Perché il Salone del Mobile, la Biennale di Venezia e il Vinitaly a Verona sono caduti tutti e tre nella stessa settimana di aprile, perdendo occasioni e indotto? Di chi è la colpa?
Humanity / Dignity
Circular Economies and Global Forestry
Sustainable Matters in the Anthropocene
Via Bagutta 14
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Lampoon Magazine – Craftsmanship is a mindset
An intellectual collision of the speculative research for fine craftsmanship. Above the highest. Chronicles and imagery featuring sophisticated contexts and storytelling on luxury.
«I found the word Lampoon while reading a book by Orson Welles. There was a talk of The Harvard Lampoon, a magazine edited by college students, a voice of the erce, fast, Ivy League young people. In the American vernacular, Lampoon means magazine — an ironic magazine. Stinging. A world of brains, sweat, and love — so in my notes I wrote: The Fashionable Lampoon». Carlo Mazzoni, Editor in Chief