HD and 4K video broadcast production,
360 degrees, onboard, aerial filmings

  is at Fiorano Test Track filming the official opening show of the Ferrari F1 2023 season: red on red.

is at Fiorano Test Track filming the official opening show of the Ferrari F1 2023 season: red on red.

  with the Ferrari pilot Charles Leclerc during the official revealing of the new SF-23, filming the F1 new car world pr...

with the Ferrari pilot Charles Leclerc during the official revealing of the new SF-23, filming the F1 new car world presentation for CNBC

We wish the best to all the friends of

We wish the best to all the friends of

This time Corriere della Sera is filming us ! 🎥 Normally is the opposite: we film for all the televisions and newspapers...

This time Corriere della Sera is filming us ! 🎥
Normally is the opposite: we film for all the televisions and newspapers.

Trentotto i vincitori della quattordicesima edizione. Ventisei società italiane tra cui Carioca, Assicurazioni Generali, Ducati, Snam e sei cinesi, due atleti e due artisti.

  on-air 🛰 live from FABI Convention with Matteo Spanò, vice president of Federcasse.

on-air 🛰 live from FABI Convention with Matteo Spanò, vice president of Federcasse.

Creating the future of enterprise communication, with Creative Solutions and

Creating the future of enterprise communication, with Creative Solutions and

  official filming of MF Fashion Global Summit with  , from G*e Aulenti Italian Financial District in Milan.

official filming of MF Fashion Global Summit with , from G*e Aulenti Italian Financial District in Milan.

  is with Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Intesa Sanpaolo President, live from the 31th floor of the Grattacielo Intesa Sanpaolo...

is with Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Intesa Sanpaolo President, live from the 31th floor of the Grattacielo Intesa Sanpaolo Torino filming the final report about Italian financial savings.

  filming the official italian visit of H.E. Filipe Nyusi  🇲🇿 President of Mozambicohosted by   and

filming the official italian visit of
H.E. Filipe Nyusi 🇲🇿 President of Mozambico
hosted by and

One-to-one private interview with the AD   and  , filmed by   during the 2020 Mediaset Broadcasting New Season presentat...

One-to-one private interview with the AD and , filmed by during the 2020 Mediaset Broadcasting New Season presentation in Portofino.


per il sociale:


La più grande associazione italiana di educazione e , con oltre 180.000 e milioni di ex associati, ispirata dalla spinta ideale di Capo Guida, Capo Scout e dei Presidenti del Comitato Nazionale, si riunisce per il Consiglio Generale 2019 a Bracciano.

E' stato un onore e un piacere poter realizzare i cinque video ufficiali, filmando da terra e dal cielo i quattro giorni dell' assise azzurra.

The visionary president of Microsoft world Satya Nadella aired live 📡  by   in Bocconi University

The visionary president of Microsoft world Satya Nadella aired live 📡 by in Bocconi University

  deploying the full capability of his Panasonic cameras to film 🎥 and go on-air 📡 live with Microsoft World President S...

deploying the full capability of his Panasonic cameras to film 🎥 and go on-air 📡 live with Microsoft World President Satya Nadella

Prnewswire talks about the prestigious 9th Anthony Ritossa World Family Office Summit, quoting the review of   video ser...

Prnewswire talks about the prestigious 9th Anthony Ritossa World Family Office Summit, quoting the review of video service provider about the most astonshing world gathering of this kind.
The Summit is at the 4th edition in Montecarlo and will be co-hosted by Giuseppe Ambrosio, President of the Monaco Single & Multi Family Office International Association, under the high patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco.
As HDFILM.IT we will be back in Monaco with and Carmelo Caggia to produce and film all the best conferences, meetings, interviews, but also the first Family Office International Tennis Tournament at the Monte-Carlo Country Club.

MONTE CARLO, Monaco, April 29, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The 9th Global Family Office Summit held under the High Patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II...


strongly support the inspired visionary quest of Treedom to sustain the human development together with the planet preservation.
All of us at HDFILM.IT are loving this eco-ethical company that has planted more than half a million of trees worldwide.

At present day we have taken 28 trees, one for any different breed available, as a gift for our customers and for the planet 🌎


UAE Dubai Leadership Project and University: the first day filmed from


Milano & Worldwide


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