Silk Gift Milan

Silk Gift Milan Silk Gift Milan by Amanda Archetti
Artist Image Management ♚ Image Consulting ♚ Artist Consulting

Silk Gift Milan: Grooming Life Success with Confidence

A successful image defines who you are — your public image or the real inside you .Silk Gift Milan, headed by certified image consultant Amanda Archetti, specializes in image management. Silk Gift Milan develops your personal image, helping you to build an effective personal brand to achieve social and professional success. Silk Gift Milan g

rooms you, teaches you how to dress for success and educates you on social and business etiquette — enabling you to look and feel confident. This is so very essential for realizing a successful career, community and personal life. These ‘soft skills’ are a vital complement to ‘hard’ technical skills and professional qualifications. The image consultant at Silk Gift Milan understand this and how important the first impressions can be. It will develop your appearance and communication skills so that your qualities and abilities (or your company’s) are reflected in your appearance. Silk Gift Milan personal image consultanting helps you acquire a positive personality that enhances the person that you are. Silk Gift Milan offers consultations in image consultant /personal branding management to individuals, groups and corporations. These are distinguished by a cross-cultural and global perspective. Silk Gift Milan specializes in a tailored, personalized approach to your image. Member AICI (Association of Image Consulting International)

Silk Gift Milan: Governare la Vita con successo e fiducia
Un'immagine di successo definisce chi siete - il vostro personaggio pubblico o il vero che c'è dentro voi. Silk Gift Milan, guidato dalla consulente di immagine certificata Amanda Archetti, specializzata nella gestione dell’immagine. Silk Gift Milan si articola sulla vostra immagine personale, contribuendo a costruire un efficace marchio personale per raggiungere il successo sociale e professionale. Silk Gift Milan vi insegna come vestirvi per il successo e vi educa sull’ etichetta sociale e di business - che vi permetterà di guardarvi e sentire con maggiore sicurezza. Tutto questo è così essenziale per la realizzazione di una carriera di successo, la comunità e la vita personale. Questi "soft skills" sono un complemento di vitale importanza per le competenze tecniche e le qualifiche professionali. La mia consulenza d'immagine in Silk Gift Milan comprende questo e quanto sia importante la prima impressione. Svilupperò il vostro aspetto e capacità di comunicazione in modo che le vostre qualità e capacità (o società) si riflettono nel vostro aspetto. La consulenza d’immagine di Silk Gift Milan vi aiuterà ad acquisire un personalità positiva che valorizza la persona che siete. Silk Gift Milan offre consulenze in gestione delle immagini personali per individui, gruppi e aziende. Questi si distinguono per una prospettiva interculturale e globale. Silk Gift Milan si specializza in una consulenza su misura, con un approccio personalizzato alla vostra immagine. Member AICI (Association of Image Consulting International)

Michele Lattanzio aka "reverendo secret" born on March 2, 1978 in Schweinfurt (Germany), but from Puglia, an eclectic singer-songwriter who cames to the fore with Italian's Got Talent 2016 in which improvising songs created by words randomly given by the public, favorably impressing the 4 judges and the audience up to the standing ovation. Singer-author, multi-instrumentalist, he boasts Italian and International musical experiences on the web, radio and TV. Noble Writer Alchemist Descending from the lineage of the Di Sangro Caracciolo Prince of Sansevero Knight of the Order of San Gennaro
Grande di Spagna First Class
Duke of Torremaggiore
Marquis of Castelnuovo, with his baggage and his 5 hit singles, hit The Voice Uk and The Voice of Germany and was proud of his participation in Eurovision 2022. Expertly managed by Amanda Archetti, he curates Esoteric Columns and Representations of his Occult Passions.

The Police, Stewart Copeland: "my biggest regret is choosing that name for the band"In March 2021 the American jazz-rock...

The Police, Stewart Copeland: "my biggest regret is choosing that name for the band"

In March 2021 the American jazz-rock fusion musician Robert Miller, born in New York in 1951 and bassist of the band Project Grand Slam launched a podcast entitled Follow Your Dream in which he converses with artists, actors, writers and musicians to invite people to follow your dreams and make them come true. One of the most overwhelming guests was Stewart Copeland, drummer of the Police who told the details of his incredible life, in which becoming the drummer of one of the biggest rock bands in the world could seem like one of the most distant goals.

