
Globofonie Traditional, Folk, World and Global Music Radio Programme

Globofonie provides a much needed platform for diverse and valuable voices from across the globe –
Ian Brennan, Grammy-winning producer & author. A sublime example of how, through a radio programme, we can travel to all latitudes of the world, cultivating the roots of the past and projecting our diversity into the future –
Paolo Angeli, guitarist and composer

Globofonie is a garden where precio

us, rare, non-commercial flowers bloom –
Giovanni De Zorzi, Professor of Ethnomusicology, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice

Ciro de Rosa is one of the few examples of Italian popularisers of international relevance dedicated to music connected to the traditions of the people. On Globofonie his dedication and knowledge find a wonderful way to contribute even more to the global community of makers and listeners –
Araceli Tzigane (Mapamundi, Mundofonias, European Folk Network), radio presenter, journalist, promoter

GLOBOFONIE  #110 SII EP.12 su ADMR Rock Web Radiosu Radio Crónica Folk MusicalPodcast:

su ADMR Rock Web Radio
su Radio Crónica Folk Musical



Zar Electrik – ‘Berma soudan’ – Koyo – Jarring Effects/Lamastrock

Widad Mjama & Khalil Epi – ‘Radouni’ – Abda – Shouka

Ablaye Cissoko & Cyrille Brotto – ‘Djiyo’ – Djiyo – Ma Case

Nesrine – ‘Dunia’ – Kan Ya Makan/ Once Upon a Time – ACT

Duo Fagon & Hellard – ‘Pousse au krign - Gavotenn ton simpl’ – Krign était presque parfait – Bizis Productions

Ensemble Chakâm – ‘Najma (Etoile)’ – Les Vents Brûlants / The Blazing Winds – Ensemble Chakâm

Giua & Riccardo Tesi – ‘Nel Cielo Nuotano Pesci – Retablos – OrangeHome

Giua & Riccardo Tesi – ‘Valzer d’aprile’ – Retablos – Orange Home

Susanna Buffa & Ivan Legari – ‘Ero povero ma disertore’ – Quando l’anarchia verrà - Kurumuny

Susanna Buffa & Ivan Legari – ‘A Sante Caserio’ – Quando l’anarchia
verrà - Kurumuny

Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa / Warsaw Village Band & Bassałyki – ‘Kalinowy mostek’ – Sploty / Twines – Karrot Kommando

F***g – ‘Troll’s Twilight’ – Dreamscapes – Bafe’s Factory

Pauanne – ‘Pelkka perseva neitsyt’ – Joku Raja Rakkaudessakin – Nordic Notes

Áššu – ‘Luoddaearru-The Crossroads’ – Luohteniegut – Nordic Notes

Tone Hulbækmo – ‘Kåmmå no’ – Harpedåm – Heilo /Grappa Musikkforlag

Maria Kalaniemi – ‘Suden tuutu’ – Nouse Luonto – Nordic Notes

Pia Kleemola – ‘Kanatarhan polkka ja Haudanmaan toinen rastaan polkka’ – Nouse Luonto – Nordic Notes

Gwilym Bowen Rhys – ‘Coed Glyn Cynon’ – Aden – Recordiau Erwyd


Listen to Sons of Membertou's "Kepmite'tmnej (Mi'kmaq Honour song)," from their album Wapna'kik: The People of the Dawn. About the song, community leader and...

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🌐 Globofonie in streaming su ADMR Rock Web Radio

👉Ascolta la radio ora:

🗓️ Giovedì 13 febbraio, 🕧H. 11.30-13.00 CET (replica venerdì H, 12.00-13.30, poi in podcast)

✨ In scaletta: Zar Electrik, Widad Mjama & Khalil Epi (Foto), Ablaye Cissoko & Cyrille Brotto, Nesrine, Duo Fagon & Hellard, Ensemble Chakâm, Giua & Riccardo Tesi, Susanna Buffa & Igor Legari, Warsaw Village Band/Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa & Bassałyki, Pauanne, Áššu, Tone Hulbækmo, Nuose Luonto (Piia Kleemola, Maria Kalaniemi) e Gwilym Bowen Rhys.




