Prix Italia

Prix Italia The Prix Italia is an International Award for Radio, Television and Web. It was established in 1948 The formation of the juries follows a rotation system.

About Prix Italia

Prix Italia, under the Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, under the aegis of the Board of Directors of Rai and operating within its subsidiary company Rai World, is the most prestigious and oldest International Competition, a remarkable and lively window for displaying and amplifying Radio, TV and Web programmes of excellence (drama, documentaries, music and per

forming arts). Over the years, more than 100 public and private broadcasters, coming from the five continents, have become Prix Italia members. Our venue

The Festival, historically itinerant, has been held over the years in Italy’s main art cities. Since 2009, marking the 150th Anniversary of the Unity of Italy, Turin has been chosen as the venue for the event. The events

Beside the competition, the Prix also features previews, shows, screenings, meetings of the EBU-UER, conferences and other organisations, workshops with key figures from the world of technology and culture and from audiovisual and media policies. The events, all of high international standing, are free and open to the public. How we work

The juries are international and are made up of media experts who are appointed by radio and television organisations that are members of the Prix Italia. The selection procedure is discussed during the public debate at the end of which the winning programmes are announced. Who is in charge of the prize

Rai, promoter of the Prix Italia Festival, appoints the Secretary General who has the task to plan and manage the event. The President is appointed by the General Assembly every two years. The history

Prix Italia was launched by Rai together with European Public Radio broadcasters on the island of Capri in 1948. Over the years the Festival has opened up to welcome broadcasters coming from all over the planet and thus expand to include television broadcasters and websites. The protagonists

The list of names below are personalities from the world of the Art and Culture of the last sixty years who have participated in the competition. Isabelle Adjani, Andrea Andermann, Jean Anouilh, F***y Ardant, David Attenborough, Marc Augé, Riccardo Bacchelli, Mikhail Baryšnikov, Samuel Beckett, Maurice Béjart, Lena Belkina, Ingmar Bergman, Luciano Berio, Heinrich Böll, Achille Bonito Oliva, Jerôme Bourdon, Bertolt Brecht, Benjamin Britten, Peter Brook, John Cage, Italo Calvino, René Clair, Jean Cocteau, Eduardo De Filippo, Marguerite Duras, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Umberto Eco, Federico Fellini, Vilde Frang, Stephen Frears, Max Frisch, Philip Glass, Peter Greenaway, Werner Herzog, Eugène Ionesco, Maurice Jarre, Neil Jordan, Ana Laguna, Jean-Paul Lilienfeld, Ken Loach, Bruno Maderna, Joshua Meyrowitz, Milva, Ermanno Olmi, Carl Orff, John Osborne, Harold Pinter, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Ildebrando Pizzetti, Sydney Pollack, Henry Pousseur, Giorgio Pressburger, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Francesco Rosi, Roberto Rossellini, Nino Rota, Ken Russell, Françoise Sagan, John Schlesinger, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Igor Stravinskij, Dylan Thomas, Roman Vlad, Lars von Trier, Krzysztof Zanussi, Andrzej Wajda, Wim Wenders, Sonia Wieder-Atherton, Robert Wilson, Michael Winterbottom. Secretary General and President

The President is flanked by five Honorary Presidents: Eva Hamilton, Director General of SVT, Swedish Public Broadcaster, Robert Rabinovitch, former President and CEO of CBC (Canada), Caroline Thomson, COO of BBC (United Kingdom), Frank-Dieter Freiling, Senior Vice President, International Affairs, ZDF (Germany) and James Graham (United Kingdom). International news of the event

Images, news and articles, International and National agencies and channels
Coverage of the event on Rai National and International channels
Opening concert (live and recording)
Award ceremony (live and recording)
Daily strip (live and special reports)
Digital terrestrial Prix Italia channel
Direct streaming on and

On our website you will find all info concerning the competition, participation, accreditation and entry forms

The prizes

The amount of each cash prize is determined according to the quotas paid by participants. The winners were awarded a prestigious piece of Italian Art, especially tailored for the edition. The leit-motiv of the 64th Festival was created by Maestro Michelangelo Pistoletto. The official competition is divided into
radio, television and web categories

Radio – Music

Composed Musical Work
Work about Music

Radio - Drama

Original Drama
Adapted Drama

Radio – Documentaries

Best Overall Quality
Extraordinary Originality and/or Innovative Documentary Language

Televisione - Performing Arts

Performing Arts
Music and Arts Documentaries

Televisione – Drama

TV Movies and Mini-Series
Series and Serials

Televisione – Documentaries

Cultural and General Interest
Current Affairs


Interactive website linked to a radio or TV programme
New Content and Technologies for the Multiscreen Television

