
Sound&Lite Bimestrale dell'intrattenimento professionale

Sound&Lite – Live production technology magazine is today the leading Italian magazine in the live entertainment technology sector. Informazioni generali
First published in 1995 in response to the lack of a dedicated periodical for professionals in entertainment production, it rapidly gained a broad readership among this specialized audience and a reputation for its "on the road" persp

ective, topics, and language. From its humble beginnings as a few pages, the magazine also grew quickly — this thanks to its enthusiastic readers and advertisers, the latter of whom had finally identified a precisely on-target medium of communication directly to professionals. The quality and quantity of the journalism and the magazine itself have grown together with the reader base, as more and more experts began to collaborate and contribute material. Presently, Sound&Lite is a 144 page, high quality title that can list all of the industry leaders among its advertising partners.


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