Premio Andrea Parodi became a landmark for world music. The 18th edition is now open for submissions. The core of the event is a competition open to artists from all over the world, the finals will be held in Cagliari from 9 to 11 October 2025 in the prestigious Teatro Massimo.

The call for entries can be found at and the deadline for registration is 9 May 2025, the registration is free of charge.
The winner and some of the finalists will receive important prizes and bonuses, such a
series of concerts and performances at some of Italy's leading quality music festivals.
The prize was created to pay tribute to Andrea Parodi, a Sardinian musician of great importance on the world music scene.
It is organised by the Andrea Parodi Foundation with the artistic direction of Elena Ledda.
Andrea Parodi died in 2006 and every year he is commemorated through his songs proposed by the finalists and guests.

There are several other events to pay homage to him, starting with the Andrea Parodi Museum, which recently moved to Osidda (in the province of Nuoro, Sardinia). It consists in four thematic rooms in which Andrea Parodi talks about himself, and his closest friends and colleagues remember him. A journey through his artistic and human message, an extraordinary poem of love for Sardinia. The museum is a project of the Andrea Parodi Foundation and it has been realised thanks to the contribution of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, the Foundation of Sardinia and the Municipality of Osidda.

Artists may subscribe to the competition through the format at
(for information: [email protected]).
They must upload:
- 2 tracks (2 mp3 files, auditions or live recordings or definitive achievements, indicate which of the two tracks will be the chosen competition song); only instrumental songs are not admitted; moreover, the songs must identify an entire artistic project linked to “world music”.
- lyrics and translations into Italian of the two pieces;
- artistic curriculum (single or group);

An artistic commission, chosen by the organisation, will anonymously select the finalists who will perform live in front of large juries made up of relevant insiders such as singers, writers, musicians, festival directors, managers, record companies, press offices, journalists and music critics, both Italian and international.
The prize for the Winner includes concerts and performances in some of the partner music festivals in their 2026 editions, such as European Jazz Expo (Sardinia), Folkest (Friuli), not forgetting the very same Premio Andrea Parodi 2026.
In addition to the aforementioned, the winners will be entitled to a € 2.500 scholarship. Whereas the winner of the Critics' Awards will have a professional videoclip of their competition song produced, offered by the Andrea Parodi Foundation.

Some of the finalists can also be invited to some other Partner Festivals, such as Mare e Miniere, Premio Bianca d’Aponte, Festival del Torto.

The previous editions were won: 2024 from Sandra Bautista (Catalonia), 2023 from Osso Sacro (Campania), 2022 from Ual-la (Catalonia), 2021 by Matteo Leone (Sardinia), 2020 by Still Life (Sicily, Barcelona), 2019 by the multi-ethnic group Fanfara Station (Tunisia, Usa, Italia), 2018 by La Maschera (Campania), 2017 by Daniela Pes (Sardinia), 2016 by Pupi di Surfaro (Sicily), 2015 by Giuliano Gabriele Ensemble (Lazio), 2014 by Flo (Campania), 2013 by Unavantaluna (Sicily), 2012 by Elsa Martin (Friuli), 2011 by Elva Lutza (Sardinia), 2010 by the Compagnia Triskele (Sicily), 2009 by Francesco Sossio (Apulia).

Premio Andrea Parodi is organised by the Andrea Parodi Foundation with the support of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Department of Education, Cultural Heritage, Information, Entertainment and Sport and Department of Tourism, Handicrafts and
Department of Tourism, Handicrafts and Commerce); Foundation of Sardinia, Municipality of Cagliari (contribution and patronage).

The Festival has many Italian and international partners and media partners, which will be published in the coming months.

To look up the notice and for further information:
[email protected]

Niente pagelle sanremesi ... solo "musiche dal mondo".🌐 Globofonie in streaming su ADMR Rock Web Radio👉Ascolta la radio ...

Niente pagelle sanremesi ... solo "musiche dal mondo".

🌐 Globofonie in streaming su ADMR Rock Web Radio

👉Ascolta la radio ora:

🗓️ Giovedì 13 febbraio, 🕧H. 11.30-13.00 CET (replica venerdì H, 12.00-13.30, poi in podcast)

✨ In scaletta: Zar Electrik, Widad Mjama & Khalil Epi (Foto), Ablaye Cissoko & Cyrille Brotto, Nesrine, Duo Fagon & Hellard, Ensemble Chakâm, Giua & Riccardo Tesi, Susanna Buffa & Igor Legari, Warsaw Village Band/Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa & Bassałyki, Pauanne, Áššu, Tone Hulbækmo, Nuose Luonto (Piia Kleemola, Maria Kalaniemi) e Gwilym Bowen Rhys.


