Crespi Bonsai

Crespi Bonsai Natura a misura d'uomo. Per informazioni tecniche e aiuto per il tuo bonsai, contattaci direttamente tramite nostro sito o scrivi a [email protected]

Una passione diventata Azienda. Luigi Crespi, fondatore della Crespi Bonsai, cominciò ad interessarsi di bonsai nel 1959, quando in Europa quest'arte affascinante era ancora praticamente sconosciuta. Dopo aver coltivato per vent'anni questa sua passione, anche attraverso numerosi viaggi in Oriente, decise di trasformare il suo interesse personale in un'attività commerciale nel 1979. L'ambizione no

n era soltanto quella di diffondere l'interesse per queste bellissime piante, ma anche di far conoscere la cultura orientale in cui la tradizione millenaria del bonsai affonda le sue radici. Oggi l'interesse per i bonsai è enormemente aumentato, di pari passo con il crescere dell'esigenza di un rapporto più autentico con l'ambiente in cui viviamo. Anche la Crespi Bonsai è nel frattempo cresciuta: nata come angolo di Oriente alle porte di Milano, ha continuato a porsi come un fecondo punto d'incontro fra culture diverse nel nome di un profondo rispetto per la natura.

This specimen of Pinus pentaphylla stands out for the harmonious movement of its powerful trunk, the well-developed neba...

This specimen of Pinus pentaphylla stands out for the harmonious movement of its powerful trunk, the well-developed nebari which conveys the idea of the age and power of the plant and its small bright green needles which stand out on its well-designed layers. This is one of the most chosen species in bonsai cultivation not only because it has compact growth and a well-defined crown, but also for its longevity and resistance. Have you ever tried to grow it?


Questo esemplare di Pinus pentaphylla si distingue per il movimento armonioso del suo possente tronco, il nebari ben sviluppato che trasmette l'idea di vetustà e potenza della pianta e i suoi aghi piccoli verde brillante che si stagliano sui suoi palchi ben disegnati. Questa è una delle specie più scelte nella coltivazione bonsai non solo perché ha una crescita compatta e una chioma ben definita, ma anche per la sua longevità e resistenza. Avete mai provato a coltivarla?


Camellia japonica is among the most appreciated species in Japan for its seductive simplicity and enchanting late winter...

Camellia japonica is among the most appreciated species in Japan for its seductive simplicity and enchanting late winter flowering. The buds hide among the younger branches and paint the shiny dark green leaves, typical of this species, with a bright pink color 🌸

The Chaenomeles chojubai is a very resistant species and, when it flowers with still bare branches, it is truly enchanti...

The Chaenomeles chojubai is a very resistant species and, when it flowers with still bare branches, it is truly enchanting. Note the beautiful color contrast between the dark bark and the light pinkish-red petals. A miniature tree that anticipates spring!

The Prunus mume, or Japanese apricot, is characterized by its early flowering, which can also occur in the coldest month...

The Prunus mume, or Japanese apricot, is characterized by its early flowering, which can also occur in the coldest months of the year, just like in this case. Of this specimen you can notice the large nebari which gives grandeur to the plant. Its wonderful pure white flowers remind us that spring is not that far away!

Are you looking for new original ideas? Come and discover the world of Crespi Bonsai in Parabiago! In addition to our sp...

Are you looking for new original ideas? Come and discover the world of Crespi Bonsai in Parabiago!

In addition to our specialized center you can visit the Crespi Bonsai Museum where you will have the opportunity to admire centuries-old bonsai shaped by great Japanese masters, an experience that will leave you breathless and which can be a great source of inspiration!

📍 We are only 15 minutes from MYPLANT AND GARDEN (19-21 February 2025, Fiera Milano Rho).

Don't miss the opportunity to visit our store, get inspired!

Are you looking for new original ideas? Come and discover the world of Crespi Bonsai in Parabiago!

In addition to our center, specialized in bonsai and Niwaki (Japanese garden plats), the Crespi Giardini team offers you a 360° Landscape Design service for public and private gardens tailor-made for you according to your needs.

You can also visit the Crespi Bonsai Museum where you will have the opportunity to admire centuries-old bonsai shaped by great Japanese masters, an experience that will leave you breathless and which can be a great source of inspiration!

📍 We are only 15 minutes from MYPLANT AND GARDEN (19-21 February 2025, Fiera Milano Rho).

Don't miss the opportunity to visit our store, get inspired!

Thank you again for participating at the 8th Bonsai Shohin Festival, both as exhibitors and visitors💕We share with you s...

Thank you again for participating at the 8th Bonsai Shohin Festival, both as exhibitors and visitors💕
We share with you some of the moments from last weekend and we are already looking forward to seeing you next year!

🎉 Here are the winners of the 8th Bonsai Shohin Festival 🎉1st place: Giovanni Lo Daino2nd place: Luigi Maggioni3rd place...