Stewart Copeland was born on 16 July 1952 in Alexandria, Virginia, the son of a Scottish archaeologist and Miles Copeland Jr, a high-ranking secret service official who, according to some documents revealed in 2008, was one of the founders of the CIA. Stewart grew up in Cairo and Beirut, studied at the best international schools and then graduated from California University at Berkeley before moving to England, choosing music and becoming the road manager of the band Curved Air and then founding the Police with Sting (and Henry Padovani on guitar) in 1977. His brothers Miles Copeland III and Ian Copeland also followed their dreams, far from the world of their family: Miles is the founder of the independent label I.R.S. Records that launched REM and many 80s new wave bands, Ian (born in Damascus, raised in the Middle East and then a sergeant in the US Army in Vietnam) was Wishbone Ash's road manager and then one of the most important music agents English.
An incredible family, which the talent of Stewart Copeland, considered one of the best drummers ever, made famous throughout the world.

Copeland explained to Robert Miller how he realized his dream and also said that the name of the band, Police, was his idea. He wanted a word that symbolized tension, conflict, opposition, and it seemed like the right choice: «Today, however, I think it's a horrible name» he said, «It doesn't even belong to us. If you type “police” into Google, compare the Brooklyn Police Department website. I should have chosen another word." His brother Miles, who was the manager of the Police, explained the choice of this name with a joke: «It was a way to get free advertising on police cars around cities all over the world».

For years fans have said that the name Police was an ironic reference to his father Miles Jr's role in the CIA but Stewart Copeland has denied this: «It was the time of bands with fantastic names like The Clash, The Damned and S*x Pistols and I wanted just a name that sounded provocative and uncomfortable. My father's job has nothing to do with it."

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- Misteriose Vie Dell'Esoterismo Antico -

"No io Dio."
Beato Carlo Acutis


R.E.M., MIKE MILLS: "I WENT TO SEE U2 AND I UNDERSTOOD WHY WE SHOULD NEVER GET TOGETHER" Bassist: "We all have our things to do, and we're happy like that"

REM have announced the release of a special reissue of their eleventh album UP released in 1998 and launched by the singles Lotus and Daysleeper. A deluxe version coming November 10 with lots of special features, including the entire eleven-song set that the band of Michael Stipe, Peter Buck and Mike Mills did in 1999 on the TV show Party of Five. However, there is no news on a possible reunion of the band that conquered the world with its surreal and alternative version of American pop rock, capable of great live performances in stadiums. Their last tour was 2008's Accelerate World Tour, launched with a spectacular five dates at Dublin's Olympia club (featured on the Live at the Olympia DVD in 2009). The tour started on May 23, 2008 in Canada and ended on November 18 in Mexico City and since then REM did not play any more concerts until they disbanded in 2011 after the album Collapse Into Now.
In a new interview, Mike Mills said: «I went to see U2 in concert some time ago and I thought: how cool, we could be on stage too, it would be great fun». However, the thought of life on tour made him immediately change his mind: «I thought: they will play tomorrow too, and the day after tomorrow, in a week and in a month. Maybe think about it better this way. We all have our things to do, and we are content."

REM's decision to interrupt their career when they could have continued it for years touring with the big hits (as all bands of their level do) is one of the purest manifestations of authenticity in the history of American rock: « It was clear that there couldn't be a better time" said Mike Mills, "The music industry had changed dramatically, and our record deal had ended. Did we really want to sign another one and make a new album? The answer is no. We said to ourselves: let's do something that no one has ever done, let's separate ourselves as friends and dedicate ourselves to our projects while we are still young enough. It was our version of the saying live fast, die young and leave a good memory."

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- Misteriose Vie Dell'Esoterismo Antico -

"No io Dio."
Beato Carlo Acutis

Now in HD! "Daysleeper" from R.E.M.'s 1998 album, "UP".Check out the 25th Anniversary Edition of the album, via Craft Recordings -- details/ordering info her...

Ringo Starr was ready to open a hairdressing shopThe former Beatles drummer was sure the group would only last one weekR...