Every year Special Prizes are awarded

In 2012 the following prizes were awarded:

Special Prize of the President of the Italian Republic for the best Radio programme which effectively deals with social issues

Special Prize “Expo 2015 Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” for television programmes that focus on nutrition as essential energy for the life of our Planet

Special Prize for the best multimedia section of newspapers, magazines and press agencies, in cooperation with the Turin University

Students’ Prize. Prix Italia co-operates with the University of Turin’s Faculty of Studies in Communication Sciences. One jury, made up of students and coordinated by their Professors, works on the TV Drama category and awards two prizes

Signis Special Prize. Signis, the World Catholic Association for Communications embracing associations from 140 countries, annually awards a special prize to the programme making a major contribution towards promoting human values. The work is selected from among the competing television programmes.
On our website you will find all the info concerning the competition, participation, accreditation and entry forms.
Our brand-new platform of live Social Media Analytics powered by Quaerys Trustworthy Answers®, an innovative spin-off of the University of Torino. Follow us on all most popular Social Media.

Best Wishes from Prix Italia

Best Wishes from Prix Italia


“Sapere Aude” (“osa esser saggio”) è il titolo del murales dedicato a , inaugurato presso il Centro di Produzione Tv di in occasione del .

A realizzare l’opera è stato chiamato lo street artist Francesco Persichella in arte Piskv, coadiuvato da Tonia Operoso. Dalla bozza alla realizzazione finale, ecco come ha preso vita l’opera. 🎨


Face 2 Face: the soul of Prix Italia!

🎬 During the 76th edition, the finalists had the unique opportunity to present their works live to the jurors and meet colleagues from all over the world. They spent days of important discussion and intense exchanges of ideas, in a climate of joy, hospitality and friendship that has always distinguished the Prix Italia community!

🎤 We asked some finalists how the media can continue to send "Loud and Clear" messages today: here are their answers.

📌 We can't wait to meet again and expand our community in 2025!

See you soon! 😎

Face to face: l’anima del Prix Italia!

👥 Anche durante la 76ª edizione i finalisti hanno avuto l’occasione unica di presentare dal vivo i propri lavori ai giurati e conoscere colleghi da tutto il mondo. Sono stati giorni di importante confronto e di intensi scambi di idee, nel clima di allegria, accoglienza e amicizia che ha sempre distinto la community del Prix Italia!

🗣️ Abbiamo chiesto ad alcuni finalisti in che modo i media possono oggi continuare a lanciare messaggi Loud and Clear: ecco le loro risposte.

📌 Noi non vediamo l’ora di ritrovare e allargare la nostra community nel 2025!


✏️ Sergio Gerasi e Davide Furnò sono gli autori delle tavole a fumetti che hanno animato “Dylan Dog alla Radio: Voci dall’incubo”.

📻 Dopo il Prix Italia l’appuntamento con l’indagatore dell’incubo è per sabato 12 ottobre alle 21:05 su Rai Radio1 per rivivere e riscoprire l’evento in formato podcast!

“Dylan Dog alla Radio: Voci dall’Incubo” è uno spettacolo di pura sperimentazione multimediale e multipiattaforma, ideato e scritto da Armando Traverso e realizzato in collaborazione con Sergio Bonelli Editore, Rai Radio e . A vestire i panni dell'indagatore dell'incubo Lino Guanciale, che insieme ad un eccezionale cast di doppiatori propone un medley delle sceneggiature a fumetti più iconiche di Dylan Dog firmate da Tiziano Sclavi, riadattate per l'occasione.

Il podcast, diviso in quattro puntate, sarà presto disponibile su RaiPlay Sound.
Stay tuned!

👉🏻 Rivedi "Dylan Dog alla Radio: Voci dall’Incubo" su RaiPlay:

© Sergio Bonelli Editore. Il personaggio di Dylan Dog è stato creato da Tiziano Sclavi
4 h


☄️Time runs so fast!
It's been a great edition this year in Torino.

We keep the memory of all the thousands passionate people we have met.

We've all tried our best to make it work for everybody who joined us there, and hopefully you will also keep a nice memory of the 76th Prix Italia!

Thank You All! 😍

Fumetto, Radio, Teatro. Una bellissima serata.

Fumetto, Radio, Teatro. Una bellissima serata.

Tutta la magia dei premi del  ✨    🏆

Tutta la magia dei premi del ✨



Con Dame Elan Closs Stephens abbiamo esplorato le sfide che le emittenti di pibbliche si trovano ad affrontare e ci siamo chiesti: sono pronte a cambiare abbastanza per prosperare o solo per sopravvivere? Rivedi su ➡️

🏆 I vincitori del   nelle categorie:• Radio & Podcast • Televisione • Digital • Premj Speciali

🏆 I vincitori del nelle categorie:
• Radio & Podcast
• Televisione
• Digital
• Premj Speciali


Con Dame Elan Closs Stephens cerchiamo di comprendere e fronteggiare le sfide che ci attendono: il futuro è adesso, e perché tutto rimanga com’è tutto deve cambiare.

