Explore Italy Magazine

Explore Italy Magazine We discover and explore the whole of Italy with the future of our planet in mind.

Our writers take our travel readers on a dynamic and creative journey through Italy unlike any other. We believe in expression through writing, and describing the locations we write about with passion and enthusiasm. After all, this is Italy we're talking about, and who wouldn't be passionate about this amazing country and all it has to offer?

Experience the magic of Christmas and the year-long event, Jubilee 2025, in Rome! Our Winter 2024/2025 issue is availabl...

Experience the magic of Christmas and the year-long event, Jubilee 2025, in Rome! Our Winter 2024/2025 issue is available in digital and print now! Get yours today! (Link in the bio) 🎉

Visit Rome Visit Roma Vatican News

Our summer has been filled with exploring the stunning island of Sicily!! 😍 And, there is no better way to celebrate mov...

Our summer has been filled with exploring the stunning island of Sicily!! 😍 And, there is no better way to celebrate moving our travel publication to this magical oasis, than by writing about and featuring it in our magazine! We've dedicated our Autumn issue to the beautiful and captivating seaside town of Cefalù in northern Sicily! Our Autumn 2024 issue is available now, both in digital and print! Get yours today! (Link in the bio) 🎉

Visit Sicily Visit Sicily Comune di Cefalù VisitCefalu Cefalù Sicily Cefalu.Sicily

Ahhh, Summer! And, it's a wrap! Our Summer 2024 issue is available now, both in digital and print! Get yours today! (Lin...

Ahhh, Summer! And, it's a wrap! Our Summer 2024 issue is available now, both in digital and print! Get yours today! (Link in the bio) 🎉

Cover image credit: Calabria Straordinaria

Calabria Meravigliosa Calabria Badolato Borgo

And, it’s here! Our Spring 2024 issue is now available! Get your copy today! (Link is in the bio 🩷)  Procida     Marina ...

And, it’s here! Our Spring 2024 issue is now available! Get your copy today! (Link is in the bio 🩷)

Procida Marina di Corricella - Marina Corricella (Isola di Procida) Visit Naples Visit Campania Visit Procida

Are you familiar with Italy's time-honored, evening tradition: La Passeggiata? Learn more about this incredibly special,...

Are you familiar with Italy's time-honored, evening tradition: La Passeggiata? Learn more about this incredibly special, and cherished custom in our recent issue!


Prefer print, head on over to our website to order your copy today!

Explore Italy Magazine Visit Italy

Learn about the enchanting and romantic, medieval village of Brisighella in our current issue! Located within the region...

Learn about the enchanting and romantic, medieval village of Brisighella in our current issue!

Located within the region of Emilia-Romagna, the ancient village of Brisighella sits strategically between the major cities of Florence and Ravenna, and has been recognized as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages in Italy!"

View our current, digital issue below 👇👇

Prefer print? Head over to our website to order your copy today!

ProLoco Brisighella Comune di Brisighella Brisighella Comunità Ospitale inEmiliaRomagna Regione Emilia-Romagna Emilia-Romagna Romagna Toscana Turismo RomagnaEventi Visititaly Visit Mugello Comune di Marradi Il Filo del Mugello OkMugello (Official) - Le notizie dal Mugello

Welcome to our second issue (September 2023) featuring the enchanting and romantic medieval village located in Emilia-Ro...

Welcome to our second issue (September 2023) featuring the enchanting and romantic medieval village located in Emilia-Romagna - BRISIGHELLA! ❤️

View our current, digital issue below 👇👇


Prefer print? Head over to our website to pre-order your copy today!

ProLoco Brisighella Comune di Brisighella Brisighella Comunità Ospitale inEmiliaRomagna Regione Emilia-Romagna Emilia-Romagna Romagna Toscana Turismo Romagna Eventi Visititaly Visit Mugello Comune di Marradi Il Filo del Mugello OkMugello (Official) - Le notizie dal Mugello

Browse through our current and past digital issues of Explore Italy Travel Magazine.

Grazie mille, Il Filo del Mugello - Idee e notizie! Comune di MarradiWalter ScarpiLeonardo ChiariRebecca ServadeiFrances...

Grazie mille, Il Filo del Mugello - Idee e notizie!

Comune di Marradi
Walter Scarpi
Leonardo Chiari
Rebecca Servadei
Francesca Farolfi
Visit Tuscany


MARRADI - Explore Italy Travel Magazine è una rivista dedicata al turismo che ha iniziato a prendere forma nell'estate del 2022 con l'obiettivo costante di scoprire, conoscere ed esplorare l'Italia e le sue isole, trovando gemme nascoste, scoprendo paesini caratteristici, individuando aree inesplor...

Arts & Culture Journalist, Leonardo Chiari transports our readers back in time, unveiling Marradi's historical Battle of...

Arts & Culture Journalist, Leonardo Chiari transports our readers
back in time, unveiling Marradi's historical Battle of Scalelle.

Read the article here👇

Comune di Marradi Visit Tuscany Explore Italy Magazine Leonardo Chiari

Arts & Culture Journalist, Leonardo Chiari transports our readers back in time, unveiling Marradi's historical Battle of Scalelle.

Arts & Culture Journalist, Walter Scarpi offers our readers an eloquent glimpse into the official dialect and language o...

Arts & Culture Journalist, Walter Scarpi offers our readers an eloquent glimpse into the official dialect and language of the Marradesi.

Read the article here: https://www.exploreitalymagazine.com/italiano-puro-la-lingua-parlata-dei-marradesi

Comune di Marradi Visit Tuscany Explore Italy Magazine Walter Scarpi

Arts & Culture Journalist, Walter Scarpi offers our readers an eloquent glimpse into the official dialect and language spoken by the Marradesi.