Ringo Starr was ready to open a hairdressing shop
The former Beatles drummer was sure the group would only last one week

Ringo Starr was ready to open a hair salon because he didn't think the Beatles would "last a week." This is his thought, also shared by his bandmate Paul McCartney and expressed during an interview given to the Sunday Times.
McCartney stated: "When we started, we thought that, maybe, we would last ten years." The drummer of the Liverpool band was on the same wavelength and agreed: “None of us thought it would last long! Paul would write songs, I would open a hairdressing shop, George would get a garage. But things went on and then they ended. And I believe at the right time. But that didn't stop us from playing together.”

Who among them could have imagined that the Beatles would be one of the greatest bands of all time, still relevant today over fifty years after their breakup. 83-year-old Ringo Starr explains in amazement: “How many streams did we do last year? A billion? Three billion? I am left speechless..." And with their new release, “Now and Then” they are on track to go to number one in the UK singles chart for the eighteenth time.
Paul McCartney recently said he thought John Lennon "would have loved" the new Beatles song. A song that is a demo recorded by Lennon aided by artificial intelligence that isolated and improved the voice of him playing the piano in his New York apartment. In the documentary 'Now And Then - The Last Beatles Song', McCartney said: "We listened to the track. There's John in his apartment in New York, playing the piano, making a little demo. It's something we shouldn't have Do? Every time he thought about it, he thought 'wait a minute'. Let's just say I didn't get a chance to ask John, 'Hey John, would you like us to finish this latest song of yours?' But then the answer would have been ‘yes.’ He would have liked it a lot.”

John's son Sean Lennon also agrees that his father would have approved of the project. "My dad would have loved it because he never shied away from experimenting with recording technology. It's really beautiful." After Lennon's initial demo, the track was subsequently worked on by McCartney, Starr and George Harrison in 1994, when the three finished "Real Love" and "Free As A Bird". However, at that time, Lennon's recordings did not allow "Now And Then" to be completed, but new technology has now worked the miracle by giving the tools to Ringo and Paul to complete the song.

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- Misteriose Vie Dell'Esoterismo Antico -

"No io Dio."
Beato Carlo Acutis

Sirens, esotericism and religion from Romanesque to symbolism (and beyond)There is not much left to say about symbolist ...

Sirens, esotericism and religion from Romanesque to symbolism (and beyond)

There is not much left to say about symbolist mermaids, but I suggest proposing a comparison with "The Mermaid with the Serpent" by Armand Point, a pastel on canvas from 1901. Here we are at the heart of the "purity-danger" couple that will be evoked much later ( 1966) by anthropologist Mary Douglas. The mermaid is dangerous because her embrace can lead to the abyss and kill but she also embodies the dream of a seductive and lost purity which the man of the Belle Époque no longer wants to give up, whatever risk he may take.

The mermaid of Armand Point is in fact a dangerous woman, Helga Weeke, Danish singer, widow of the Norwegian poet Sigbjørn Ostfelder and passionate about esotericism. Considered one of the most beautiful women of the century, her blue eyes have driven more than one artist crazy. Point marries her, but Helga leaves him after eight years of marriage and ends up dying in a mental hospital at 53.
The story of Helga Weeke and Armand Point also evokes the combination of mermaid/absolute and shocking beauty. In her style and even in her hairstyles, Helga was inspired by what for the previous generation of Pre-Raphaelites had been "the most beautiful woman in the world", Jane Morris. And Point makes an explicit reference, with the snake (which perhaps is not a snake, but a mythological animal) around Helga's neck depicted as a mermaid, to another candidate for the title of most attractive woman ever, Simonetta Vespucci, the Venus by Botticelli, and his famous portrait attributed to Piero di Cosimo (where the serpent could be the asp that killed Cleopatra).