Siamo felici di annunciare la seconda novità del 2025!

🌿 LIBURIA IMMATERIAL - Festival di cultura immateriale

Da Marzo a Maggio 2025
concerti, incontri, presentazioni e workshop dedicati al patrimonio immateriale.

A breve tutti i dettagli ed il programma completo.


Giovedì 13 febbraio, alle 11:30 CET (replica venerdì alle 12:00 e poi disponibile in podcast), andrà in onda un nuovo episodio di Globofonie, ideato e condotto da Ciro De Rosa. 🏞

In apertura, trance e groove apolidi con Zar Electrik, seguiti dalla collaborazione tra la rapper marocchina Widad Mjama e il producer tunisino Khalil Epi, che rivisitano l’aïta, genere popolare rurale marocchino, traghettandolo nell’era digitale. Tra Africa subsahariana e Francia si sviluppa il dialogo tra la kora del senegalese Ablaye Cissoko e l’organetto dell’occitano Cyrille Brotto. Ci spostiamo nuovamente nel Mediterraneo con Nesrine, violoncellista e cantante franco-algerina, che intreccia jazz e influenze maghrebine. La tradizione danzante bretone si rinnova con la coppia sax-fisarmonica del Duo Fagon & Hellard, mentre l’intarsio di corde dell’Ensemble Chakâm, trio iraniano-palestinese-francese, esplora i modi del maqam arabo, del radif persiano e della musica barocca. L’Italia è protagonista con due collaborazioni d’eccezione: l’incontro tra la cantante e chitarrista Giua e l’organetto diatonico del maestro Riccardo Tesi, fissato in un live album, e quello tra la cantante e polistrumentista Susanna Buffa e il contrabbassista Igor Legari, che reinterpretano i canti anarchici con sensibilità contemporanea. 🌎

Dall’Europa orientale, la Warsaw Village Band incontra Bassałyki facendo reagire tradizione polacca e dub. Rotta verso il Nord boreale con gli energici finnici F***g, la riscrittura di materiali d’archivio dei loro connazionali Pauanne e gli Áššu, il gruppo guidato da Ulla Pirttijärvi, innovatrice del canto joik sami. Dalla Norvegia, ecco il timbro evocativo dell’arpa di Tone Hulbækmo. Di nuovo in Finlandia per il progetto Nuose Luonto, che riunisce un bel novero di musicisti folk, tra cui la violinista Piia Kleemola e la fisarmonicista Maria Kalaniemi, per un’iniziativa mirante a sensibilizzare sul tema della salvaguardia della biodiversità. Infine, il cantautore gallese Gwilym Bowen Rhys chiude la puntata con una poesia cinquecentesca, considerata la più antica "canzone di protesta" per la “giustizia climatica” in Gran Bretagna.


𝙋𝙞𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙛𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙚 è un progetto musicale che unisce il duo Savoretti/Mina, la voce di Maria Moramarco, esperta del repertorio tradizionale dell’Alta Murgia, e la visione artistica dello scultore altamurano Vito Maiullari. Scopri di più e acquista l’album sul sito di Visage Music 👉🏻

Realizzato con il contributo di Nuovo IMAIE


Hello, my name is Sung Sang S*k I am a contemporary Artist and Musician. this summer I traveled through Europe on a music trip from April to September. I ha...


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The Blues Foundation recently announced nominees for the 2025 Blues Music Awards, held in Memphis, Tennessee, on May 5th. We’re excited to see Jerron Paxton nominated for an award in the Acoustic Blues Album category for his acclaimed LP ‘Things Done Changed.’

See the full list of nominees:

Catch Paxton on tour now in Europe:

Photo by Janette Beckman

Transglobal World Music Chart Festival Awards

Transglobal World Music Chart Festival Awards

As part of its goal to increase the appreciation of the music from the cultures of the world, as a tool for the development of people in many areas of life, as



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