Pillole dal   - Day 3

Pillole dal - Day 3

Ultimo giorno del  , non perderti gli eventi in programma 👇

Ultimo giorno del , non perderti gli eventi in programma 👇

Pillole dal   - Day 2

Pillole dal - Day 2

Anche oggi, terzo giorno del  , un programma ricco di eventi ✨👆🏻 Scopri gli orari e tutte le location 👆🏻

Anche oggi, terzo giorno del , un programma ricco di eventi ✨

👆🏻 Scopri gli orari e tutte le location 👆🏻

Pillole dal   - Day 1

Pillole dal - Day 1


Via Montesanto 52


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Our Story

About Prix Italia Prix Italia, under the Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, under the aegis of the Board of Directors of Rai and operating within its subsidiary company Rai World, is the most prestigious and oldest International Competition, a remarkable and lively window for displaying and amplifying Radio, TV and Web programmes of excellence (drama, documentaries, music and performing arts). Over the years, more than 100 public and private broadcasters, coming from the five continents, have become Prix Italia members. Our venue The Festival, historically itinerant, has been held over the years in Italy’s main art cities.

The events Beside the competition, the Prix also features previews, shows, screenings, meetings of the EBU-UER, conferences and other organisations, workshops with key figures from the world of technology and culture and from audiovisual and media policies. The events, all of high international standing, are free and open to the public. How we work The juries are international and are made up of media experts who are appointed by radio and television organisations that are members of the Prix Italia. The formation of the juries follows a rotation system. The selection procedure is discussed during the public debate at the end of which the winning programmes are announced. Who is in charge of the prize Rai, promoter of the Prix Italia Festival, appoints the Secretary General who has the task to plan and manage the event. The President is appointed by the General Assembly every two years. The history Prix Italia was launched by Rai together with European Public Radio broadcasters on the island of Capri in 1948. Over the years the Festival has opened up to welcome broadcasters coming from all over the planet and thus expand to include television broadcasters and websites. The protagonists The list of names below are personalities from the world of the Art and Culture who have participated in the competition. Isabelle Adjani, Andrea Andermann, Jean Anouilh, F***y Ardant, David Attenborough, Marc Augé, Riccardo Bacchelli, Mikhail Baryšnikov, Samuel Beckett, Maurice Béjart, Lena Belkina, Ingmar Bergman, Luciano Berio, Heinrich Böll, Achille Bonito Oliva, Jerôme Bourdon, Bertolt Brecht, Benjamin Britten, Peter Brook, John Cage, Italo Calvino, René Clair, Jean Cocteau, Eduardo De Filippo, Marguerite Duras, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Umberto Eco, Federico Fellini, Vilde Frang, Stephen Frears, Max Frisch, Philip Glass, Peter Greenaway, Werner Herzog, Eugène Ionesco, Maurice Jarre, Neil Jordan, Ana Laguna, Jean-Paul Lilienfeld, Ken Loach, Bruno Maderna, Joshua Meyrowitz, Milva, Ermanno Olmi, Carl Orff, John Osborne, Harold Pinter, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Ildebrando Pizzetti, Sydney Pollack, Henry Pousseur, Giorgio Pressburger, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Francesco Rosi, Roberto Rossellini, Nino Rota, Ken Russell, Françoise Sagan, John Schlesinger, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Igor Stravinskij, Dylan Thomas, Roman Vlad, Lars von Trier, Krzysztof Zanussi, Andrzej Wajda, Wim Wenders, Sonia Wieder-Atherton, Robert Wilson, Michael Winterbottom. Secretary General and President Since 2017, Karina Laterza has been Secretary General of the Prix Italia. The President is Graham Ellis, from BBC. International news of the event Images, news and articles, International and National agencies and channels Coverage of the event on Rai National and International channels Opening concert (live and recording) Award ceremony (live and recording) Daily strip (live and special reports) Digital terrestrial Prix Italia channel Direct streaming on and The prizes The amount of each cash prize is determined according to the quotas paid by participants. The winners were awarded a prestigious piece of Italian Art, especially tailored for the edition. The official competition is divided into radio, television and web categories Radio – Music Radio – Drama Radio – Documentary and Reportage Tv – Performing Arts Tv – Drama Tv – Documentary Web – Factual Web – Entertainment Every year Special Prizes are awarded On our website you will find all the info concerning the competition, participation, accreditation and entry forms: Follow us on all most popular Social Media.