Leaving the symbolism aside, I propose six stories of mermaids. The first is related to confusion. In English the Italian word “sirena” can be translated as both “mermaid” and “mermaid”. Look at two representations of Ulysses' ship risking shipwreck attracted by the lethal song of the sirens, one Greek and one Victorian by Herbert James Draper. Notice immediately that the "mermaids" of Ulysses are originally not "fish women" but "bird women", while starting from the Middle Ages the mermaid-mermaid merges with the mermaid-mermaid, who comes from Nordic mythology and is effects a fish woman.
My second story is about the submissive mermaid. In a good number of Romanesque churches the mermaids support the baptisteries or holy water fonts. This doesn't mean the Catholic Church loves mermaids; is the opposite. A bit like the devil holding the stoup in the famous "mystery church" of Rennes-le-Château, which made Dan Brown wrongly think of some allusion to Satanism, mermaids for the Christian Middle Ages are demonic creatures , lustful and animalistic women who seduce and kill, and who the Church has subjugated, "put under" the places of baptism and holy water as it did with the devils.

The Pre-Raphaelites thought that submissive mermaids were typical of English medieval country churches, but in reality they are also found in Italy, for example in the holy water stoup of the baptistery of Cremona. And so in the stoups of the parish churches of San Giorgio a Ganaceto (Modena) and Santa Maria Assunta a Rubbiano (Parma), which some art historians even attribute to one of the greatest sculptors of the Italian Middle Ages, Wiligelmo.
However, mermaids don't just sit back, and here's the third story: the political siren. When the Middle Ages came to an end, and magic and esotericism became fashionable for the educated classes, the mermaid was rediscovered as a symbol of the profound union between humans and nature, and also between water and eroticism. Some noble families include mermaids in their foundation myths, the best known of which concerns the great French house of Lusignan.

The ancestor of the Lusignans, Melusina, in successive versions of the story is from time to time a fairy, a shape-shifter, a dragon, a mermaid in the sense of bird-woman, and finally a mermaid as fish-woman. Raimondino, the founder of the house, finds her swimming in the Enchanted Fountain. Melusina marries him but on one condition: her husband must never look at her on Saturdays, when she bathes. It's the day Melusina reveals her mermaid tail. Raimondin breaks his vow after seven years and Melusina disappears, but in the meantime she has fathered him ten children who will make the Lusignan lineage numerous and powerful.
Bathing Melusina has never ceased to fascinate artists, from medieval miniatures to romantic painters such as Julius Hübner and the Art Nouveau of Heinrich Vogeler.

But returning to politics and the House of Lusignan, are these mythologies that have lost interest today? Not everywhere, as the fourth story shows, the African mermaid. In his 2011 doctoral thesis, the French ethnologist Thomas Mouzard describes the public and political funeral of a mermaid that took place in southern Madagascar in 2001-2002. The premise is the claim of royal houses and entire ethnic groups in Madagascar to be descended from mermaids. It could be said that the same mythologies are found in different cultures if it were not for the fact that from the French conquest to the end of the nineteenth century a pre-existing local folklore absorbed European elements in the representation of mermaids.

In January 2002, suddenly in the bazaar of Toliara, in the south-west of Madagascar, a rumor spread that some fishermen in nearby Port-Dauphin had captured a mermaid a few weeks earlier and brought her to the village elders who, impatient with the because she continued to drink their rum, they killed her. Before she died, she asked to be buried in Ankilibe, where her descendants live. Mouzard notes that most older Malagasy people believe that mermaids exist anyway, but in this case there are also bones placed in a funeral casket and transported from one village to another, which are about to arrive in Toliara.

There are thirteen kilometers between Toliara and Ankilibe but a funeral procession takes a longer route, because all the villages want to pay homage to the mermaid and place her in the coffin, after a night of prayers and after many have lined up to touch it, a report signed by the local political and military authorities and offers of money. Mouzard notes the unanimous participation of the villages in these rituals, including the Catholic nuns who reside there.

When television also arrives and the mermaid's funeral becomes a national event, the authoritarian regime in power, suspicious of any movement that it does not control, sends soldiers - led by a colonel who urges the crowd to "pray only to Jesus Christ" - to kidnap the mermaid's coffin (and the money it contains, now a considerable sum), together with a commission of four university professors who open the coffin.
And finally comes Starbucks. After the creators of the future global coffee giant chose a nautical name (Starbucks is the first mate on the Pequod ship in the novel “Moby Dick”), advertisers created a logo with a mermaid, which was modified several times. But what is today the most famous mermaid in the world remains in the logo, and attests that mermaids - to return to the duplicity studied by Mary Douglas between purity and danger - have finally freed themselves completely from danger. Only the purity remains, even if it is now that of coffee beans.

