, Events, Programs and Projects!
Also training courses to enhance your professional skills!
If you know, you can!

Come saranno i     se non avremo più un  , se gli Stati non troveranno un accordo sul   comune necessario a recuperare l...

Come saranno i se non avremo più un , se gli Stati non troveranno un accordo sul comune necessario a recuperare la ̀ perduta negli ultimi anni?

E come dovranno essere attuate le perché siano ancora più efficaci nel superare i regionali?

Come influirà la riforma della in arrivo in Italia sul dibattito europeo?

Il sul prossimo pluriennale dell'Unione sarà uno dei più difficili nella storia dell' , per le geopolitiche e per la internazionale sempre più forte in tutti i settori.
Il su questi temi è aperto, per seguirlo venite a Piazza Venezia 6 in Roma.
Parlamento europeo in Italia Commissione europea – Rappresentanza in Italia Palazzo Chigi - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Dipartimento per gli Affari Europei Anci SVIMEZ
Giorgia Meloni Raffaele Fitto Antonio Tajani
Carlo Corazza Antonio Parenti Nicola De Michelis Fabrizio Spada Massimo Pronio Giovanni Vetritto Fabrizio Penna Alessia Grillo Luca Bianchi Ugo Fratesi Maria Vittoria Perin Alessandro Coppola Paolo Testa Raffaele Torino

Rafforzare le politiche di cooperazione ed incrementare i fondi impegnati dalla UE per un reale sviluppo del continente africano in sinergia con l’Europan confronto per evidenziare i problemi e proporre soluzioni, contrastando i pericoli della disinformazione e della crescenti crisi geopolitiche.

Fasi.eu è media partner dell’evento “Robotica e Cybersecurity” organizzato da Consorzio PI Italia che si terrà l’11 apri...

Fasi.eu è media partner dell’evento “Robotica e Cybersecurity” organizzato da Consorzio PI Italia che si terrà l’11 aprile 2024.
Una giornata di approfondimento dedicata alle tematiche sempre più attuali della robotica e della cybersecurity all'interno dell'azienda.
Scopri il programma👉 https://it.profibus.com/prossimi-eventi/main-event-2024

🎯 A new call launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) opened yesterday, February 22, to develop space services and pr...

🎯 A new call launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) opened yesterday, February 22, to develop space services and products that improve the sustainability of the ICT and electronics sector and reduce its impact on health and the environment.


A new call launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) opened yesterday, February 22, to develop space services and products that improve the sustainability of the ICT and electronics sector and reduce its impact on health and the environment. From e-waste management to battery recycling, these are....

📌 A new call from the European Commission supports regions in defining and implementing their own Smart Specialization S...

📌 A new call from the European Commission supports regions in defining and implementing their own Smart Specialization Strategies (S3). It is one of the services offered by the Community of Practice (S3 CoP), the S3 hub launched from Brussels to foster real growth in Regions, especially the less developed ones.


A new call from the European Commission supports regions in defining and implementing their own Smart Specialization Strategies (S3). It is one of the services offered by the Community of Practice (S3 CoP), the S3 hub launched from Brussels to foster real growth in Regions, especially the less devel...

📌 On February 1st, 2024, the World Bank Group announced new options that will expand the Crisis Preparedness and Respons...

📌 On February 1st, 2024, the World Bank Group announced new options that will expand the Crisis Preparedness and Response Toolkit, first unveiled in June 2023.


On February 1st, 2024, the World Bank Group announced new options that will expand the Crisis Preparedness and Response Toolkit, first unveiled in June 2023. These new tools will help developing countries better respond to crises and strengthen preparedness for future shocks, ultimately contributing...

In its communication presented on February 6, the European Commission proposes a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissio...

In its communication presented on February 6, the European Commission proposes a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 90 percent by 2040 compared to 1990 levels.


In its communication presented on February 6, the European Commission proposes a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 90 percent by 2040 compared to 1990 levels. A target that does not betray promises made in recent months by Brussels but is framed at a time of great tension around EU enviro...

In addition to the 50 billion for Ukraine, the mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 agreed b...

In addition to the 50 billion for Ukraine, the mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 agreed by EU leaders on February 1 increases allocations for migration, defense and emergency aid.


In addition to the 50 billion for Ukraine, the mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 agreed by EU leaders on February 1 increases allocations for migration, defense and emergency aid. Reduced investment in STEP, which-except for European Defense Fund investments-gets only....

🔎 After the success of the 2021 edition, the Call MSCA for Researchers at Risk - dedicated to those scholars and scienti...

🔎 After the success of the 2021 edition, the Call MSCA for Researchers at Risk - dedicated to those scholars and scientists that live in dangerous conditions - is coming back next autumn.


After the success of the 2021 edition, the Call MSCA for Researchers at Risk - dedicated to those scholars and scientists that live in dangerous conditions - is coming back next autumn.

On January 22nd, 2024, the European Commission unveiled an enhanced SME Fund aimed at offering financial assistance to S...

On January 22nd, 2024, the European Commission unveiled an enhanced SME Fund aimed at offering financial assistance to SMEs for safeguarding their intellectual property rights.


On January 22nd, 2024, the European Commission unveiled an enhanced SME Fund aimed at offering financial assistance to SMEs for safeguarding their intellectual property rights. This mirrors the Fund's success in 2023, where it garnered 34,801 applications, and helped 22,899 SMEs.

📌 The Asian Development Bank (SDB) announced on its website the dates for the 2024 edition of the Community Resilience P...

📌 The Asian Development Bank (SDB) announced on its website the dates for the 2024 edition of the Community Resilience Partnership Programme (CRPP) Forum. It will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on February 27-28, and it will be free of charge for any participant.


The Asian Development Bank (SDB) announced on its website the dates for the 2024 edition of the Community Resilience Partnership Program (CRPP) Forum. It will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on February 27-28, and it will be free of charge for any participant.

👩‍🔬 Starting from October 8th, 2024, you can send your application for the 2024 round of the COFUND program backed by th...

👩‍🔬 Starting from October 8th, 2024, you can send your application for the 2024 round of the COFUND program backed by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). The program is open both for Doctoral and Post-doctoral researchers.


Starting from October 8th, 2024, you can send your application for the 2024 round of the COFUND program backed by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). The program is open both for Doctoral and Post-doctoral researchers.


Via Reno 21


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TRAINING - Seminars and courses tailor-made and in-house sessions - Professional consultants, business tutors and advisors for a qualified and practical learning experience

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