🎉 Here are the winners of the 8th Bonsai Shohin Festival 🎉

1st place: Giovanni Lo Daino
2nd place: Luigi Maggioni
3rd place: Sergio Gentile

Best Mangetsu/Akagi: Rodolfo Ghezzi
Best Warabi-Tokokazari: Arturo Carrara

Mentions: Brianza Bonsai (Juniperus chinensis), Emanuele Crippa (Acer buergerianum), Roland Schatzer (Acer buergerianum), William David Tänzer (Kazari), Roland Schatzer (bonsai cultivation)

Congratulations and thank you for your participation, see you for the ninth edition in 2026!

8th BONSAI SHOHIN FESTIVALProgram of the day▪️9.30-12.30 • 2.30-6.30pm: Free workshop: "An idea for your bonsai: advice ...

Program of the day

▪️9.30-12.30 • 2.30-6.30pm: Free workshop: "An idea for your bonsai: advice on shaping and choosing the right pot for your tree", by Alberto Lavazza and Andrea Scarenzi

▪️10.00-11.00: Meeting with the master: "Introduction to shohin bonsai, how to approach the curious world of miniature bonsai" by Hiroki Miura

▪️11.15-12.00 • 12.15-13.00: Guided tour of the exhibition of shohin specimens by reservation, by Hiroki Miura

▪️3.00pm-5.30pm: Technical demonstration of shohin bonsai: "Styles compared: cascade bonsai versus bonsai on rock"

▪️6.00pm: Awards and closing ceremony

⏰Opening hours
Sunday 9th: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Programma della giornata

▪️9.30-12.30 • 14.30-18.30: Laboratorio gratuito: “Un’idea per il tuo bonsai: consigli sulla modellatura e la scelta del vaso adatti al tuo albero”, a cura di Alberto Lavazza e Andrea Scarenzi

▪️10.00-11.00: Incontro con il maestro:"Introduzione ai bonsai shohin, come avvicinarsi al curioso mondo dei bonsai in miniatura" a cura di Hiroki Miura

▪️11.15-12.00 • 12:15-13:00: Visita guidata alla mostra di esemplari shohin su prenotazione, a cura di Hiroki Miura

▪️15.00-17:30: Dimostrazione tecnica di bonsai shohin: "Stili a confronto:bonsai a cascata versus bonsai su roccia"

▪️18.00: Premiazione e cerimonia di chiusura

⏰Orari di apertura
Domenica 9: h 9:00-19:00

8° BONSAI SHOHIN FESTIVALProgram of the day▪️9.15: Inauguration of the exhibition: “8th Bonsai Shohin Festival”▪️9.30-13...

Program of the day

▪️9.15: Inauguration of the exhibition: “8th Bonsai Shohin Festival”

▪️9.30-13.30: Shohin bonsai class: "Shaping techniques and cultivation treatments for shohin" - by reservation, by Hiroki Miura

▪️9.30-12.30 • 2.30-6.30pm: Free workshop: "An idea for your bonsai: advice on shaping and choosing the right pot for your tree", by Andrea Scarenzi

▪️3.00pm-3.45pm: Guided tour of the exhibition of shohin specimens by reservation, by Hiroki Miura

▪️16.00-17.30: Kazari Exhibition: “How to combine chuhin bonsai with shohin bonsai: exhibition examples with specimens from 20 to 60 cm in height”, by master Hiroki Miura

⏰ Opening hours
Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Programma della giornata

▪️9.15: Inaugurazione della mostra: “8° Bonsai Shohin Festival”

▪️9.30-13.30: Corso di bonsai shohin: “Tecniche di formazione e cure di coltivazione adatte agli shohin” - su prenotazione, a cura di Hiroki Miura

▪️9.30-12.30 • 14.30-18.30: Laboratorio gratuito: “Un’idea per il tuo bonsai: consigli sulla modellatura e la scelta del vaso adatti al tuo albero”, a cura di Andrea Scarenzi

▪️15.00-15.45: Visita guidata alla mostra di esemplari shohin su prenotazione, a cura di Hiroki Miura

▪️16.00-17.30: Esposizione Kazari: “Come abbinare i bonsai chuhin ai bonsai shohin: esempi espositivi con esemplari dai 20 ai 60 cm di altezza”, a cura del maestro Hiroki Miura

⏰ Orari di apertura
Sabato 8 e domenica 9: h 9:00-19:00

8th BONSAI SHOHIN FESTIVALProgram of the day▪️3.00pm-5.30pm • Event preview: master Hiroki Miura meets enthusiasts: “Que...

Program of the day

▪️3.00pm-5.30pm • Event preview: master Hiroki Miura meets enthusiasts: “Questions & answers on the cultivation and shaping of shohin bonsai”, we invite you to bring your specimens

⏰ Opening hours
Friday 7th: 3pm-6pm
Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Programma della giornata

▪️15.00-17:30 • Event preview: il maestro Hiroki Miura incontra gli appassionati: “Domande & risposte sulla coltivazione e la modellatura dei bonsai shohin”, vi invitiamo a portare i vostri esemplari

⏰ Orari di apertura
Venerdì 7: h 15:00-18:00
Sabato 8 e domenica 9: h 9:00-19:00

Welcome to master Hiroki Miura! 🎉 We are ready for the 8th Bonsai Shohin Festival 🎉Let this new edition begin!          ...

