BAT paesaggio culturale
Un Territorio di piccole alture e lunghi orizzonti.
Una grande pianura che si spinge a comprendere l’Adriatico.
Paesaggi e passaggi tra la Murgia, la Valle ed il Mare, tra la Pietra ed il Sale, Città e Campagna.
Un paesaggio in trasformazione, che ricerca l’armonia.
I just found out that our production company is 6 years old, (founded 13th of March 2017). Walks on her feet since some time already. It is called Ferula Film. Ferula is a wild plant, (giant fennel), draught resistant, poor people’s wood in this parts of southern Italy, is the same plant Prometheus used to hid the fire in, fire he stole from the Gods to gift the humans he so much loved. If someone dreams big with no means, the old southern slang adage goes like this: ‘wild fennel footstool dreams to be a chair.’
Happy birthday to this dreamy wild plant that made dozens of music video, a bunch of ads and two features!
In ancient times it was believed that birds were, of all creation, the closest to the Gods. You could even predict the future reading their glide and their chirpings. Nature, when manifests in her purest form makes you feel humble and fragile and makes you meditate about the fact that we all chose to exist so far away from the pure spirit of Nature that, while feeling protected, we live in fear. Filming this flock’s gatherings for the night (this impossible task to capture breathtaking greatness) left me with this idea: in nature there's no fear because you're never alone, you're always protected by her mistery.