
Seascape International Journal of Architecture Urbanism and Geomorphology of Coastal Landscapes
Primiceri Ed.

Seascape is a biannual journal (in digital and print versions) that aims to represent an international reference for the exchange of knowledge and experiences about themes and problems concerning the coastal areas of the world. Every year, Seascape organizes 2 calls open to the entire national and international scientific community, in order to select a shortlist of articles on specific topics. Ea

ch topic is developed in an “interdisciplinary” and “transcalarity” way. All scientific articles (10-12 per issue) are collected via an international call, conveyed by the journal’s channels, by the publisher and by the scientific committee belonging to international academies and institutions. Each issue will also include various sections dedicated to interviews, recent book reviews, publications of significant projects, results of competitions, exhibitions, etc. SEASCAPE is selecting contributions for its first issue, dedicated to the sea level rise and coastal erosion phenomena in the Mediterranean basin. The call is open to professors, researchers, scholars of any grade, technicians and professionals. Each abstract will undergo a double blind peer review procedure and evaluated by 3 members of the magazine’s Scientific Committee together with scholars external to the same. The evaluation will consider: contents originality, applied methodology and possible innovation contributing to research, text structure, exposure clarity and language. The chosen authors will receive useful indications on how to proceed with the drafting of the full paper which will subsequently undergo a second review phase carried out by the magazine’s Scientific Committee and external scholars.

‼️NEW DEADLINE - 29 giugno‼️SEASCAPE 05_ Sustainable Mobility CALL FOR ABSTRACTMOBILITÀ SOSTENIBILE. Infrastrutture a pr...

‼️NEW DEADLINE - 29 giugno‼️
SEASCAPE 05_ Sustainable Mobility

MOBILITÀ SOSTENIBILE. Infrastrutture a prova di futuro per lo sviluppo dei territori costieri

La call intende la mobilità come driver strategico per diversi aspetti correlati: contribuisce alla mitigazione delle emissioni climalteranti e all’adattamento alle nuove condizioni meteo-climatiche; incide in maniera determinante sull’accessibilità ai territori; ha ricadute profonde sulla qualità degli ecosistemi naturali (terresti e marini); permette di tutelare e valorizzare il paesaggio, la sua percezione e le sue risorse; interessa le nuove forme di turismo capaci di relazionare costa e aree interne; rappresenta la possibilità di realizzare un maggiore senso di benessere, abitando lo spazio costiero e valicandone qualsiasi idea di confine.

Seascape 05 propone a ricercatori, studiosi, docenti e professionisti di ogni grado e genere, di ragionare su un tema trasversale a molti campi del sapere, sollecitandoli a intervenire per la costruzione di un numero fortemente transcalare e interdisciplinare.

SCADENZA INVIO: sabato 29 giugno 2024
Maggiori informazioni sul sito web:

The CALL FOR ABSTRACT for Seascape 5 is open until ‼️NEW DEADLINE - 29th June‼️
SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY. Future-proof infrastructure for the development of coastal territories

Mobility is to be understood as a strategic driver for several related aspects: it contributes to mitigating climate-altering emissions and adapting to new weather and climatic conditions; it affects the accessibility of territories; it can have profound implications for the quality of natural ecosystems (both terrestrial and marine); it allows for the protection and enhancement of the landscape; it involves new forms of tourism capable of relating coastlines and inland areas; it represents the possibility of realizing a greater sense of well-being by inhabiting the coastal space and transcending any idea of boundaries.

For the 5th issue, Seascape invites researchers, scholars, educators, and professionals of all levels and types to reflect on a theme that cuts across many fields of knowledge, urging them to intervene in the construction of a strongly transcalar and interdisciplinary issue.

ABSTRACT DEADLINE - extended: Saturday, June 29th, 2024
More informations on the website:

SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY Future-proof infrastructure for the development of coastal territories READ IN ITALIAN With the conclusion of the first series of publications dedicated to the “phenomena” affe…

SEASCAPE 05_ Sustainable MobilityÈ aperta la CALL FOR ABSTRACT del 5° numero di Seascape!MOBILITÀ SOSTENIBILE. Infrastru...

SEASCAPE 05_ Sustainable Mobility

È aperta la CALL FOR ABSTRACT del 5° numero di Seascape!
MOBILITÀ SOSTENIBILE. Infrastrutture a prova di futuro per lo sviluppo dei territori costieri

La call intende la mobilità come driver strategico per diversi aspetti correlati: contribuisce contemporaneamente alla mitigazione delle emissioni climalteranti e all’adattamento alle nuove condizioni meteo-climatiche; incide in maniera determinante sull’accessibilità ai territori; può avere ricadute profonde sulla qualità degli ecosistemi naturali (terresti e marini); permette di tutelare e valorizzare il paesaggio, la sua percezione e le sue risorse; interessa le nuove forme di turismo capaci di relazionare costa e aree interne; rappresenta la possibilità di realizzare un maggiore senso di benessere, abitando lo spazio costiero e valicandone qualsiasi idea di confine.

Seascape, con questa call, propone a ricercatori, studiosi, docenti e professionisti di ogni grado e genere, di ragionare su un tema trasversale a molti campi del sapere, sollecitandoli a intervenire per la costruzione di un numero fortemente transcalare e interdisciplinare.

SCADENZA INVIO: sabato 08 giugno 2024
Maggiori informazioni sul sito web:

The CALL FOR ABSTRACT for Seascape 5 is open!
SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY. Future-proof infrastructure for the development of coastal territories

Mobility is to be understood as a strategic driver for several related aspects: it simultaneously contributes to mitigating climate-altering emissions and adapting to new weather and climatic conditions; it significantly affects the accessibility of territories; it can have profound implications for the quality of natural ecosystems (both terrestrial and marine); it allows for the protection and enhancement of the landscape, its perception, and its resources; it involves new forms of tourism capable of relating coastlines and inland areas; it represents the possibility of realizing a greater sense of well-being by inhabiting the coastal space and transcending any idea of boundaries.

With this call, Seascape invites researchers, scholars, educators, and professionals of all levels and types to reflect on a theme that cuts across many fields of knowledge, urging them to intervene in the construction of a strongly transcalar and interdisciplinary issue.

ABSTRACT DEADLINE: Saturday, June 08th, 2024
More informations on the website:


Via Tirino 138


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