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- Misteriose Vie Dell'Esoterismo Antico -

"No io Dio."
Beato Carlo Acutis

THE ESOTERIC TAROT AND ITS DIVINATORY PROPERTarot cards have fascinated and frightened people for centuries.They fascina...


Tarot cards have fascinated and frightened people for centuries.
They fascinate those who want answers, they frighten those who fear answers.

For all these reasons there are many well-known people who have consulted in the past and consult esoteric Tarot cards today before making important choices for their life and career: it is well known that Napoleon Bonaparte regularly consulted Madame Marie Adelaide Lenormand, and in times closest to us are President Sandro Pertini and American President Ronald Regan, politicians (e.g. Giorgio Almirante), sportsmen like Franco Baresi, coach Nils Liedholm, Gino Paoli and Stefania Sandrelli, Ursula Andress and many other actors, singers, directors , manager, entrepreneur.
The "Esoteric Tarot" is expressed through images and therefore leaves those who observe them with ample interpretative possibilities, but if on the one hand this freedom stimulates the intuitive abilities of each of us, on the other it can generate confusion precisely because there is no absolute definition and limited by their symbols, there is a risk of not being able to grasp the message they intend to dare.

Since each of them tells us our fears, our expectations, advises us on how to deal with the various situations we find ourselves experiencing, we need to know and delve deeper into their psychological aspects and their links with myths and archetypes, in short, we are not wrong in defining them psychological as well as esoteric tarot.

This clarity is necessary and is one of the points that I will develop in the course that I will hold in February 2023, illuminating how to read the "Esoteric Tarot" to oneself and others

The approach to reading should in fact be to obtain advice on what should be done in the present, in the here and now to solve a given problem and not to say what could happen in the future.

The correct question to ask them is:
“How should I behave so that that thing happens (or doesn't happen)? “
and not:
"What will happen?"

Our destiny is not predetermined regardless, we have the possibility of intervening on the circumstances and the card drawn expresses the suggestion of how to act to do our best to ensure that the goal is achieved. The card is never chosen at random, there is a synchronic link between it and the person asking the question.
This attitude implies several factors:

The knowledge that by following the advice you are doing everything possible to achieve the desired result.
The perception that the response received is something one possesses, but has not been able to explain, therefore dictated by a personal higher Self and not suggested by others.
The certainty that the Tarot has great value and helps to face one's evolutionary path.
I believe that each of us is able to approach this mysterious world without fear and with the desire to begin a useful knowledge to deal constructively with every situation, experiencing it as an opportunity for personal growth.

To do this it is necessary to know its historical and mythical references of each plate, understand what it suggests, how to dialogue with the others depending on its extraction position, how its symbols can be interpreted positively, abandoning forever that fear that arises from not knowledge.

For this reason, if you like it, I will send some short requests via WhatsApp between now and February. If you like, send me a WhatsApp or call me

All this will be part of my new unpublished course which will start online from next February, with a maximum number of participants allowed.

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- Misteriose Vie Dell'Esoterismo Antico -

"No io Dio."
Beato Carlo Acutis

Nevski Prospect and beyond: the Fourth Way, esotericism and the music of Franco Battiato as a lever for existential deep...

Nevski Prospect and beyond: the Fourth Way, esotericism and the music of Franco Battiato as a lever for existential deepening
We loved Franco Battiato because he was a guide. He crossed pop reinventing it, he redesigned the boundaries of songwriting. It was a ReWriters.

A friend of mine sent me an audio note this morning, commenting on the death of Franco Battiato, in which she asked: "How is it possible that we are so close to someone we've never even met in person?". I don't know, how is this possible; but it's true, many of us loved Battiato. And not as we would expect of a singer, not even of our favorite, but as of a close relative, a man of the house, someone who takes us by the hand in moments of uncertainty.

