Our study last year of 22 metropolitan areas revealed several key learnings about decision-making in metropolitan governance:
These findings highlight the trends and practices in metropolitan governance, focusing on collective decision-making, political representation, informed choices, and public participation to enhance metropolitan management and sustainability.
Here are the details of five case studies from the document:
- Junta de Coordinación Metropolitana: Comprises municipal presidents and the Governor of Jalisco.
- Decision-Making: Requires more than half of the members for a quorum and decisions are made unanimously.
- Key Decisions: Include metropolitan agenda, development programs, risk mapping, public safety, transportation, environmental management, and annual investment plans.
- Citizen Participation: The Consejo Ciudadano Metropolitano, comprising local civil, professional, and academic associations, advises on decisions and reports anomalies.
- Consejo de Alcaldes: Formed by mayors of the metropolitan area.
- Voting Model: Decisions are made in committees and require a majority of council members present.
- Main Areas of Decisions: Development policies, land use norms, public and rural development.
- Participation Mechanisms: Include COPLAMSS for the involvement of unions and businesses, and a transparency portal for public interaction and feedback.
- Asamblea General: Involves municipal representatives and council presidents.
- Decision-Making: Requires a majority for important decisions like public credit approvals or land use planning.
- Key Decisions: Cover territorial planning, environmental management, public space, and economic development.
- Citizen Participation: Includes public petitions, referendums, plebiscites, and municipal assemblies for citizen involvement in metropolitan management.
- Junta Metropolitana: Consists of mayors, council representatives, and environmental non-profit representatives.
- Decision Process: Requires a majority of members present, with some decisions needing the affirmative vote of the core municipality's mayor.
- Strategic Decisions: Focus on metropolitan development, housing, land management, public services, and mobility policies.
- Participation and Information Mechanisms: Feature open communication channels, data access, metropolitan planning councils, and an information observatory.
- Consejo Metropolitano: Composed of the Metropolitan Mayor and 39 councilors elected by universal suffrage.
- Decision-Making: Requires half plus one of the members for a quorum, with the mayor having a decisive vote in case of a tie.
- Main Decisions: Include regional planning, infrastructure, public health, environment, and municipal enterprise management.
- Participation Frameworks: Incorporate a cooperation board, transparency portal, and a consultative Metropolitan Assembly for efficient ex*****on of metropolitan competencies.
To read the whole report (in Spanish), head here: https://loom.ly/QN1kKTU