Interdisciplinary Political Studies (IdPS)

Interdisciplinary Political Studies (IdPS) Interdisciplinary Political Studies is an Open Access online journal publishing two issues per year It publishes two issues per year.

Interdisciplinary Political Studies (IdPS) was founded in 2011 and, after some years of inactivity, it has been re-established to pursue two important goals: affirming the importance of rigorous, high-quality Open Access publishing in the field of Political Studies, without imposing costly obstacles to authors, and opening the fields of Comparative Politics and International Relations to the contr

ibution of other related disciplines. IdPS is published by ESE-Salento University Publishing, a no-profit academic publisher. The journal has a distinguished international Advisory Board and adheres to the traditional principles of peer-reviewing. It is open to contributions inspired by different theoretical perspectives and it encourages an interdisciplinary approach to Political Studies.

For the second issue of 2023, the editorial board of Interdisciplinary Political Studies (IdPS) is inviting contribution...

For the second issue of 2023, the editorial board of Interdisciplinary Political Studies (IdPS) is inviting contributions to a symposium focused on the war in Ukraine.
We are particularly interested in receiving submissions (up to 5,000 words) in the form of critical responses, reviews, and reactions to two recent publications on the subject:
➡ 1."Everyday War: The Conflict over Donbas, Ukraine" by Greta Lynn Uehling (Cornell University Press, 2023).
➡ 2."Ukraine's Unnamed War: Before the Russian Invasion of 2022" by Dominique Arel and Jesse Driscoll (Cambridge University Press, 2023).

For the second issue of 2023, the editorial board of Interdisciplinary Political Studies (IdPS) is inviting contributions for a symposium focused on the war in Ukraine. We are particularly interested in receiving submissions (up to 5,000 words) in the form of critical responses, reviews, and reactio...

Valeria Resta and Maryam Ben Salem are editing a special issue on "Political Parties in the MENA region. The need for co...

Valeria Resta and Maryam Ben Salem are editing a special issue on "Political Parties in the MENA region. The need for conceptual refinement and methodological systematization".
The call for articles is now out: deadline December 15th, 2022!


It's a muggy mid-summer Monday 🥵 BUT we have refreshing news for you 🍸🍹🧊: Vol. 8 No. 1 is out, featuring a special issue on convened by Elisa Piras and Clara della Valle Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

While celebrating this publication🥳, we also advertise the call for papers for our upcoming special issue on Governments and Parliaments facing the Pandemic Challenge convened by Enrico Borghetto and Andrea Pedrazzani Università degli Studi di Firenze Università degli Studi di Milano

Open Access never goes on holiday 🤓

Enrico Borghetto and Andrea Pedrazzani are editing a special issue on "Governments and Parliaments facing the Pandemic C...

Enrico Borghetto and Andrea Pedrazzani are editing a special issue on "Governments and Parliaments facing the Pandemic Challenge".
The call for articles is now out: deadline 1st August!

The outbreak of the pandemic in March 2020 threw parliamentary and governing institutions around the world into a scenario that was in many ways unprecedented and subject to rapid change. On the one hand, to ensure the continuity of parliamentary activities and, at the same time, protect the health....

The new Call for Special Issue Proposals is out (deadline 20 June).  All articles published by Interdisciplinary Politic...

The new Call for Special Issue Proposals is out (deadline 20 June). All articles published by Interdisciplinary Political Studies are , no fees required. IdPS is indexed in the DOAJ and SCOPUS.

Interdisciplinary Political Studies (IdPS) welcomes the submission of proposals for special issues to be published in 2023. IdPS particularly values proposals on topical issues calling for an interdisciplinary approach.


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