Born in Marradi, the beloved Italian poet, Dino Campana is revered within this community.  Arts & Culture Journalist, Le...

Born in Marradi, the beloved Italian poet, Dino Campana is revered within this community. Arts & Culture Journalist, Leonardo Chiari takes us on a literary journey of the great poet's life.


Comune di Marradi Visit Tuscany Centro Studi Campaniani Explore Italy Magazine

Born in Marradi, the beloved Italian poet, Dino Campana is revered within this community. Arts & Culture News Writer, Leonardo Chiari takes us on a literary journey of the great poet's life. (Italian)

🎉We're so very excited to announce the publication of Issue 01 of our bilingual (English & Italian) Explore Italy Travel...

🎉We're so very excited to announce the publication of Issue 01 of our bilingual (English & Italian) Explore Italy Travel Magazine! 🎉And, this is a very SPECIAL EDITION dedicated to our very own village of Marradi, Italy in the Upper Mugello Valley of Tuscany! ❤️

As we are a sustainable travel magazine, to view the digital issue, you can read the publication on your computer or any mobile device! For the full "magazine" double-page effect, we highly recommend viewing it on your computer. Mobile devices will reveal one page at a time.

Copy/paste this link to enjoy our first issue FREE today! 😍


Comune di Marradi Tommaso Triberti Insieme Per Marradi Visit Tuscany Destination Florence


Explore Italy Travel Magazine is HIRING! 🎉

If you have what it takes to be our Advertising Sales Strategist, we want to hear from you!

To learn more, and apply, head on over to our Careers page and submit your CV before 30 June:


Make your way to the Lombardy region in Northern Italy and visit Mantova (Mantua), and its stunning museums like the bre...

Make your way to the Lombardy region in Northern Italy and visit Mantova (Mantua), and its stunning museums like the breathtaking Palazzo Ducale. Be prepared to be transfixed by its beautiful art and architecture, and the amazing history surrounding it. (Link in the bio 🇮🇹❤️)

Museo di Palazzo Ducale Mantova Mantova Mantova città d'arte e di cultura Lombardy

On March 25th, we announced the launch of our new publication, Explore Italy Travel Magazine and we've been busy working...

On March 25th, we announced the launch of our new publication, Explore Italy Travel Magazine and we've been busy working behind the scenes to get our very first issue ready!

We're excited to announce that our special village of Marradi, where our magazine is based, will be on the cover of our very first issue! 🎉👏🥰

And, to make it even more special, we're calling out to all photographers (PARTICULARLY IN THE MARRADI AREA!) to dust off their cameras and become involved in this exciting venture we've created! 😍

Since this is a digital magazine, we're looking for your best, high-resolution photos of Marradi. We want our readers to see how beautiful our village and its stunning landscape are!

The rules:

1) Photos must be in color, and taken on a clear, sunny day to enhance the beautiful environment that surrounds our village! (No night shots please).

2) We're looking for photos that include nature, the village, unique locations in our area, and panoramic vistas! Be creative!

3) The deadline for submissions is Friday, 14 April 2023 by midnight (Italy time!)

4) Please submit your entry as a high-resolution image, with your name, and contact information to: [email protected]

After all entries have been received, our editorial team will choose the best photo for the cover of our very first issue, and the winner will be announced by 30 April!

What's in it for you, you ask!? Well, whether you're an amateur or professional photographer who has a passion and eye for taking fab photos, here's your chance for your work, and our village of Marradi, to be published and seen around the world by our readers!

Also, your name, and/or business, will be highlighted on the inside cover page as the photographer for the issue. If you have a business, we will also link your website.

And, finally, you will be given the opportunity to join our team, and take photos for us in the future! 🎉

On your mark!
Get set!
Snap that photo! 📸

🇮🇹 🌰
🇮🇹 Comune di Marradi Insieme Per Marradi Pro Loco Marradi Explore Italy Magazine

Il Treno di Dante offers travelers the experience of a literary and historical journey by train: Retracing Dante’s trave...

Il Treno di Dante offers travelers the experience of a literary and historical journey by train: Retracing Dante’s travels from Florence (the city of the poet’s birth) through the Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines, ending in the breathtaking city of Ravenna where he laid his head to rest one last time.


Treno di Dante Comune di Marradi Città di Firenze ProLoco Borgo San Lorenzo Insieme Per Marradi Comune di Brisighella Pro Loco Faenza APS Ravenna Tourism

Il Treno di Dante offers travelers the experience of a literary and historical journey by train: Retracing Dante’s travels from Florence (the city of the poet’s birth) through the Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines, ending in the breathtaking city of Ravenna where he laid his head to rest one last time.

Quaint villages like Marradi are hidden gems within the Tuscany region. Set within the Mugello valley, bordering the Tus...

Quaint villages like Marradi are hidden gems within the Tuscany region. Set within the Mugello valley, bordering the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines mountain range, this picturesque village with incredible history, offers breathtaking mountain views, lush woodlands filled with chestnut trees and wildlife, nature and adventure activities, and cultural events. It’s also home to the Marradesi: a strong, passionate and compassionate community of people waiting to welcome you! (Link in the bio 🇮🇹❤️)

Comune di Marradi Insieme Per Marradi

When we describe to our readers how captivating Tuscany is with its rolling, green hills and enchanting landscape, we’re...

When we describe to our readers how captivating Tuscany is with its rolling, green hills and enchanting landscape, we’re not lying. 😍
(Link in bio ❤️🇮🇹)

Thanks for capturing its beauty so perfectly.




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