Tera Mastering

Tera Mastering Informazioni di contatto, mappa e indicazioni stradali, modulo di contatto, orari di apertura, servizi, valutazioni, foto, video e annunci di Tera Mastering, Studio di produzione musicale, Via Duca di Genova 10, Cagliari.

 presents “  - Stuck In The Zoo “Special Thanks to  &  for the premieres!Mastered here at Tera Mastering                ...


“ - Stuck In The Zoo “

Special Thanks to & for the premieres!

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

check this album, really, an italian music, there is pop, edm, noise, is visceral, is weird funny and dark and is a conc...

check this album, really, an italian music, there is pop, edm, noise, is visceral, is weird funny and dark and is a concept album, worth the time to just play on the first song and let it flow

this is
il secondo NON album .

“il progetto + importante e difficile dalla mia vita fino ad ora .


CI SIAMOTIAMO non ci posso credere…”

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

Pleading Fern - Spiritual SwagOnline and offline from now.All tracks produced and mixed by  Clarinet and Dronin in track...

Pleading Fern - Spiritual Swag

Online and offline from now.

All tracks produced and mixed by
Clarinet and Dronin in track 8 are performed by Atra Bilis.
Photo and design by Michele Nannini.
“Spiritual Swag” Type research by Aspen.
Label cd printed by Marco Zanella.

Special thanks to Faye.Exe Collective for the positive aura.

Mastered here at Tera Mastering


 - "Cielo Interiore" OUT NOW Link in his bioPrendetevi un'attimo,date play e godetevi il viaggio🌌Prod :  Mix :   Art by ...

- "Cielo Interiore"

Link in his bio

Prendetevi un'attimo,
date play e godetevi il viaggio🌌

Prod :
Mix :
Art by :

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

From   “Jonah K - Passenger EP” Bandcamp link in their bio Remix by  Mastered here at Tera Mastering


“Jonah K - Passenger EP”

Bandcamp link in their bio

Remix by

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

Midnight Nostalgia - 'III'terzo album di  sotto il nome di Midnight Nostalgia. Una raccolta di 8 tracce che fondono elem...

Midnight Nostalgia - 'III'

terzo album di sotto il nome di Midnight Nostalgia. Una raccolta di 8 tracce che fondono elementi di LoFi, Downtempo ed Elettronica.

Come nei lavori precedenti, l'anima di 'III' risiede nei campionamenti da vinile. In ogni traccia si intrecciano con cura layer di campioni per creare melodie malinconiche ed ipnotiche, texture calde ed analogiche. Questo tessuto sonoro si fonde spesso con l'uso di campioni vocali estratti da film. Le voci cinematografiche aggiungono uno strato narrativo, aiutando a raccontare storie con l'obiettivo finale di evocare ricordi ed emozioni nell'ascoltatore.

Buon Ascolto.

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

"CASE": A Sonic Exploration Among Dwellings - Notrasa Alessio Atzori  In the album "CASE," Notrasa Alessio Atzori offers...

"CASE": A Sonic Exploration Among Dwellings - Notrasa Alessio Atzori

In the album "CASE," Notrasa Alessio Atzori offers a unique sonic experience that draws the listener into various dwellings, navigating through domestic settings and urban spaces. Based on environmental sampling and vinyl records, the project captures the essence of everyday life through authentic sounds. With household samples collected since 2014 and others gathered from Sevilla and the Turin market, the artist infuses a sense of authenticity and familiarity.

The entire domestic environment that permeates the work is perfectly embodied in the album's concept, called "CASE." Each track was born in a different house, four in Turin

The album's visual design was curated by Federico Orrù, also known as Neeva. Images of houses blend with evocative geometric figures, each of which holds a precise meaning yet is impossible to verbalize.

"Published under the record label SUPRANU Records, "CASE" is available in a limited edition 140g vinyl format, adding a tangible touch to the listening experience. With "CASE," Notrasa Alessio Atzori offers a rare opportunity to immerse oneself in an authentic sonic world, composed of memories, domestic sounds, and journeys through the various facets of life. The album presents itself as a holistic work that embraces the intimate and the experimental, bringing the listener closer to a captivating and unique musical experience.

Mix: Alessio Atzori
Executive Producer:

Promoted and distributed by SUPRANU Records ℗ ©️ 2023

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

 - “Cellule” (VOLUME 1)‘Questo ragazzo tutto grigio, è la persona presente nella seconda foto. Mio padre è davanti alla ...

- “Cellule”

‘Questo ragazzo tutto grigio, è la persona presente nella seconda foto. Mio padre è davanti alla mia tomba e cambia l’acqua dei fiori. Quando ero bambino, ero identico a lui, e ogni giorno guardandomi allo specchio noto le somiglianze. Il taglio degli occhi, uguale, solo, ancora, un po’ più leggero. Reincarnarsi e vedere se stessi ricominciare da 0, portare croci tutte nuove, magari meno fisiche e più “emotive”, direbbe qualcuno.

Se sarai lì all’una di notte
Per scrivermi come sto,
Io lo apprezzerò come fosse normale
e non sapessi
Che hai la schiena a pezzi
E il telefono ad un dito dalla faccia
perché non ci vedi

Ma io ti vedo.’

mixed by

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

Stziopa 232 SE for SUPRANU Records is OUT NOW on Bandcamp and soon on all digital platforms, also available in 140 gr 12...