Then, of course, more than forty years on television (despite all the confidentiality and mistrust involved, you could certainly see it on TV, albeit strictly in its own way), successes in shops and on the radio (The Master's Voice, the his classic, it was the first Italian album to exceed the threshold of one million copies sold, it was 1982), of concerts and therefore for a while of reproductions on Spotify have made him constantly close to us, familiar like only those who have the certification of the great of our music. Furthermore, among the various leaks opened by Franco Battiato on his private life we ​​also got to know the man - his sympathy for the radicals, his humility, his irony, his air of an absolute freak in sandals and pigtails within an ecosystem of conformist singers .

We loved him above all because Franco Battiato was a guide. With the various Centro di Gravitazione Permanente and I Want to See You Dance he crossed pop, reinventing it, futurizing it, making it our friend; with pieces like La cura and Povera patria he redesigned the boundaries of songwriting, he took us to his heart; but then he was also transversal, for everyone and for no one, experimenting, dedicating himself to the cultured, electronic music of Inneres' heyday and the beginnings. Above all, he taught: hearing him was like traveling around the world, enriching himself with places, culture and quotes, discovering philosophy, living with the regrets of The Season of Love.
We called him a guide, the esoteric philosopher, a follower of the Fourth Way since the 1970s ("I started as a self-taught person, alone and out of desperation", says the artist). A rewriter, a ReWriters, for his continuous search for communion between points of view: in this video he talks about his meeting with his Master, it was 2013, the Armenian George Gurdjieff, and we take this opportunity to recommend the reading with which he , our undying friend, began his journey of existential deepening: he would be happy to know that others will continue to read.
Our beloved Franco Battiato leaves an endless discography and an even bigger legacy - Colapesce is, for example, one of his sons - for which it seems useless to choose one song above all. But Nevski Prospect (1980), among many, seems to me to really explain why so many of us loved him. It is an unconventional ballad, with a suspended piano; set in the streets of pre-revolutionary Russia, it tells the story of a youth spent in St. Petersburg, and for all the details and images it evokes it seems like we are really there. But it's not just a nice trip. «And my teacher taught me how difficult it is to find the dawn within the dusk», he sings at the end, as the piece rises. Here it is: it talks about philosophy, but it is not a reference in itself: it is a life lesson from human being to being, forever valid. We will try again today, we will try again from today, to find it. The dawn within the dusk, I say.

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- Misteriose Vie Dell'Esoterismo Antico -

"No io Dio."
Beato Carlo Acutis

The mystery of the “27 Club”: the case of the curse of rock historyJuly 3, 1969. Sussex, England. The lifeless body of B...

The mystery of the “27 Club”: the case of the curse of rock history

July 3, 1969. Sussex, England. The lifeless body of Brian Jones, multi-instrumentalist of the Rolling Stones, was found at the bottom of the pool. Then it was the turn of Jimi Hendrix, then Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin, up to Amy Winehouse. The so-called Club dei 27 is the suggestion, a little mysterious and a little elusive, the most famous and infamous of rock music and world pop music. The serial deaths, at the same age and often in tragic if not exactly obscure situations, of iconic superstars who have remained in the imagination of listeners and fans have become so well known that they even disturb scientific studies and conspiracies.

The club's history can be traced back to that summer of 1969, when talented multi-instrumentalist Jones was found dead. It is with his end that the legend begins, even if others had died at the same age before him. It was he who became the founder of the gloomy Club. In 1970 Jimi Hendrix died, the African-American artist who had revolutionized the way of playing the electric guitar. In October of the same year it was Janis Joplin's turn, an author and singer with an unforgettable voice and a tormented life. July 3, 1971, Paris: exactly two years after Jones' death, the lifeless body of Jim Morrison, frontman and singer of The Doors, was found in a bathtub.
The mystery also led to a study by the scientific journal British Medical Journal which in 2011 concluded its research by declaring – not exactly a surprise – that there is no increased risk of death for musicians at the age of 27. Over the years, however, the grotesque coincidence has fueled a sort of Club cult which contemplates theories, conspiracies and plots. Some bring up the secret services, the CIA or other special forces. According to these theories, in fact, the members of the Club would in many cases have been eliminated due to their alleged subversive influence on the large masses of fans in years set alight by political conflicts. Jimi Hendrix, for example, financed the Black Panthers, an African-American revolutionary organization.

