Urban Distortions

Urban Distortions Music & multimedia productions label, founded & created by Massimo Luciano. For info, booking, demos http://urbandistortions.bandcamp.com

Urban Distortions is a Massimo Luciano's concept/label, that takes inspiration from the urban environment that has influenced the Electronic Music Scene and Electronic Music Producers over the last few decades. A scene that has influenced and created brand new sounds and brand new art forms. In the last years spreading productions and catching the interest and the support of well known artists suc

h as Will Web (Deep Space Radio, Detroit USA), Ralph Lawson (20/20 Vision Recordings), Colin Dale (Abstract Records), and many more. Urban Distortions e' una concept/label, che nasce da un’idea di Massimo Luciano, che prende ispirazione dalle ambientazioni urbane, le quali hanno influenzato la musica elettronica e i produttori degli ultimi decenni; evolvendosi in nuove sonorità e forme d’arte.




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