Stziopa 232 SE for SUPRANU Records is OUT NOW on Bandcamp and soon on all digital platforms, also available in 140 gr 12” vinyl limited edition of 100 with hand-numbered printing

stziopa - 232 SE

Produced in between 2020 and 2022 and initially conceived for the live dimension, six tracks find their place in stziopa's second release for SUPRANU Records: 'At the beginning, there wasn’t a project nor a concept, the writing took several years. In the end, the only link between the tracks was the geographical place where I spent a lot of time and which gave me inspiration, from the landscape to the biological aspects, endemic but also real events.”

The final shape has been reached when visual artist Luca Spano offered his images for the cover: “(the images) work because they are representations of subatomic processes, particle collisions, spaces within matter, textures and physicality of the invisible. In short, they are part of an imagery about the building blocks of everything organic and inorganic. They are alive and in constant excitement and decay.“

From the first glance the images recall the elements contained in the tracks: sustained textures, floating melodies, repetitive beats. “When Luca sent me the artwork, I didn’t have the definitive titles yet so, at the end, I decided to reflect the speculative nature of the images, referring to real-life events using scientific terms, formulas, abbreviations and leaving room for the listener’s imagination.”

Written & produced by Stefano Manconi
Mixed by Nicola CostaArtwork by Luca Spano
Design & layout by Claudio Rosa
Press photo by Ambra Iride Sechi
Executive producer Michele Uccheddu
Sponsored by Ottovolante Sulcis APS

All rights reserved ©️ SUPRANU Records 2023
Supranu Records

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

“Moostatz - Feel Small EP”With his introspective, soulful, and melancholic sound,   confirms that is one of the most tal...

“Moostatz - Feel Small EP”

With his introspective, soulful, and melancholic sound, confirms that is one of the most talented Sardinian producer when it comes to Liquid D&B. Check out this Ep

Included special remixes form Outselect and Mudra

Out with

Mastered here at Tera Mastering



Le prove di stampa son appena arrivate! Un ringraziamento speciale agli addetti ai lavori: mix di Nicola Costa, mastering di Marco Vincis (Tera Mastering), stampa di Helsingin Levypuristamo.

Per chi volesse supportarmi è possibile pre-ordinare la vostra copia via bandcamp o via messaggio privato per il ritiro in zona


preorder now 🌸

preorder now 🌸

NEXT RELEASE - stziopa "2032 SE"
31.08.2023 digital and the vinyl
(100 copies 140gr with signed poster)

You can NOW preorder from Bandcamp

W&P by Stefano Manconi
Mixed by Nicola Costa
Mastered by Marco Vincis (Tera Mastering)
Artwork by Luca Spano
Design & Layout by Claudio Rosa Art
Executive Producer Michele Uccheddu
© ℗ SUPRANU Records 2023

 - “Bimba” out now!Mi è rimasto un po’ di schifo tra i denti Prodotta e mixata da  e  out with  Mastered here at Tera M...

- “Bimba” out now!

Mi è rimasto un po’ di schifo tra i denti

Prodotta e mixata da e

out with

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

“Circuito emozione” Un joint project formato da  , , , .buio Mastered here at Tera Mastering

“Circuito emozione”
Un joint project formato da , , , .buio

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

🔊alllone - Silent Illusion Ep🔊🪄 included a remix by Anna Fruit  🪄Out now with Samsara Beats https://samsarabeats.bandcam...

🔊alllone - Silent Illusion Ep🔊

🪄 included a remix by Anna Fruit 🪄

Out now with Samsara Beats

“Imagine a room filled with absolute silence. You try to listen to something, but nothing comes to your ears. Sound is dampened, suppressed. A room of absolute silence. Suddenly something changes. Who isn't familiar with the sensation of hearing a sound where there is nothing to hear? Tinnitus, a silent companion. Usually covered by background noise, ready for a subtle sway to lead itself astray., ready to increase. Ready for a chain reaction. Waves. The ear itself is a composer, it always writes and reads acoustic events, constantly searching for the next impulse. Pursued by the recurring desire to hit the right nerve. To get inside your head. Silence, a charming illusion of our brain, which has little to do with reality. What remains is perception, which is never an image of truth, but always what our brain makes of it.”

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

E.Refelxion - Ready For Whatgo listen on soundcloudMastered here at Tera Mastering

E.Refelxion - Ready For What
go listen on soundcloud

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

“Eternal Chaos of the Footwork Jungle & Turbo Beats” new compilation from  is out now on Bandcamp & everywhere else!Incl...

“Eternal Chaos of the Footwork Jungle & Turbo Beats”

new compilation from is out now on Bandcamp & everywhere else!

Including music by .official .

Artwork by

Mastered here at Tera Mastering

Art as Necessity , il nuovo EP di Kimo Shabi , è fuori.Ogni strumentale è dedicata ad una importante personalità arti...

Art as Necessity , il nuovo EP di Kimo Shabi , è fuori.
Ogni strumentale è dedicata ad una importante personalità artistica del '900.
Buon ascolto 🎶

Art as Necessity Is out, new EP from Kimo Shabi.
Every instrumental Is dedicated to an important artist from '900.
Thanks for listening 🎵

Kimo Shabi is
This record Is out with

Mastered here at Tera Mastering


Via Duca Di Genova 10

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