Some time after those years of protest and revolt, the news of the death of Kurt Cobain, singer and guitarist frontman of Nirvana, a milestone grunge band, went around the world on 5 April 1994. The official version has always reported su***de as the cause of death - with a rifle shot to the head -, many fans around the world have never accepted that version. Massive quantities of he**in were found in Cobain's body, near the co**se a farewell letter to family and fans.
The last time the news concerned an international star was the death of Amy Winehouse, an English singer who died in July 2013 due to alcohol poisoning. Another prominent personality of the Club is Robert Johnson, considered by many to be the father of the blues song. Often the deaths associated with the Club of 27 were caused by alcohol and drug abuse, in other cases by car accidents, su***des or homicides. Over the years, what was initially a club reserved almost exclusively for rock musicians has expanded to practically all musical and artistic genres. The actress Masako Natsume and the artist and street artist Jean-Michel Basquiat are also brought back into the Club. The Wikipedia page even collects members from 1864 to the present day.

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- Misteriose Vie Dell'Esoterismo Antico -

"No io Dio."
Beato Carlo Acutis

Many mysteries surround the Beatles and their songs: strange and mystical characters, occult symbols, hidden messages an...

Many mysteries surround the Beatles and their songs: strange and mystical characters, occult symbols, hidden messages and even the death of one of them. Let's try to clarify.

The main mystery linked to the Beatles is the alleged death of Paul McCartney, the so-called PID (Paul is dead). The legend was born in 1969 when a listener called a Detroit radio station and said that McCartney was dead, later replaced by a lookalike, and that clues lay in the lyrics and album covers. A theory that normally would have left no trace, and instead immediately bounced across the Atlantic, to London, and then spread throughout the world. People of all nationalities set out to dig up the alleged evidence, finding much but none definitive.
In 1968 the Beatles traveled to India. Why? What were they looking for? Who did they find? In August 1967 the quartet met the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi during a lecture on transcendental meditation in London; the Maharishi invited them to follow him to his ashram in India to undertake a path to study the topic in depth. The Beatles went there with their respective companions, and with them there were also Mia Farrow and her sister Prudence, Mike Love of the Beach Boys and Donovan. The main activities at the ashram were meditation and listening to the Maharishi's lectures. In the first few days the Beatles were very involved in the situation, only to later get fed up with it (Ringo and Paul) or have disagreements (John and George) and therefore decided to leave and return home.

Everyone knows the cover of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", the most famous album by the Beatles and probably in history. But who are the characters who appear there? Is it true that some of these are mysterious? Is it true that there are murderers among them? The cover was born in this way: once the idea was decided, the Beatles established that each of them could choose the characters who would appear on it. Paul McCartney chose singers and writers, George Harrison wanted Indian holy men, John Lennon would have wanted Hi**er, Gandhi and Jesus Christ but these proposals were rejected, Ringo Starr said he would be fine with what others wanted. The exact names of the characters are given inside the album booklet, and no "compromising" individual is compared to them.

Is it true that occult symbols appear on the covers of Beatles records? Most of the comments in this regard are related to the alleged death of Paul McCartney. For example, the famous cover of "Abbey Road", in which McCartney compares barefoot, the clothes of the 4 seem to indicate that they are attending a funeral, and in the background there is a Volkswagen Beetle with license plate LMW 281F. On the back cover of "Sgt. Pepper..." John, George and Ringo appear from the front, while Paul appears from behind. These and many other details are easily explainable, for example considering that McCartney accumulates standing out from others in the photos.
Is it true that there are satanic messages in the Beatles' songs that can only be understood by listening to them backwards? Many of the quartet's records have been analyzed by spinning them in the opposite direction to that of listening, obtaining presumed messages. None of these have ever been clear, they are just suggestions; you find what you want to find, in short. This was made easier by a very technical reason, namely the possibility of listening to the 33s in reverse; Today with CDs and MP3s, no one would ever think of it.

Is it true that the Beatles used drugs to compose their songs? Yes, that's right, they used ma*****na to relax and L*D to heighten perceptions. Once the group broke up, everyone stopped using acid, but John Lennon turned to co***ne. Some Beatles songs are explicitly dedicated to drugs, for example Tomorrow never aware, Got to get to in to my life, Day tripper.

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