LyciD Music

LyciD Music LyciD Music is a Record Label where each artist is an extraordinary phenomenon all their own LyciD Music is a Milan based Record Label.

The word Lycid is a combination of Lucid (dreaming) and Lyserg (acid), which is the best way to describe the acustic dimensions of the LyciD-Music crew. With dedicated visionaries and their total devotion for art, has cast them into an endless portal through time and space. The additional tag “Sapio-Sound“ is born because we couldn’t find a genre that expresses our full potential with justice. “S

apio“ has latin origins and it means taste, understanding, knowing and having sense. With a danceble mixture of House, film-music, tribal elements, dub, techno, experimental and downtempo. Treat yourself to a soul-bending adventure!

3h Live-Set by Magnutze

3h Live-Set by Magnutze

"Musik ist ein Mittel, das dunklen Dramatismus und pure Entrückung, Leiden und Ekstase, feurige und kalte Wut, Melancholie und wilde Heiterkeit zum Ausdruck bringen kann – und die subtilsten Nuancen u

Recorded on Planet-B at Evolution Festival Germany 2024welcome to my 4th round on Planet Disco Trashlet go of all and fe...

Recorded on Planet-B at Evolution Festival Germany 2024

welcome to my 4th round on Planet Disco Trash

let go of all and feel free to leave your comfort zone and experience a wide range of sounds

this year was sooo sooo special the whole crew and floor and everything made a stunning evolution over the past years so i did something from the bottom of my soul and also something i always put parts of in my sets but never a whole damn set with all i love and were my roots and also my developing come together

thanks for all the dancers, old and new friends that joynt my loving frequency massacre

keep it sexy and stay weird

Recorded on Planet-B at Evolution Festival Germany 2024 welcome to my 4th round on Planet Disco Trash let go of all and feel free to leave your comfort zone and experience a wide range of sounds th


Since so many of you asked me about this set. This one is also for me pretty special based on the facts that it was my premiere at Wilde Möhre for my famile and friends and all of the beautiful folks


Backstage für Alle bis alles alle! Nachdem ich nun seit 10 Jahre das außerordentliche Vergnügen habe dieses phantastischen Festivals Teil zu sein, führten Dinge nun zu einem Ausklang. Es begann mit de


Free Download For all the hard loving and humble husteling beings out there who love to ride through lifer with a message and holding DaDa up. cheers

Sapio-Sound Key Elements         thx for text support to our intergalactic brother  from

Sapio-Sound Key Elements

thx for text support to our intergalactic brother from

We are ready for 2024 with new artists

We are ready for 2024 with new artists


Ein einzigartiger Musiker und Charakter der Stammesklänge alter Kulturen
mit modernen Instrumenten und dem Einfluss von Musik aus aller Welt kombiniert.
Magnutze hat eine ganz eigene und persönliche Note die er der Musik
Einfach Zeit nehmen, anhören und verzaubern lassen.



High!Ciao aka Spontan PILOTPROJEKT UP&UP 00:00:00 - 00:30:00 High!Ciao 00:30:00 - End UP&UP [High!Ciao b2b Magnutz


thanks for the 3rd round at the beloved Jack Bimski Planet-B floor at Evolution Festival in Karstaedt (PR / DE)and the beutiful crew and other artists / colleges and for sure friends. Congrats Jessi &

SAPIO009 Z.D.F. by Sheer ImpossibleZerstoerung durch Fortschritt..... it is a avangard journey through genre and sounds....

SAPIO009 Z.D.F. by Sheer Impossible

Zerstoerung durch Fortschritt..... it is a avangard journey through genre and sounds.. ruff but gentle... a bridge between time and styles.... made by Sheer Impossible aka Magnutze....


Zerstoerung durch Fortschritt..... it is a avangard journey through genre and sounds.. ruff but gentle.... a bridge between time and styles.... made by Sheer Impossible aka Magnutze....



Album · 2023 · 5 Titel




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