Welcome to master Hiroki Miura!
🎉 We are ready for the 8th Bonsai Shohin Festival 🎉
Let this new edition begin!

Benvenuto al maestro Hiroki Miura!
🎉 Siamo pronti per l'8 Bonsai Shohin Festival 🎉
Che questa nuova edizione abbia inizio!

✨SAVE THE DATE✨ Friday 7th February from 15:30 pm to 17:30 pm we'll wait for you for the Event preview of the 8th Bonsai...

✨SAVE THE DATE✨ Friday 7th February from 15:30 pm to 17:30 pm we'll wait for you for the Event preview of the 8th Bonsai Shohin Festival!
You will have the opportunity to meet Hiroki Miura: we invite you to bring your shohin bonsai and ask questions about their cultivation directly to the master.

✨SAVE THE DATE✨ Venerdì 7 Febbraio dalle 15:30 alle 17:30 vi aspettiamo per l'Event preview dell'8° Bonsai Shohin Festival!
Avrai l'opportunità di incontrare Hiroki Miura: ti invitiamo a portare i tuoi shohin bonsai e fare domande sulla loro coltivazione direttamente al maestro.

We have almost finished the organization of the pots, our exhibition area is full of many new products!Are you looking f...

We have almost finished the organization of the pots, our exhibition area is full of many new products!
Are you looking for a bonsai pot? Below you have some advice to guide you in your choice, if you would like to learn more about it, read the dedicated article on our blog here 👉

1. The aim is to create balance and harmony between plant and pot;
2. Consider: the height of the bonsai, the length of the branches, the thickness of the trunk, the color of the flowers, fruits and bark;
3. Keep in mind the season of the year in which the tree is at its best;
4. First of all, the health of the bonsai: choose the appropriate pot depth based on the species;
5. The "character" of the tree is decisive in the choice: is it strong and powerful or delicate and gentle?

In this specimen of Acer buergerianum cultivated in forest style, the bare trunks intertwine in a harmonious composition...

In this specimen of Acer buergerianum cultivated in forest style, the bare trunks intertwine in a harmonious composition that imitates that of a real natural landscape, in which you can even see a path. Each trunk tells its own story, and if you get a little closer you will seem to be immersed in a real landscape. Bonsai art allows us to feel like we are in a forest even on our balcony or garden, isn't it really fascinating?


In questo esemplare di Acer buergerianum coltivato a bosco, i tronchi spogli si intrecciano in una composizione armoniosa che imita la quella di un vero e proprio paesaggio naturale, in cui si riesce a scorgere anche un sentiero. Ogni tronco racconta la propria storia, e se ci si avvicina un po' di più sembrerà di essere immersi/e in un vero e proprio paesaggio. L'arte bonsai ci permette di sentirci in un bosco anche sul nostro balcone o giardino, non è davvero affascinante?


The Podocarpus is also called Buddhist Pine due to the monks' custom of decorating the temples' gardens with specimens o...

The Podocarpus is also called Buddhist Pine due to the monks' custom of decorating the temples' gardens with specimens of this species. Very important in feng shui, it has flaking bark and needle-like leaves of great elegance.

Il Podocarpus viene anche chiamato Pino dei Buddhisti per via dell’usanza dei monaci di adornare i giardini dei templi con esemplari di questa specie. Molto importante nel feng shui, portatore di buona fortuna, possiede corteccia sfogliante e foglie aghiformi di grande eleganza.

Today is dedicated to pots, we are getting prepared for the transplant season!From our collection a beautiful vase by Pe...

Today is dedicated to pots, we are getting prepared for the transplant season!
From our collection a beautiful vase by Peter Krebs

Oggi giornata dedicata ai vasi, ci stiamo preparando per la stagione dei trapianti!
Dalla nostra collezione un bellissimo vaso di Peter Krebs

The 8th Bonsai Shohin Festival is coming!Do you want to join the shohin class by master Hiroki Miura?Don't miss the oppo...

The 8th Bonsai Shohin Festival is coming!
Do you want to join the shohin class by master Hiroki Miura?
Don't miss the opportunity to learn the shaping and care techniques from one of the leading experts in shohin bonsai.

You can register directly from our website here 👉

L'8° Bonsai Shohin Festival si è avvicina!
Vuoi partecipare al corso a cura del maestro Hiroki Miura?
Non perdere l'occasione di imparare le tecniche di formazione e cura dei bonsai shohin da uno dei massimi esperti nel settore!

Iscriviti direttamente dal nostro sito 👉


Ss Del Sempione 37

Orario di apertura

Lunedì 14:30 - 19:00
Martedì 09:00 - 12:30
14:30 - 19:00
Mercoledì 09:00 - 12:30
Giovedì 09:00 - 12:30
14:30 - 19:00
Venerdì 09:00 - 12:30
14:30 - 19:00
Sabato 09:00 - 12:30
14:30 - 19:00
Domenica 09:00 - 12:30
14:30 - 19:00




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